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How are your Custodes doing?

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Why is the torso one giant, solid block of resin? I can’t get blue tack to stick to my surface to mock up poses yet but the upper body with guns probably weighs 3x the lower the body. 

That said I ordered 10 of the bolter/head packs, 10 Sisters pistol arms, and I pulled out some HH plastic termie bits to see if I can convert some of the terminators from Allarus (Allaruses? Allari?) models. At this point I think I have 2 boxes of Wardens, 2 boxes of Allarusesi, 5 boxes of guard, 2 boxes of jetbikes, probably 4 boxes of SoS, Trajaan, and a Telemon who’s slicker than a New England politician. This is my winter assembly project. 
Dunno if anyone is interested or hangs out in the AT forum but I decided to do a 30k/40k Custodes army because I ended up making my loyal titans a Custodes Legio as mentioned in the “Thousand Sons” HH novel. A pair of gold plated Warlords from the Emperor’s personal legio were present when Magnus was to be judged so I expanded that with the full Custodes theme. 

84EC9681 98CE 442F 910B 873E0EFE61F1

I also 3D printed a bunch of Custodes grav tanks for their bases and as objectives.  

E14259CE 4B28 497D 9561 133E327998BF

D442EBA8 9C4D 4176 9276 D2B1DD542857

7C11FB5C EA2E 4FE7 BD06 1AC4F2314E45

62326715 046B 410A 8674 59B174FF2C84


My 28mm Cutodes will probably have the same look but hopefully I can do a better job with that red marble the second time around. 

I bought this one


Magnasonic Professional Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner with Digital Timer for Eyeglasses, Rings, Coins (MGUC500) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007Q2M17K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apap_imKWdomPjEq6C



Usually put resin on 3-4x 8min cycles with some washing detergent then give a good rinse afterwards


Seems to do the trick

Not sure if this is the right place, I am going to be playing my first game in over a year and am trying to put a list together in battlescribe but cant seem to find FW units? Also are the Saggitarum HS or troops?

You need to make sure your battlescribe is updated as all units are there by default now.


Chapter approved updates are in BS now but some bits are wrong, stormshields on custodian guard should be 5 not 10 so bear that in mind.


Saggitarum are troops.

So I must have 4 layers of paint on my Custodes spears.....I can't for the life of me get them looking at ALL like the box.  Even the videos are no help, because he describes the style, then it cuts to finished.  I am fairly positive I lose my last two matches (Tau and IH) because the paint jobs on my models.

So back to... How our Custodes are doing....


I had one good game recently and one horrible game. I was able to take on an anti infantry Necron list, but then took an incredibly beating against Tau. 


Since CA2019 I am seriously considering dropping all non-infantry Forgeworld from my lists. (I don't own a Blaze Caladius to be fair, but the Telemon and Caladius Illiastrus feel pretty brutal.)


The Tau just railed me on what I call 'the long walk' from the other board edge. 


I know people don't like bikes right now, but I think they are the only unit in the army that 1) he feared, and 2) actually had the ability to wreck face, AND grab objectives. I summoned them off of the Magnifica Praetor, and they got off enough Hurricanes to bulldoze a Drone squad, and I angled them just right to avoid a few combined Overwatch attempts. I did take wounds on the way in, but the overall effect was all I could hope for... a complete massacre of a few mediocre Tau units. I did all I could, and slammed into a unit of the heavier suits (they don't have fly). So he had to disengage them.


At that point he massacred the bikes, and the captain on bike was really the only mobile threat I had left. The Guardians were almost gone, Trajann was nearly on his own, and I lost the Caladius in T2 (it did nothing of note).


It was such a difficult match up. Riptides are just really good at ripping Custodes apart. I don't know how people are playing this match up without bikes. I don't think I have a fair chance in this match up, but here I am trying to fit Allarus into the list (for the Magnifica assault) and I'm almost thinking of more bikes.  The Telemon is out, and if I hadn't just painted the Caladius I'd take it out too.

I'm about 45 minutes away from having my inaugural game with my Custodes. They're all GeeDubs plastic infantry - three Wardens, three sword/shield Custodians, six spear only Custodians, two Vexilla and a Shield-Captain with axe, in total.

So back to... How our Custodes are doing....


I had one good game recently and one horrible game. I was able to take on an anti infantry Necron list, but then took an incredibly beating against Tau. 


Since CA2019 I am seriously considering dropping all non-infantry Forgeworld from my lists. (I don't own a Blaze Caladius to be fair, but the Telemon and Caladius Illiastrus feel pretty brutal.)


The Tau just railed me on what I call 'the long walk' from the other board edge. 


I know people don't like bikes right now, but I think they are the only unit in the army that 1) he feared, and 2) actually had the ability to wreck face, AND grab objectives. I summoned them off of the Magnifica Praetor, and they got off enough Hurricanes to bulldoze a Drone squad, and I angled them just right to avoid a few combined Overwatch attempts. I did take wounds on the way in, but the overall effect was all I could hope for... a complete massacre of a few mediocre Tau units. I did all I could, and slammed into a unit of the heavier suits (they don't have fly). So he had to disengage them.


At that point he massacred the bikes, and the captain on bike was really the only mobile threat I had left. The Guardians were almost gone, Trajann was nearly on his own, and I lost the Caladius in T2 (it did nothing of note).


It was such a difficult match up. Riptides are just really good at ripping Custodes apart. I don't know how people are playing this match up without bikes. I don't think I have a fair chance in this match up, but here I am trying to fit Allarus into the list (for the Magnifica assault) and I'm almost thinking of more bikes.  The Telemon is out, and if I hadn't just painted the Caladius I'd take it out too.

Aren't Tau still the best point-for-point gunline in the game?  I couldn't imagine fielding an elite army like this without bikes. 

So back to... How our Custodes are doing....


I had one good game recently and one horrible game. I was able to take on an anti infantry Necron list, but then took an incredibly beating against Tau. 


Since CA2019 I am seriously considering dropping all non-infantry Forgeworld from my lists. (I don't own a Blaze Caladius to be fair, but the Telemon and Caladius Illiastrus feel pretty brutal.)


The Tau just railed me on what I call 'the long walk' from the other board edge. 


I know people don't like bikes right now, but I think they are the only unit in the army that 1) he feared, and 2) actually had the ability to wreck face, AND grab objectives. I summoned them off of the Magnifica Praetor, and they got off enough Hurricanes to bulldoze a Drone squad, and I angled them just right to avoid a few combined Overwatch attempts. I did take wounds on the way in, but the overall effect was all I could hope for... a complete massacre of a few mediocre Tau units. I did all I could, and slammed into a unit of the heavier suits (they don't have fly). So he had to disengage them.


At that point he massacred the bikes, and the captain on bike was really the only mobile threat I had left. The Guardians were almost gone, Trajann was nearly on his own, and I lost the Caladius in T2 (it did nothing of note).


It was such a difficult match up. Riptides are just really good at ripping Custodes apart. I don't know how people are playing this match up without bikes. I don't think I have a fair chance in this match up, but here I am trying to fit Allarus into the list (for the Magnifica assault) and I'm almost thinking of more bikes.  The Telemon is out, and if I hadn't just painted the Caladius I'd take it out too.


You need good terrain in this match up and to play to the objectives. Hide and try to deny kills. You can't "beat up" that particular version of the T'au list. You probably won't get kill more or hold more, but you can play for things like ground control for late game scoring. Keep hammer units off the board until later in the game. It's definitely one of our worst, if not these worst, match up. 


I run all infantry in my list and without terrain to kill and hide into, blocking LoS, the game is over in like 2 turns. 



Shield captain on a bike: good all around HQ?

Probably our best HQ, after big Trajann himself.


Are Shield-Captains with axes and misericordias on foot okay? I have one, this is important to me.



Allarus terminator shield captain with castellan axe, misericordia and the eagle eye relic (3++ save) is very good. Can deep strike, hold objectives, apply pressure and provide rerolls. 




Shield captain on a bike: good all around HQ?

Probably our best HQ, after big Trajann himself.


Are Shield-Captains with axes and misericordias on foot okay? I have one, this is important to me.



Allarus terminator shield captain with castellan axe, misericordia and the eagle eye relic (3++ save) is very good. Can deep strike, hold objectives, apply pressure and provide rerolls. 


Aaaaand what about regular Shield-Captains? The normal ones? That's the kind I own.





Shield captain on a bike: good all around HQ?

Probably our best HQ, after big Trajann himself.


Are Shield-Captains with axes and misericordias on foot okay? I have one, this is important to me.



Allarus terminator shield captain with castellan axe, misericordia and the eagle eye relic (3++ save) is very good. Can deep strike, hold objectives, apply pressure and provide rerolls. 


Aaaaand what about regular Shield-Captains? The normal ones? That's the kind I own.



They're pretty good, they just cannot deep strike unless you pay 1CP for Godstrike Teleport. The sword and board version is VERY durable but doesn't hit very hard. If you got for the axe (spear is not that good), you will still probably want a 3++ so buy the Eagle Eye relic. Depends what you need him to do. 


What do you expect the shield captain to do? 






Shield captain on a bike: good all around HQ?

Probably our best HQ, after big Trajann himself.


Are Shield-Captains with axes and misericordias on foot okay? I have one, this is important to me.



Allarus terminator shield captain with castellan axe, misericordia and the eagle eye relic (3++ save) is very good. Can deep strike, hold objectives, apply pressure and provide rerolls. 


Aaaaand what about regular Shield-Captains? The normal ones? That's the kind I own.



They're pretty good, they just cannot deep strike unless you pay 1CP for Godstrike Teleport. The sword and board version is VERY durable but doesn't hit very hard. If you got for the axe (spear is not that good), you will still probably want a 3++ so buy the Eagle Eye relic. Depends what you need him to do. 


What do you expect the shield captain to do? 


Buff my other guys and occasionally whack someone over the head with his axe.


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