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How are your Custodes doing?

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Just wondering, in 8th facing doesn't matter but it does in HH so I wonder in which game they survive longer and do more damage.  I'm also curious if they're better than jetbikes in the FA slot, if they had a wicked turret I could see the effectiveness of drivebys but I guess this is for anti light vehicle?

  • 3 weeks later...

I use the Caladius for long range AA, the Pallas are more for fast AA harassment to catch the enemy out and force them into dodgy positions and kill off any higher toughness skirmish type units.


My competitive list is a mish mash of Caladius and pallas supported by Trajaan and flag man, and a battalion of Catachan Guard with mortars and Basilisks.

Ive been thinking about a custodes outrider of dawn eagle and 3x3 bikes. Its 970points stock, is it too many bikes? What would make good allies?

That used to be our go-to list. 9+ bikes and some bike captains. Unfortunately they're only good at killing chaff and engaging low toughness vehicles in combat. Then knights, repulsors and tank commanders happened and bikes were no longer useful against anything but cadians and pox walkers. If your meta is full of infantry then it's a great choice. If however, your meta is full of vehicles like mine (see: 3+ leviathan dreads, blighthaulers, knights), then you're better off with units with Arachnus Blaze Cannons.


If you're dead set on many bikes, bring a battalion of IG with Tank Commanders and Basilisks for your AA.

Thanks for the fast reply rcoon, hally to hear that my dream of running 10 bikes is not short lived. I'll work on an anti tank detachment to accompany the bikes. Problem im having there is my only other imperial forces i currently have is SM and DW. With the new release of sisters, I might look for my anti tank options through exorcists and melta. Thanks again :)

Had a couple of 1500 point games with my custard soup last night.


First game was against a good player with a well synergized imperial fists list. I got shot off the table despite magnifica and storm shields. He did go first , which makes a big difference but even so... not sure what to do about these new marines.


Second game was against genestealer cult. He went first but his T1 ambush just broke against my Custodes. I ended up feeling kinda bad. By the time we called it I’d killed well over a thousand points while losing less than 100. Great guy though!


My soup:




not sure what to do about these new marines.

Wait until they get nerfed which they inevitably will, because I wouldn't hold out any hope of us becoming good in Psychic Awakening.


They already got nerfed. This is post-nerf NuMarines.

The most Armor you'll usually see in my meta is an executioner and a few dreadnoughts, a few predators and rhinos, or a handful of daemon vehicles and T7 daemon threats, and the occasional list with 3xtank commanders and a boatload of light armor. However I feel like the guard list isn't unreasonable, it's just very clever and unconventional. Definitely some strong lists present, but most of the stuff is pretty dynamic and interesting. If you have pallas and the S7 big tanks you're in pretty solid shape. I like running the 32 to take slaps and screen.
That still looks awesome. I pretty much dry brush my vehicles, usually over a black primer. If you screw up, repaint the section the color of the primer, and dry brush again. Comes out nice and smooth. Don't be mistaken though, it looks awesome.


Hmm. Maybe do multiple layered washes over the base white? Just layer Carroburg until you get something resembling a pure red?

That would be grand but the colour I was going for was Purple :biggrin.:


Oh, uh... that purple wash then, they behave similarly as far as I can tell (not like those Contrast paints, those are all over the place).

Not sure I'd touch contrast paints for my Custodes - too snobby for that! They're great for my Orks though!


Just purchased another blob of Custodes to add to my collection including another all-melee telemon, 11 guard, 7 bikes and assorted wardens and allarus (which I'll be converting to aquilons).

Note that someone did place 68th with mono custodes which is respectable. Not sure if because of taken as a player, good match ups, great rolling but an entire list of 3++ invuls has to be hard to chew through.


That is fantastic placement in that field. IMO.

That is a serious point denial list ITC wise. 

you have To have iron nerve to play that as there are so many bad, Killy match ups. I respect the fact he would have to have been quite cagey and selective in his targets. The terrain certainly would have helped this year. 

What are peoples suggestions for beating or at least drawing vs Iron hands? Facing triple leviathan, triple storm hawk, triple pred and three eliminators.


I have pretty much all our models except the super heavy flyers


All shields all the time.


Deep strike when you think you can wrap and tie them up. Otherwise, stay indoors, on objectives, with lots of shields.


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