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How are your Custodes doing?

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I have a SC with Sword and Board, and I use him with my guardian squads to charge of the middle of the field and bully mobs.  My guardians do good work holding the mid field with him around. Sometime I want to experiment with adding an Imperius flag to them, and make them extra killy.  I keep Trajan in the back field with the tanks and a flag, and I send my Bike Captain and his squad of 5 bikes out on Hunter-killer missions.

Okay so number of bikes in a 2k list? I know this depends heavily on the rest of your list but for a footslogging force how many bikes is too many for most of you? I have 6 and wanted to run one as a captain which leaves me with 400 points of bikes plus gun, 475 with salvo launchers. I’m of course going to paint all 5 but is dedicating almost 1/4 of a 2k list to bikes overkill or just par for the course? If they’re an effective unit I’ll happily take them but are they good enough to buy more?

Okay so number of bikes in a 2k list? I know this depends heavily on the rest of your list but for a footslogging force how many bikes is too many for most of you? I have 6 and wanted to run one as a captain which leaves me with 400 points of bikes plus gun, 475 with salvo launchers. I’m of course going to paint all 5 but is dedicating almost 1/4 of a 2k list to bikes overkill or just par for the course? If they’re an effective unit I’ll happily take them but are they good enough to buy more?


I personally run 5 with a bike captain if I am running bikes. All with hurricane bolters. Usually no misericordia.

The math on hurricane bolters if I remember right is better against all target profiles aside from T8 vehicles, in which case the missiles are better.


What don’t you like about them? Are you dedicating your bikes to go after infantry only?


Mathematically, the hurricane bolters are more effective against all targets of T7 of less. The bikes also don't ignore the heavy penalty, so they only hit on 3s, and only get 1 shot. If they got d3 shots, and were something 'not' heavy, they'd be worth considering.

The hurricane bolters also lend really useful weight of fire to an army that desperately needs it.

It's just inefficient.  There are much better options for anti-tank.  As a matter of fact, depending on the target, a Hurricane Bolter will likely still do more damage to most platforms.  For less points, and greater flexability.  There is literally no downside to Hurricane Bolters on bikes.  The Melta missile is good for one target, and that's a T8 vehicle with no invuln save.  So, Landraiders. 


Melta Shot: 1 shot, let's say it hits, and wounds, is likely only about 3 damage.


Hurricanes: 12 shots, lets say 10 hit, lets say 2 get through wounds on a 6+, 1-2 damage.  


Now on t7 and below, Hurricanes outperform Meltas all the way.  


Also, if you are playing bikes, your charge/fight is likely to do the most damage to that T8 target.  No matter what you choose.  So the Hurricane Bolters just make more sense overall.  Unless, Like I said, your opponent is fielding all Landraiders.  

Okay so number of bikes in a 2k list? I know this depends heavily on the rest of your list but for a footslogging force how many bikes is too many for most of you? I have 6 and wanted to run one as a captain which leaves me with 400 points of bikes plus gun, 475 with salvo launchers. I’m of course going to paint all 5 but is dedicating almost 1/4 of a 2k list to bikes overkill or just par for the course? If they’re an effective unit I’ll happily take them but are they good enough to buy more?

I've been making 1 work

1 unit of bikes?


It's just inefficient. There are much better options for anti-tank. As a matter of fact, depending on the target, a Hurricane Bolter will likely still do more damage to most platforms. For less points, and greater flexability. There is literally no downside to Hurricane Bolters on bikes. The Melta missile is good for one target, and that's a T8 vehicle with no invuln save. So, Landraiders.


Melta Shot: 1 shot, let's say it hits, and wounds, is likely only about 3 damage.


Hurricanes: 12 shots, lets say 10 hit, lets say 2 get through wounds on a 6+, 1-2 damage.


Now on t7 and below, Hurricanes outperform Meltas all the way.


Also, if you are playing bikes, your charge/fight is likely to do the most damage to that T8 target. No matter what you choose. So the Hurricane Bolters just make more sense overall. Unless, Like I said, your opponent is fielding all Landraiders.

Fair points, good thoughts. I wish they had plasma though...

Played my first game with the freshly minted banana-boys yesterday. 1500pts free for all with 3 players. Opponents were Raven guard and another custodes faction.

Had a blast, came out on top by VP's.

Highlight of the game was my bike captain with 3+ invuln bike relic and the 5+ FNP taking ONE damage from the other custodes bike captain, and a squad of 3 vertus praetors, from all their shooting, and charging.  He then proceeded to spank two of the vertus praetors to death back on his fight back. Next turn he spanked the last bike, then he had a wet noodle fight with the other bike captain for a turn.

Hella lucky rolls for sure, but that one dude tied up an entire flank for two turns.

Are Twin Adrathic Destructors on Aquilons worth it at all? They look badass and seems like they can do work against Primaris in this Marine meta or take surprise chunks off of vehicles if they get lucky with the wound rolls. I already have 3 Firepikes and I know Lastrum Storm Bolters are generally preferred otherwise but I'd like to hear people's experiences with them.

Are Twin Adrathic Destructors on Aquilons worth it at all? They look badass and seems like they can do work against Primaris in this Marine meta or take surprise chunks off of vehicles if they get lucky with the wound rolls. I already have 3 Firepikes and I know Lastrum Storm Bolters are generally preferred otherwise but I'd like to hear people's experiences with them.


i imagine they'd be fantastic against Primaris specifically. But they don't have the ROF to take on hordes.

Yeah, against vehicles they'd be solid, but again, counting on that wound roll, and they're a bit expensive.


Are Twin Adrathic Destructors on Aquilons worth it at all? They look badass and seems like they can do work against Primaris in this Marine meta or take surprise chunks off of vehicles if they get lucky with the wound rolls. I already have 3 Firepikes and I know Lastrum Storm Bolters are generally preferred otherwise but I'd like to hear people's experiences with them.


i imagine they'd be fantastic against Primaris specifically. But they don't have the ROF to take on hordes.

Yeah, against vehicles they'd be solid, but again, counting on that wound roll, and they're a bit expensive.


I had planned to pair them with the firepikes once I get around to converting them, they're 18" range so they'd seem cool to DS into the backfield with flamers.

I ordered 10 of the dual pistols for a squad of Sisters and I can’t find any 40k points for them. I took for granted that they exist, that kinda sucks that a bunch of other FW Talons stuff got 40k rules and stats. :(

I just use the dual bolt pistol ladies as a normal bolter squad. It would be cool if the Sisters received more love from GW but that seems unlikely at this point.

I’m currently taking part in a 500pts limit combat patrol campaign with the following restrictions


Nothing over T7

Nothing over 12W

0-1 HQ

1-3 Troops

0-2 Elites

0-2 Fast attack

0 Heavy

0-1 Flyers


I never knew there were so many things that could put out flat 3 damage and lots of attacks in combat.


Regular guardians are getting mulched. In the first few games I’ve faced an invictus warsuit and a Deathguard Daemon Prince. It didn’t end well.





I’m currently taking part in a 500pts limit combat patrol campaign with the following restrictions


Nothing over T7

Nothing over 12W

0-1 HQ

1-3 Troops

0-2 Elites

0-2 Fast attack

0 Heavy

0-1 Flyers


I never knew there were so many things that could put out flat 3 damage and lots of attacks in combat.


Regular guardians are getting mulched. In the first few games I’ve faced an invictus warsuit and a Deathguard Daemon Prince. It didn’t end well.





If they want to be jammy about it, be jammy back. Run a shield captain on dawneagle, and as many jetbikes as you can fit.


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