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How are your Custodes doing?

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I plan to get there, but I'm building a mixed unit type list for my initial 2,000 first (aritificer, Allarus, Jetbikes), then doing a splash of Militarum Tempestus. After that I'll be growing my jetbike ranks.


I'm doing basically the same but in reverse, first jetbikes then allurus, wardens etc and last some tempestus

Played 1k against Nurgle Daemons yesterday, Open war cards. deployment was the weird chevron  (one player has a spearhead, the other has two corners on the other side. Mission was power level kill points.)  1 Shield Captain fought a 30 mob of plaguebearers single handed for 4 turns, the Allarus fought a GUO for 4 turns doing some major damage before being squashed. All in all aggression wins those battles, an objective grab would have hurt though (both of us, really) 


won 19 to 13 (he lost drones and nurglings, I lost my Allarus)

Just got blasted off the board last night.  Faced a coalition of Nids and TSons.


All over by turn 2.


Just could not deal with the number of Mortal Wounds being spammed at me.  Full Smites, Super Smites, Three disciplines of Powers, the :cuss OP broken FW Soulburner Contemptors, Biovores.




I don't think there's anything I can change to give me a chance versus an army like this.

Played 2k against a Mars Ad-Mech brigade last night.


My list isn't 100% Custodes - it's:


Battalion Detachment

Shield-Captain on Bike, Relic Bike, Superior Creation

Allarus Shield-Captain with Axe, Eagle's Eye

Allarus Vexillus Magnifica

4 Allarus with Axes

3 x 3 Custodians

5 Bikes with Hurricane Bolters


Supreme Command Detachment


Primaris Psyker

Space Marine Librarian

Culexus Assassin


Granted, he had no psychic phase but I've always enjoyed playing in every phase of the game which is why that detachment is there.  I got first turn and managed to charge in with all six bikes into 2 Dunecrawlers, which were prevented from overwatching from the Allarus.  They died and it went downhill for my opponent from then on.


The sheer amount of firepower the Custodes were able to take in unreal.  He finally got my bike Captain down and was dismayed when I played 'Shoulder the Mantle' to move my warlord over.  Also, 48 Hurricane Bolter shots on overwatch is nothing to be sniffed at - turn 2 he either died from overwatch or failed all of his charges, which allowed me to Swooping Dive with 4 bikes into his backline.


He caused more damage in mortal wounds by deliberately exploding his vehicles than in any other way, and conceded at the bottom of turn 3.


I'm looking forward to playing against some of the harder lists that are doing the rounds at my local GW to see just how far this force can be pushed.

One of my opponents almost left the game last night.


After killing bobby G I used shoulder the Mantle to move Warlord to a SC in Allarus.


He didn't like it (the fact I didn't have to use it on an AC Warlord...) and almost walked away...

Just got blasted off the board last night. Faced a coalition of Nids and TSons.


All over by turn 2.


Just could not deal with the number of Mortal Wounds being spammed at me. Full Smites, Super Smites, Three disciplines of Powers, the :cuss OP broken FW Soulburner Contemptors, Biovores.




I don't think there's anything I can change to give me a chance versus an army like this.

Lol you seem to have a horrid time frequently :-/

Did your opponent use the FW Hellforged Contemptors with dual Soulburners?

No. Used just codex.


A general rule of thumb at my FLGS is that you don't use FW models against armies that can't/don't have access to FW themselves. Plus he doesn't own any FW.

One of my opponents almost left the game last night.


After killing bobby G I used shoulder the Mantle to move Warlord to a SC in Allarus.


He didn't like it (the fact I didn't have to use it on an AC Warlord...) and almost walked away...


I'm surprised they had an issue with this considering there are so many ways to play the game now where slay the warlord doesn't even matter. Maybe once in a great while it'll help but most of my games lately it's not even worth a point.

At least we have our 6+++ against mortal wounds in the psychic phase. But that's not going to save you unless you have insanely hot dice.


Personally, I find 'only' 6+ to be so laughable as to be almost insulting.  It's not a good chance.  It means you ignore one of every 6 mortal wounds in the long run.  That's not nearly enough to make a difference barring atypical lucky rolls.  Especially against Psychic Armies like the Thousand Sons, or  some 'nids.

I got first turn and managed to charge in with all six bikes into 2 Dunecrawlers, which were prevented from overwatching from the Allarus.  They died and it went downhill for my opponent from then on.

You actually cheated your opponent here if you are talking about the Concussion Grenade strategem, it only works on enemy infantry.

I think culexus is decent to bring. If you are bringing a supreme command of biker captains (and if your not why not!) just slap him in there as long as you have another Custodes detachment. It’s not super but st least it’s something. Mortal wounds are the kryptonite

I think culexus is decent to bring. If you are bringing a supreme command of biker captains (and if your not why not!) just slap him in there as long as you have another Custodes detachment. It’s not super but st least it’s something. Mortal wounds are the kryptonite

Putting the Culexus in the Supreme Command Detachment means the Captains will just have a 5++.


As for why the SC biker Detachment isn’t an auto-include: in a pure Custodes army that’s 480 points of HQ not filling Battalion requirements. In Soup armies they are more compelling - but still a very significant chunk of points that could impact what the rest of the list is trying to do.

Bring lots of denies. Or be prepared for a short game!


Don't forget Death Hex as well, which removes the 4++ from an entire unit.

Death Hex can be super annoying. Of course they still have their armor save which starts at a 2+ so they're still tough, but against TSONS, there can be vast issues with it.


In my game against them I used all my CP on the strategem that allows us to deny within 12'' as if they were a Psyker. I stopped two Doombolts and two Death Hexes- I rolled exceptionally well.


But honestly, I think Custodes pair up naturally with the Sisters of Silence. If they were slightly more viable against elite murderers then that would solve a ton of issues.


I really the AC book had been a Talons book; can't wait to see what the SoS get someday.


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