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Inquisimunda/Kill Team/RPG Stuff - 12 Month Challenge


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So I've been bitten by the Inquisimunda bug. Over the past couple of years, all my hobbying has been driven by rules changes, aided and abetted by the fact that I view the imagery of a full army on a macro scale - I'm not one of these people that can view each Marine as a character, for example. To me they're just playing pieces. After all, the precise angle of a chainsword doesn't really matter when the wielder is one of a squad of ten.

However! I do enjoy modelling for modellings sake, which a grand project such as the Nine Legions just doesn't really allow for, but Inquisimunda is perfect for. It also lets me prod some corners of the fluff that nine different armies of Traitor Legionnaires doesn't, namely the Minor Ordos of the Inquistion. I currently have various ideas brewing for the following Minor Ordos:

Ordo Astartes
Ordo Barbarus
Ordo Originatus
Ordo Redactus
Ordo Sepulturum

I'm pretty sure I'll end up coming up with bits for a bunch of the others, bit they're the ones currently in my head.

The other half of this plog is gonna be a little more eclectic. Im currently running a Black Crusade game set on a space hulk, which is really cool but the lack of models is beginning to get to me. So, I've decided to make some. Things my players have encountered that need models include:

- The Inquistorial forces of the His Will Enacted, the ship they originally escaped from
- A Deathwatch ship that's being harvested by the orks of Waaagh! Buzzgob
- A Dauntless class light cruiser that has ended up oriented like a hive spire, and is home to a thriving civilization of chaos worshippers, ruled over by someone known only as 'The King'.

In other words, plenty to be getting on with. The initial model is an as yet unnamed member of my Ordo Redactus retinue:


Thus far, he's just a heavy flamer Chaos Cultist with a headswap from a Genestealer Cultist. I'm planning on giving him either a hood or a bandana to help tidy up the neck a bit, but my sculpting tools are in storage for the next few weeks until I move into my new flat. I'm also considering some chainmail or something on his upper arms, just to give him a bit more protection than the cultist he's been made from.


Nice! I see you've taken the "burnination" approach to official censorship :P Fahrenheit 451 quotes or names ahoy? [just remembered the Firebat character Blizzard named Guy Montag for that reason] 

Good combo of bitz on him, and i'm pleasantly surprised by how well the sanded down Neophyte Hybrid head's gone at looking human. [imo still a *bit* of a cranial bulge going on around hte sides of his head, which could be planed down to Patrick Stewart-ness if you were feeling up to it - but that's because i'm a finnicky detail-obsessive] 

Personally, i think you're on to something with the upper arms/shoulders getting a bit of coverage - there's osmething about the sheer burlyness of those shoulders that just doesn't *quite* sit right with me as an ordinary human physique, so pads or chianmail'ld be a great way to obscure this slightly. 

Also, because he's Inquisition, purity seals might be a nice way to add a bit of distinctiveness to the miniature and break it out more from the 'Chaos Cultist' silhouette of the base miiniature - although i can see you've already done a bang-up job of carving away the Heresy :D 

The first thought I had looking at him was that about his neck would be an *ideal* place fo the Imperial Aquila gorget you see on one of the Cadian COmmand Squad torsos ...although that might be a little difficult to carve out and then put on him [i'm sure there are other Aquilae out there that could be used in a simiilar way though]; if you could swing it, the chain would be an alternative for the hood or bandana idea in terms of coveirng up the neck join. [in any case, I do think there's potential merit to be had in a few more overt 'Imperializations' of the miniature]

If you're feeling up to it, could be interesting to give him an arm-band on his left bicep, which might have either an insignia for the Ordo Reductor purgation and/or investigation team he's attached to, the Ordo itself, or just a nice big "=][=" for INQUISITION. 

You could also add a few elements of boht 'personalizatoin' and 'professionalization' to help flesh out the characterization of the mini - whether some Guard-issue hardware like grenades or a rebreather [maybe not actually on the face, but just out of sight on a belt?] or a combat-knife ; or perhaps even one of those handy little Books from the Scion box [perhaps representing him as a literate man, maybe it's a religious work? or some guidelines about what gets burned vs not] in order to establish a slighlty 'ironic' twist on the miniature given his affiliation and what i'm presuming to be his role. Maybe a comm-bead or earpiece on one ear to further help break up the neophyte hybrid head shape and help reinforce that he's a part of a team? 

Hope none of that was unwelcome suggestion. I just see a miniature and my mind starts spooling 'possibilities'.

Anyway, job's shaping up a good'un and I look forward to see your further progress :D 


All suggestions are welcome. As I said in the opening post, I'm good at big picture but the details kind of escape me. So, in order:


The very slight bulge on the head doesn't really bother me, plus I was worried about messing up the shape of the head if I tried to remove anything from it.


I've been thinking of adding a purity seal or two to the flamer, in fact I might start noodling around with that once I've written this post.


I did not know that Aquila gorget bit existed, but you're right a chain/collar of some kind would look really cool. I was also thinking of giving him an =][= tattoo on one arm, so an armband would help break up the silhouette even more and would also play into that nicely.


A rebreather works, I like the idea of him being ex-Guard. I wanted to give him a sidearm as well but I don't have any holstered laspistols. Is there one on the Cadian Command sprue?




Thoughts on future models:


Ordo Originatus Interrogator based on the Chaos Cultist Champion with sword and shotgun. Gonna swap the sword for a guard chainsword, and obviously there'll be a head swap. Not sure what head yet, but they're definitely getting a wide brimmed hat.


Ordo Originatus data repository. I figure I can mount the main body of the Celestial Hurricanum on Dunecrawler legs and turn the servitor from a Dragoon into the pilot. Might use the dragoon legs as well, depending on how the heights pan out. This one has to wait a while though, partially due to price and partially due to the fact I'm moving house in a few weeks so I don't want to start anything big.


A Minotaur with a giant minigun for my space hulk. I'm gonna use the Hades autocannon from a Maulerfiend. He's one of the gate guards for the slaanesh part of The City.



Yup, ther's a holstered laspistol on the Cadian Command sprues [might be two, but there's definitely at least one - jolly useful piece of kit, and slightly annoyed I've used all the ones i have to hand from it :P ], and you may also find some use from the belt-mounted combat-knives on the same sprue. A Guard-issue water-flask replete with its prominent winged skull would definitely help cement a 'Guard' look. I'vea lso had quite some success using the cabling from the servo skull that comes with it for a whole variety of uses to 'techify' miniatures and link up humans with their gear so you might find some similar potential in it. I'm tryna think of any other sprues that have human-sized holstered sidearms around - and for the most part, it seems like they're either molded directly onto the miniature (in the case of the Neophyte Hybrids], or .. aren't really holstered and are larger caliber weapons [for exmple, bolt-pistols and suchlike]. It might also be possible to convert one of the laspistols from a Cadian box via the addition of a pistol grip after cutting away the hand to fill a similar role.

Oooh! The Originatus data-repository sounds like an ace idea! I'm quite partial to innovative uses for the Dunecrawler legs, for a start; and the raygun-gothic aesthetics on the armouring's pretty legit. I think from memory that the Hurricanum/Luminark kit has a few interior wall-pieces that have lots of scrolls, books etc. piled up so that'll be pretty cool and useful for it [and there's also the books, sandwich-board parchments, flowing scrolls and suchlike from the Flagellant kit that might be useful for *further* bulding up of a library - I can also see how one could feasibly makae data-slates out of bits of sprue offcut and such] . Might be an idea to work out how to do some picters or other recording devices for such a grouping. Possibly mounted on servo-skulls or somesuch, and maybe some load-bearing servitors. 

Now when you say "Minotaur", given the context of a Slaaneshi part of a city ... I'm assuming you mean a big burly bull-headed guy rather than a Space Marine? Or have i got that round dthe wrong way? 


See I always think too high tech, I was gonna give them bionic eyes and stuff. Cameras never occurred to me. I was thinking dataslates can probably be made from plasticard with a few gubbins attached - after all, they're basically iPads.


Yeah by Minotaur I mean a burly bull headed guy rather than a Marine.


I started working on the Interrogator yesterday. No pics because I've got no paperclips for pinning, so he's currently a headless guy with no sword. I'm gonna grab some today while I'm at work. I'm also gonna spend today making myself not pick up the Greyfax we have on the shelf.



lol yeah it's an interesting balance with 40k - because on the one hand, you're dead right. Bionic eyes with inbuilt picters make a helluvalot of sense [and are pretty easily constructable - cylindrical bitz of sprue, appropriately cut, as one potential source; or just parts of scopes or telescopes for another] ... but they're not nearly as visually interesting as quasi-anachronistic mashups of technology-levels. I'd definitely say that for the highst-level folks in your Originatus retinue, that it makes sense to have fancy bionics that do the record-as-going kinda thing. It's one reason why my Thorians have those backpack mounted sensor-units [there's another potential idea - taking 'em off the AdMech Skitarii backpacks]. 

But at the same time, for the more 'ordinary' and 'menial' members of your force, larger, bulkier, and possibly more resilient (while cheaper) gear that does vaguely similar things makes sense. Although maybe some of the more specialized stuff they're carrying is capable of recording faster, more detail, in three dimensions, multiple-specturms [in cas seomebody's used some really fancy invisible ink that's written in warp-dust or something else peculiar like that which you'd need "special sight" to read], or all the rest of it. 

You could maybe convert the medicae briefcase thing from the Scions kit to make a suitcase-mounted hard-drive or camera unit or something for one of your acolytes to lug around. 

Ipads definitely sound cool though :P I contemplated actually attempting to paint an Apple logo on some of my AdMech for injokery purposes. 

And I won't try to tempt you with all the possibilities you could get up to wit hthe Greyfax kit ... but i'm sure they'd be pretty legit :D 

Well, I got my Interrogators chainsword on. It's a bit wonky, but I'm hoping to disguise that when I reconstruct the hilt, since both the hilt of the chainsword and the one on the base model disintegrated pretty rapidly. Not sure what to do about the torso, probably just sculpt some flak armour. I'll probably have to Dremel out the abs, I can't get a blade in there.



Looks good! And i particularly feel your pain about potentially 'wonky' blades - had this happen with one of mine, got it right painstakingly, one cat-related breakage later and we're back to square one and then some :P 

You might want to look into securing the join between blade and hilt - either with pinning, or alternatively you could use a purity seal or somesuch running from the blade-casing to the hilt and glued at both points. 

The shotgun looks ace! I'm prsuming that's the original one form the base miniature. 

And yeah, in terms of building up flakk-armour, i suppose yo ucould do the manufacture out of sprue offcuts and such. Another possibility might be just cutting the front off a Cadian torso and trimming the edges a bit to see if it can fit into the space in his great-coat. 

Alternatively, you could just repaint the abdominal bits and pieces metallic after doing some stuff to the chest like putting an Aquila in there [there's a potential chain of 'em on the Scion banner-topper iirc] , and say that it's body-armour that's delibeately done in imitation of an Adonis-style physique like the Romans used to do. 

Depending upon how 'organized' adn 'proper' you want him looking, you mgiht also want to take a look at the legs - maybe add some more gear, and some 'tech' to him to indicate he's reasonably equipped for the job. 

A small book like on hte Scions set for taking notes maybe or the aforementioend data-recorders and such? 

Could also do the chest with vertical lines of shotgun ammunition using the relevant parts from the Scions kit - and kinda like how the ygo on the Deathwatch chestpieces, if you konw what i mean. "Death-Suspenders", indeed :P 

Open question as to what, if anything, yo uwan to do with the bare-ish upper arm(s). 

But yeah, it'll be inteesting to see how it comes to gether :D 

What sorta head were you thinking of for him? 

The blade is pinned, once you cut the usual sword off the hands a really odd shape and the glue just has nowhere to bind to.

I did consider the Adonis armour route but I had to scrape a chaos star off the torso, so it kinda flattened out. I'll think of something. As to the head, something sort of middle aged. I'm planning on making the Inquisitor for this warband old, so I want the more warlike Interrogator to contrast on the age front as well as how they're dressed. They also need a fantastic hat, but I can always sculpt one if need be.

Trouser wise I'm gonna fill the holes in and probably leave it at that. I like the idea of extra shotgun rounds, looks like I'm buying a box of Scions at some point, there's too many cool bits in there even if the torsos are a bit of a mismatch for other bits. And yes, the shotgun is from the stock model, I don't plan on messing with it.

Speaking of this guys Inquistor, started working on him last night:


I'm planning on turning the skull into a scanning device, with a cable leading from it directly into the Inquisitors head. More interesting though is my plan for the top of the staff: I want it to be a slightly modified version of the Eye of the Sigillite. The way I see it, the Ordo Originatus kind of see themselves as the true inheritors of the Sigillites mission, given his habit of collecting old things and generally paying attention to 'what came before'. This guy is also going to have scrolls and stuff attached to his belt, he comes in once the rest of the team have made sure there's nothing lurking about that might damage the precious books.


  • 1 month later...

So my house move is still ongoing and I don't have a dedicated hobby area set up yet, but I've still managed to work on a few bits and pieces. I've decided that my stuff will be set in the Osiris subsector, which is somewhere in the Segmentum Solar, and I've started coming up with planets to populate it.

I've also managed to get a small amount of modelling in. This conversion started out as an attempt to kitbash a Fire Raptor, before I gave up and just bought the actual kit. It's since languished on a friend's shelf for a year, before I realised I could turn it into an inquisitors transport. Therefore, I give you the Peregrine Gunship:


Armed with a twin linked lascannon, sponson mounted plasma cannons and a variety of missiles, the Peregrine is the perfect choice for an Inquisitor of the Ordo Astartes who is expecting problems with the Chapters they investigate...

Now I know vehicles aren't traditionally something that get used in games of Inquisimunda, but we figured that they can be objectives, and if we make the guns usable we can just make them work like emplacements. We'll be using modified 8th ed rules anyway so there's gonna be plenty of winging it. Also I like the idea of giving warbands a centrepiece model.


very nice work with the Peregrine :D 

Personally, i'd have lowered the lascannons in their mount for a n overal sleeker profile, but that might just be me.

Overall, it's a great concept! I might try something similar in the future. 

The turret was already built, I grabbed it out of a bits box after being unable to find any of my razorback sprues. Might make some sleeker ones, but I like the idea of this random inquisitor trying to make their ship as intimidating as an Astartes one because that's the only thing they respect.


Do you guys reckon the top of a Corvus would look good on it? I feel like it needs something more on top, and I'm not really up to adding vaguely plausible gubbins.



What do you mean by "top of a corvus"? I mean, there's definitely a bit of a 'space' so to speak where the plasticard join between the two sections is; although you'll probably find there's a decent amount of hacking to be required in getting much of hte Corvus cool stuff on its dorsal out of the rest of the hull. Having said that, there's definitely the circular skull-and-bones err, boss? hatch? that goes over the central bit of it which could be useful for it. 

And I know you said you weren't feeling up to building anything *too* major, but the first thought that occurred to me when it came to gapfilling that section behind the dorsal weapon mount on your Peregrine is that it's a logical place for some form of sensor/communications suite's external bits and pieces [a dish, maybe, or some antennas-that-aren't-actually-just-straight-up or whatever] to be, possibly in a bit of an overall bulge. 

I mean, an Inquisitor'll be wanting to be able to call in an Exterminatus, right? :P 

  • 5 months later...

Comms unit on the Peregrine's roof isn't the worst plan. I'll keep it in mind.

With the ETL over, I've been tinkering with a few bits and bobs. First up is... well I'm not sure what this guy is to be honest. Maybe a bounty hunter?


Next is an as yet unnamed trooper of the Ordo Originatus. Note the data stack friendly weapon!


Lastly, Sergeant Connor O'Hosie

  • 1 month later...

I've decided to put Kill Team stuff in here as well, especially since I'm probably gonna hack Kill Team to play with my Inquisition stuff anyway. For now though, the Dark Gods stride into this plog with a CSM Kill Team.



Fluffwise the Marines see themselves as Knights on a Quest for Knowledge and Truth. I don't have names yet for most of them, but the leader is Arvan Grimm, Knight of Frozen Wings. I'd like to follow that kind of naming convention for all of them and am gladly taking suggestions. Also the Warband is currently unnamed, although Auric Seekers is floating around in my head.


  • 2 months later...

Ok, so, following on from my thread about my desire to delurk more this year, my plans for this stuff going forward:


Get some fluff typed up, I've got a bunch of notes and some randomly generated Inquisitors from that chart that was going around.


Actually play some small scale stuff. One of my regular opponents finally had his schedule sync up with mine, might see if he wants to dive in.


Get more stuff built and painted. I've spent the last week or so de-spruing everything I own pretty much, and one of my bags of bits is all my Inq28. So that's Scions, AdMech, Guard, Human Blood Bowl players and the random Flagellants and Empire Troopers I didn't know I had but are incredibly welcome, all in one bag. I'm basically treating it like the box of Lego I had when I was a kid. As for painting, I'm thinking of joining Grotsmasha's 12 Months of Hobby challenge. That's good for a couple of warbands right?



Looking forward to seeing you explore the fluff and building up your warbands through the challenge. The Empire kits have some excellent parts for the Inquisitorial and more baroque aspects of the setting, especially the Greatswords.

Ok, so, following on from my thread about my desire to delurk more this year, my plans for this stuff going forward:


Get some fluff typed up, I've got a bunch of notes and some randomly generated Inquisitors from that chart that was going around.


Actually play some small scale stuff. One of my regular opponents finally had his schedule sync up with mine, might see if he wants to dive in.


Get more stuff built and painted. I've spent the last week or so de-spruing everything I own pretty much, and one of my bags of bits is all my Inq28. So that's Scions, AdMech, Guard, Human Blood Bowl players and the random Flagellants and Empire Troopers I didn't know I had but are incredibly welcome, all in one bag. I'm basically treating it like the box of Lego I had when I was a kid. As for painting, I'm thinking of joining Grotsmasha's 12 Months of Hobby challenge. That's good for a couple of warbands right?



All quite interesting.


And Human Blood Bowl players you say? You making Arbites?


And yes, Grotsmasha's 12 Months of Hobby challenge is good for a few warbands (or more).

I wasn't going to make Arbites, but I found out after the fact that they're really good for that purpose. That bounty hunter upthread is based on one. Might knock one or two together for Wrath & Glory.



I wasn't going to make Arbites, but I found out after the fact that they're really good for that purpose. That bounty hunter upthread is based on one. Might knock one or two together for Wrath & Glory.




Also I'm sure you already know, but Skitarii Vanguard heads are perfect for Arbites as well.

Indeed, the Blood bowl humans and Skitarii are perfect for making Arbites, as seen by Morb

Oh wow, those are awesome. Really like the chained Cultist as well.


Took a few moments to write up the little blurbs I put together for some of the principal worlds of the Osiris Subsector, which is where my stuff is set.


Orial III
Governor - Veeran Makar
Tithe - Imperial Guard regiments, minerals
Classification - Industrial world, subhive
Imports - foodstuffs
Addendum - tolerated mutant population
Mosheen IV
Governor - Vayth Hildebrandt
Tithe - Foodstuffs
Classification - Agriworld
Addendum - Current subsector capital
The Triskaihelion
Governor - Lord Magos Phi-Ro 427
Tithe - Nil
Classification - Forge World Majoris
Addendum - Provides war materiel for many local Guard regiments
Addendum ii - The Triskaihelion, or Trisk as it is also known, gets its name from the fact it is a large gas giant orbited by 12 moons.
Martyr’s Fall
Governor - Chapter Master Maximus, Solar Dragons Adeptus Astartes
Tithe - Nil
Classification - Feudal World
Addendum - Distrustful of Mechanicus influence in subsector, manufacture all war materiel on forge moon.
Addendum ii - Under investigation by Ordo Astartes (cf Inquisitrix E. von Skellen) due to suspected heresy in Chapter cult
Orial III is the previous subsector capital, but some point in the last century or so the governor of Mosheen turned round and went 'Hang on a sec, we're feeding you. And you happily support mutants. Remind me why you give us orders?' and basically maneuvered things so that the capital shifted to him. The Mechanicus have fingers in all the pies, mainly because they got here first and they've got the guns to back themselves up. The Solar Dragons are a relatively young Chapter (only a few thousand years old) and have some... rather idiosyncratic notions as to why xenos and heretics exist that I'm still firming up before I type them out.
Oh, and on the hobby side I've gone in for the 12 Month Challenge. Will probably just do one of these random metal Inquisitors I picked up at last years Salute this month.

Settled on this guy for the 12 Month Challenge:


Here's the stuff I rolled up for him using that Inquisitor generator:

Aquilus Hettar, Ordo Hereticus (90-150)
Moderate: Inquisitors of a moderate bent are neither frothing fanatics nor entirely sceptical figures, preferring the middle path in their investigations. They do not condone the use of non-Imperial weaponry, but they are not big on mass burnings at the stake either
Venit Ad Lucem Tenebras(After the dark comes light): Istvaanian in nature, belief in great achievements after terrible conflict. May intentionally incite warfare and civil strife
Officium Primus (Duty First): Duty is everything to some people, taking precedence over all other aspects of their life. Sense of a task well done and accomplishment of duty is all to this person
Periculam In Mora (Danger in delay): Knowing all too well that to hesitate for a moment could sign the death warrant of an entire world, informed haste as opposed to blind speed is their watchword.
Luddite: Not very good with machinery, to the point that this Inquisitor will be distrustful of it and the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Ties with a Space Marine Chapter (Solar Dragons)
So he's a moderate Isstvanian who doesn't trust the AdMech and gets along with the also AdMech-phobic, possibly heretic Astartes in the subsector. This has potential for where to take his warband in the future.
Not that I have the faintest what colours to paint him, but hey ho.


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