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How are your Custodes doing?

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Only run them once in game 1 of an escalation league. Not sure the exact makeup of my list, it was last Thursday, but I think it was a Captain and 7 Custodes, 6 with spears one with sword and shield.


It was a 1v1v1v1 match up, with Eldar, Genestealer Cult (a Leman Russ in a 500 point list is nasty) and Dark Eldar as my opponents. While I ended up losing a fair amount of models over the course of the game, the Dark Eldar player decided to focus fire me at expense of all tactical sense for some reason, even allowing the Cult player to gain 4 victory points (these points build throughout the campaign, so he was only shooting himself on the foot here) on turn 5 to bring more guns into range of me) and only came second with tactical objectives (10 (cult)- 6 (me)- 2 (eldar) - 1 (Dark Eldar) I was by far and away the leader in terms of kill points (11 I think. Next nearest was the cult on 2). The highlight was the Shield-Captain (bog standard) slaughtering 20 guardians solo over two rounds (some ran away). The low point was then him failing to do anything against a Wraith Lord for two rounds.


Overall I was pretty impressed with them. Securing tactical objectives that are not killing things is difficult with so few models though.


But 500 points is way lower than we normally play at (typically it's 2v2 at about 3k per player) so I'm looking forward to the later stages of the campaign when we can actually let rip with proper sized armies.

Played a 1500 game against Black Templars. Ran Trajann, Bike HQ, three Dawneagles (2 Hurricane, 1 Salvo), and two units of Guardians. Used 3 CP to deep strike them, had Trajann Moment Shackle and got all 3 back. Went first, took out a number of space marines and scouts while doing 6 wounds to a Whirlwind, charged and killed a dreadnought. Bottom of one I managed to use the strategem to shoot at his warlord(term HQ) as he came in and managed to kill him. Terminators shot and charged into one squad, other shooting did two wounds to a bike. Lost three total Custodes before they were able to go; Avenge the Fallen'd the entire terminator squad away. 

My turn I killed two Lieutenants, two units of Crusaders, a Whirlwind, a Scout Squad. He was left with a captain, a venerable dreadnought, and two random space marines. I had lost one bike and four total Guardians. We called it before the bottom of the second. It was No Mercy, 11-0 for the Custodes.

I have a 2 games lined up for Saturday both 2000 pts ( Nids and Ultra Marines ) but I have no idea what they are bringing to the table) but im after a bit of advice on what CP's to use and Relics.




Shield Captain in Allarus ( Castellan Axe / Misericordia / Balistus Grenade Launcher ) 148pts

Shield Captain Custodie Guard  ( Castellan Axe / Misericordia ) 128pts




3 Allarus Terminators ( 2 x Castellan Axe / 1 x Vexilla Defensor / 3 x Misericordia / 3 x Balistus Grenade Launcher ) 314pts

3 Allarus Terminators ( 3 x Guardian Spear / 3 x Misericordia / 3 x Balistus Grenade Launcher ) 258pts

3 Allarus Terminators ( 3 x Guardian Spear /  3 x Balistus Grenade Launcher ) 246pts




5 Guardian Squad ( 4 x Sentinal Blade / 1 x Vexilla Defensor / 5 x Storm Sheild / 5 x Misericordia ) 306pts

3 Guardian Squad ( 3 x Guardian Spear / 3 x Misericordia ) 168 pts

3 Guardian Squad ( 3 x Guardian Spear / 3 x Misericordia ) 168 pts

3 Guardian Squad ( 3 x Guardian Spear / 3 x Misericordia ) 168 pts


Total Point 1904



I have an 1870 (ie all my painted Custodes) game tonight versus my partner's DA.

I'm bringing Kitten, a SC with spear, an Allarus SC with axe, 7x spear Guard, 3x spear Guard, 3x sword & board Guard, 4 Allarus with axes, VP with shield and magnifica, and Allarus VP with magnigica, vs:

Sammael in Sableclaw, Belial, Libby biker, 2 5-man Tacs with plasma cannons, 5-man Intercessor, DW Terminators, DW Knights, 5 RW Black Knights, 6 RW bikes with double plasma, and 6 RW bikes with doulbe grav and combi-grav.

It should be dynamic!

I have a 2 games lined up for Saturday both 2000 pts ( Nids and Ultra Marines ) but I have no idea what they are bringing to the table) but im after a bit of advice on what CP's to use and Relics.




Shield Captain in Allarus ( Castellan Axe / Misericordia / Balistus Grenade Launcher ) 148pts

Shield Captain Custodie Guard  ( Castellan Axe / Misericordia ) 128pts




3 Allarus Terminators ( 2 x Castellan Axe / 1 x Vexilla Defensor / 3 x Misericordia / 3 x Balistus Grenade Launcher ) 314pts

3 Allarus Terminators ( 3 x Guardian Spear / 3 x Misericordia / 3 x Balistus Grenade Launcher ) 258pts

3 Allarus Terminators ( 3 x Guardian Spear /  3 x Balistus Grenade Launcher ) 246pts




5 Guardian Squad ( 4 x Sentinal Blade / 1 x Vexilla Defensor / 5 x Storm Sheild / 5 x Misericordia ) 306pts

3 Guardian Squad ( 3 x Guardian Spear / 3 x Misericordia ) 168 pts

3 Guardian Squad ( 3 x Guardian Spear / 3 x Misericordia ) 168 pts

3 Guardian Squad ( 3 x Guardian Spear / 3 x Misericordia ) 168 pts


Total Point 1904



The Misericordria's on your 5 man squad are useless cause you cant use them with storm shields.

You have 23 Misericordia's. thats 92 points, go bring an extra body instead. It will be more useful.


Obvious relic is to give one of the captains the Eye for a 3++


And trying to sneak in a Vexilla by using the index custodes entry AND using the codex entry for a Misericordis is just screwed up.

Don't be 'that guy'.



You have a Vexilla in a Terminator squad.

golly gee is this?


Scratch everything I said before, I suggest you start by buying the codex and creating a legal army.

Had my first game with custodes today. 1500 points. I took a pretty standard list using what models I’v got.



Shield captain

Shield captain on dawneagle



Vellixa with +1 att banner



4 sword and board guard

3 spear guardians

3 spear guardians


Fast attack

5 Vertus Praetors


Unfortunately I lost 8-4 to a daemons list consisting of just:


Skarbrand (only one I managed to kill)


Kairos Fateweaver


Just won a 15 person ITC tourney with a mostly custodes list (nearly 1400pts in custodes):


Custodes Patrol

Captain on bike (took relic bike as extra relic all 3 games)

7 bikes w/hurricane

5 allarus w/axes

3 custodes w/spears


DKoK Batallion

Field officer (plt commander equiv) w/hot shot lasgun, chainsword - warlord (grand strat, kurov)

Field officer w/hot shot lasgun, chainsword

10 inf squad no upgrades

10 inf squad no upgrades

10 inf squad no upgrades

3 mortars (heavy weap team)


Tempestus Batallion

Prime w/cane, chainsword

Prime w/bolt, chainsword

5 scions w/2xplasma gun, 1x bolt pistol/chainsword

5 scions w/2xplasma gun, 1x bolt pistol/chainsword

5 scions w/2xmelta gun, 1x bolt pistol/chainsword

5 ratlings

5 ratlings


Played against:

- DG w/Morty

- Admech shooty list

- Robute and ultramarines infantry friends

Offensively, the Bikes/Allarus/Captain do all the heavy lifting.


The guard and triple custodes hold/defend objectives.


I'd say the Custodes are doing the most work, however the guard warlord + relic is enabling them with CP generation (and more starting CP from detachments.) I roll through CP quickly with the Custodes, so generation of more is a huge advantage.

I haven't played it yet, but that is exactly what I'm planning to do.  You can get Greyfax, 3 squads of Null-Maidens and a Culexus for 350 points.  I've been working on modular, escalation-typle lists and this perfectly brings my 1500 points of Custodes up to the standard 1850.

Originally I planned on mixing Custodes into my Deathwatch, but that idea has flipped over and now I’m thinking primarily Custodes and a Vanguard of Sisters, Greyfax, and Culexus. Anyone try this yet?


I'm planning the same. It is fluffy and hopefully effective. 

...I am also planning on doing the same. Great minds, right?


Vanguard of Greyfax, x2 SoS bolters, Culexus

Battalion of Guard (as cheap as possible) for bodies

Battalion of Custodes.


I'd imagine a Vexilla Defensor would be nice to give all those squishy T3 bodies a 5++ would be pretty good, eh?

Foe me I almost feel like Psychic defence is a higher priority. I’ve seen a few games now at the store where the Psychic phase is just so incredibly destructive to all those expensive saves. It’s nit just Smite, something like ... Thousand Sons is always going to be a magic bullet to Custodes.

Played a game with pure Custodes.... I wasn't too overly impressed. Perhaps a little let down. I've been pulled into my fair share of elite armies over the years only to regret it from a flexibility standpoint.


It's probably my own unrealistic expectation of Terminators. It doesn't matter the colour, they just really don't work in 8th. Throne knows I've tried every flavour imaginable.


I feel right now like the army is largely measured in capability terms by one measuring stick... how many bikes you got? 3=? Not bad. Fun game, it will allow you to have some board presence. 6= pretty competitve now. Able to mix it up with a lot more armies. 6+ and Shield Captain HQ's = The Emperor is back in town. 


It's still early but my first thoughts are largely based on bike presence and Strategems. I'm finding perhaps the army's most funky moments come from the really fun, and varied Strategems of which I would say Custodes will have the least chance of using (inherently speaking).


Great models though. Loads of fun to paint. Getting into CC was fun.... Termies ... even these ones, still feel like they need real help. 

Friend of mine is current doing well at a 62 person major with this list


Shield captain x2

Unit of 7 bikes

Unit of 6 bikes

4 guardians






That’s it. Super competitive meta. Only lost one of the bike units once in 4 games.


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