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How are your Custodes doing?

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I had never heard of him before, and would still need to pick up the Imperial Armor book, but he's certainly a good choice.  And He's got advantages over other Inquisitors - he's still Ordo Malleus, and he's not a demon-loving heretic.


I wish Coteaz was a better fit rules-wise, because he would look so nice next to a Custodes army.


Does he have two denies though?


I just had a game wher I did not take my standard Impregnible Mind and even with my opponent having bad dice rolls, I really felt it.

No, the mighty Hector Rex can deny three powers per turn at +1 within 12".




Wow. THIS is the guy I need. I shall change his name to DeeDee... Deepsrtiking Denials!



Does he have two denies though?


I just had a game wher I did not take my standard Impregnible Mind and even with my opponent having bad dice rolls, I really felt it.

No, the mighty Hector Rex can deny three powers per turn at +1 within 12".




Wow. THIS is the guy I need. I shall change his name to DeeDee... Deepsrtiking Denials!



He can also get off that oh so sweet Terrify power to impose a -1 to the target's leadership and they can't overwatch to assist any deep strikers.  I've got him marked down on my gaming group's cumulative forgeworld order along with the Achillus dreadnought. So excited!

I'm planning a whole anti-psyker detatchment for my Custodes. Greyfax, Culexus, some sisters and something else to fill a Vanguard. Its about 300 points, but it can cover a wide area to reduce the effectiveness of psykers. I think sisters are seriously undervalued as screening for custodes when facing off against smite spam. Putting a unit of sisters between a psyker and your custodes effectively nullifies any smite casts.

Inflates his cost from Forgeworld? This isn't a retinue you have to use in game though, right?

No I just looked at IA, his datasheet specifies he is a single model unit.  You just can't buy him separately from forgeworld as the acolytes are in the whole kit, they do look nice though. 


Supreme command deny-squad of Greyfax, Hector & Eisenhorn?

I don’t know if I like Eisenhorn in game, but I am starting to wonder how Celestine would fit in with Custodes.

According to many, very good.


Speed up the board then summon a Custodes HQ as a bodyguard in combat.

Celestine is a great model, super reliable for assaulting enemy units. (Great for charging enemy tanks so they can't shoot or pile into them so they can't shoot.)


My only drawback for her is strictly for ITC tournaments, she gives up a lot of secondary objective points. (Which obviously doesn't matter unless you are doing ITC.)

Celestine is a great model, super reliable for assaulting enemy units. (Great for charging enemy tanks so they can't shoot or pile into them so they can't shoot.)


My only drawback for her is strictly for ITC tournaments, she gives up a lot of secondary objective points. (Which obviously doesn't matter unless you are doing ITC.)


Can you elaborate on those ITC rules? I'm unfamiliar with them.


Celestine is a great model, super reliable for assaulting enemy units. (Great for charging enemy tanks so they can't shoot or pile into them so they can't shoot.)


My only drawback for her is strictly for ITC tournaments, she gives up a lot of secondary objective points. (Which obviously doesn't matter unless you are doing ITC.)


Can you elaborate on those ITC rules? I'm unfamiliar with them.


ITC missions are broken into 2 objective types, primary and secondary. 3 Secondaries are chosen each match from a static list and can award up to 4 pts each. She can award points for Kingslayer, Headhunter, and Old school if she is their warlord.


Kingslayer - pick a character, 1 point for each 2 wounds taken (point to wound ratio different for monsters/vehicles), 1 extra point if target is WL - So she'll award all 4 points here just from wounds alone

Headhunter - 1 point for each character killed (geminai count, so each one killed, including resurrected ones give up a point each.) - If she has any geminai, they can award all 4 points alone

Old school - 1 point for slay the warlord, 1 point for linebreaker, 1 point for killing a unit in the first round, 1 point for killing a unit in the last round - only applies if she is warlord


What it boils down to, Celestine is best with 1-2 geminai and played aggressively. If you use this strategy and your opponent is wise to the scenario, they can net 8/12 secondary points just by deleting Celestine and her geminai, which is a big deal. As a Celestine player the counter play would be to hide her, but then you effectively aren't using her for her job either.

In my opinion, the problem with the Land Raider (aside fom being overcosted!) is as much you're unlikely to have more than one, and even with it there'll be at most a dreadnought or MAYBE 2 on the table, depending on points level of the game.


This in turn makes it nothing but a distraction carnifex.  It's going to be a magnet for every anti-vehicle weapon the enemy has on turn one.  Because it's pretty much the only target.  Sure, those weapons will hurt a regular Custodian pretty badly too.  Maybe (Given they have better Invuls!).  Yet generally the Tank will be the obvious target, and it will die.


This is true in Marine armies as well.  Heck, any time an army has only one or two big scary tanks, they tend to just die.  They're big targets with a giant "SHOOT ME" sign on them.  This applies even to smaller tanks and dreads.  You kind of need to go all in on Big Scary Stuff or just plain expect it to die.


As for not painting them one way?  There's the rub...  We could get an FAQ or the big March (or whenever it is) update might change points costs or stats enough to suddenly make Land Raiders and Contemptors the bees' knees.  So for the moment?  Just leaving mine unpainted. 


In other news, how has the Achillus been working for people?  I've had a lot of work trips and a vacation so haven't had a chance to test it yet!


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