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Hey Jono - 


I've gathered a bunch of pieces over several months for a captain that I've been meaning to bash together for some time... 

Apart from having some magnetised limbs, I was planning on leaving the head and possibly the cape pieces unattached for painting. 

Would ~80% assembled but painting sections blu-tacked be acceptable?


Btw - is that an aussie location I see?


Yeah dude, blu-tacked together is acceptable, and yep, I'm up in Brisbane :tu:

You wouldn't happen to have a tutorial on sculpting armor anywhere? I guess that be 'easy' and useful starting point for many of us. Also, possibly hair but that's bit easier with right tools.


Armor plates are generally pretty easy as most of them are flat, easy shapes. The difficult part is getting them smooth. This was, hands down, the hardest thing for me to learn and the source of my greatest frustration with sculpting in the beginning. Clay shapers had the biggest impact on this, and really is what sent my GS skills and confidence skyrocketing. How I do it is to very gently use the flat side of the chisel point shaper in long strokes to even out the surface. Think of it like a trowel smoothing out concrete, where a very light touch gliding across the surface is all you need to make it pretty.

This is much, much easier said that done and it will take you some practice to get the feel for just the right amount of pressure to smooth out the surface and not alter the shape of what you're working on, but that's basically all there is to it. At first, it would take me forever because I'd get a smooth surface, but I'd be pressing too hard and flatten out what I was working on, so then I'd go back and re-shape the thing, and then I'd have to smooth it again, and then re-shape it, and... you get the idea. Not gonna lie, it will take some time.


You wouldn't happen to have a tutorial on sculpting armor anywhere? I guess that be 'easy' and useful starting point for many of us. Also, possibly hair but that's bit easier with right tools.


Armor plates are generally pretty easy as most of them are flat, easy shapes. The difficult part is getting them smooth. This was, hands down, the hardest thing for me to learn and the source of my greatest frustration with sculpting in the beginning. Clay shapers had the biggest impact on this, and really is what sent my GS skills and confidence skyrocketing. How I do it is to very gently use the flat side of the chisel point shaper in long strokes to even out the surface. Think of it like a trowel smoothing out concrete, where a very light touch gliding across the surface is all you need to make it pretty.

This is much, much easier said that done and it will take you some practice to get the feel for just the right amount of pressure to smooth out the surface and not alter the shape of what you're working on, but that's basically all there is to it. At first, it would take me forever because I'd get a smooth surface, but I'd be pressing too hard and flatten out what I was working on, so then I'd go back and re-shape the thing, and then I'd have to smooth it again, and then re-shape it, and... you get the idea. Not gonna lie, it will take some time.


Any tips on substances to help smooth? I recall a couple of old tutorials suggesting a thin layer of olive oil on tools so they don't stick/drag, or possibly just lots of water? 

I use whatever cooking oil we have on hand in the kitchen. Water does absolutely nothing for me as a lubricant for greenstuff and I hated trying to use it until I switched to oil. Once the GS cures just make sure you give it a good washing before priming; I use an old toothbrush and some liquid soap and have never had any problems with paint adherence. 

Licking sculpting tools or brushes is a habit I never got into. I think a kid I knew in elementary school that ate glue at every opportunity really turned me off of anything like that. 


Also, somewhat on topic, I'm in the process of moving all of my modeling stuff from the game room to my bedroom and just tonight found all the pieces to my bloodthirster so I hope to get some progress going soon. 

I, Res Ipsa Loquitur, undertake the Warlords Challenge to build at least one Astra Militarum Commander by March 2nd 2018.


Based on this;




Starting Point;






Head - Cadian Command Sprue

Left arm - Cadian Command Sprue

Laspistol - Cadian Command Sprue

Right arm - Cadian Sprue

Torso - Cadian Command Sprue

Legs - Cadian Sprue


Nothing wild. IRL he'll be a Sergeant rather than a Commander but I needed a motivational kick to build his squad so for purposes of this he is Komandir Batalona Yeryomenko.


And done:





I swapped the head, you might notice.


The pic, FYI, is by Max Alpert and is called 'Combat', or 'KomBat'. It reputedly depicts Battalion Commander Alexei Gordeyovich Yeryomenko, but no-one knows for sure.

Edited by Res Ipsa Loquitur

Hello !

Just a question, which i'm pretty sure i know the answer, can I built a primarch ? i wanted to work on a conversion of guilliman to make the great forgotten, Lord of the Carcharodons.

If i can't, i'll pledge for a carcharodon or Executionner Captain / Lord. 

Well tell me and i'll do the pledging properly :smile.:


Edited by Drunes

Hello !


Just a question, which i'm pretty sure i know the answer, can I built a primarch ? i wanted to work on a conversion of guilliman to make the great forgotten, Lord of the Carcharodons.


If i can't, i'll pledge for a carcharodon or Executionner Captain / Lord. 


Well tell me and i'll do the pledging properly :smile.:




Whilst we'll be doing a named character challenge in the future, if you want to do Guilliman now, go right ahead, I can't wait to see it :thumbsup:


EDIT: So I misread, you want to convert based on Guilliman, even more yes :tu:  I realise the 25% Rule is problematic for this model, so I'll make a judgement call based on the final models level of conversion as to whether or not it's eligible to be favourite. But don't t let that stop you, sounds like it'll be a great conversion.

Edited by Grotsmasha



Whilst we'll be doing a named character challenge in the future, if you want to do Guilliman now, go right ahead, I can't wait to see it :thumbsup:


EDIT: So I misread, you want to convert based on Guilliman, even more yes :thumbsup:  I realise the 25% Rule is problematic for this model, so I'll make a judgement call based on the final models level of conversion as to whether or not it's eligible to be favourite. But don't t let that stop you, sounds like it'll be a great conversion.


So it's a yes then :smile.:


Fine, and don't worry about the conversion level and 25 % rule, i intend to resculpt all the part of the armor to cover it with some tribal symbols, repose the model, change the weapons and the head;) 


Damnit i'm excited, i'm gonna start this one right away !


So here goes my pledge :


I, Drunes, pledge to undertake the Warlord challenge and complete "The Great Forgotten", Carcharodons Lost Primarch by the 2nd of march 2018 (Well seing my motivaton, much sooner)



Edited by Drunes

Oh and because it's possible to do multiple entries per user, let me pledge a bit more, i have some spare time in front of me :rolleyes: 

I, Drunes, pledge to undertake the Warlord challenge and complete a carcharodon captain (well probably the equery of my first entry) by the 2nd of march 2018

I, Drunes, pledge to undertake the Warlord challenge and complete an executioner Lord by the 2nd of march 2018

Alrighty then, time for our first update, and thing are looking good :tu:

So far we've got 27 brave Frater jumping into the Challenge, with all manner of vows, inlcuding Daemon Princes and Primarchs. In addition to a great level of Participation, we've also had 8 Completions, earning the following Frater the Completion Badge for their sigs, have at it guys :tu:












I fear my 40k hobby burnout hasn't eased up at all; I've sat down twice to work on my bloodthirster and nothing happens. 


That's a shame, but if your not feeling it, it's better to go do something that you are wanting to do.

So, a bit of progress on the praetor! Still a long way to go, but hopefully during this coming week I can do more structural sculpting and set the final pose. I might start to tackle detail sculpting in some parts, but it's probably better to wait to get all the pieces and parts together to avoid having to make last minute adjustments. I have also started to work on the base, just to feel a bit more progress:





Esarhaddon Update

He's lost his Lightning Claw (temporarily), but gained a (possibly also temporary) pelvis and a detached pair of legs in the process. He would apologize for the photo quality, were he in the habit of apologizing, explaining himself or in any other way acknowledging the pitiful flesh of mortal man, but...that is not what is happening. Anyway, here's a miniature:


Can I make changes after declaring a completion?


I found a better pair of legs...


Yep, just update the pics in your completion post. Nothing is final until the Challenge closes :tu:

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