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PARTICIPATION THREADgallery_48988_10069_236225.png

Welcome to the WARLORDS Challenge Completion thread, where you find all of the Warlords completed for the challenge.

Anyone wanting to sign-up, the Warlords Challenge will run until March 2nd 2018, you can find the linky at the top of the page.

Remember, all Completions MUST be posted in the following 5 picture format to be considered for the Challenge Favourite,









3 View - A raised of lowered shot capturing two sides of the model


So, you've declared your completion, now what?

You display you Completion with pride, that's what!


Looking forward to some great conversions and Kit-bashes guys :tu:



Here's my primaris captain, lord commander of my Red Scorpions and heir to a certain someone of a lost lineage of noble marines.


Will put the rest of pictures later.



For the Glory of Dorn and the Emperor I have completed my vow

Primaris Marshal Michael Alexander of the Black Templars stands ready to bring death and destruction to the enemies of mankind







Well Primaris marines are quite challenging especially when you try kitbashing one from many kits as since they are mono pose getting the different bits to fit togehter reqired alot of hacking up with a mini hack saw blade just to get the diffenr tbits to fit togehter as suprising enough the primaris legs or arms from one kit dont fit other Primaris bits quite nicely. It was extremelyt fun though and a very interesting challenge :biggrin.:

The bits I used were

Sword- Grey Knight Terminator

Shield and cloak- Custodoe Guard squad from Buring of prospero set

shouldar pads and BT icon on shield- Black Templar upgrade kit

Legs- Primaris hellblaster

Left arm- Primaris Intercessor

Right Arm- Dark Imperium Primaris lieutenant

Torso- Primaris Apothecary

Head- Imperial Fist Templar Brethren

Metal Backpack- Chaplain Grimaldus

Edited by Plaguecaster

So finished the captain and the remodeling of his command squad:
































Bonus picture, whole squad together (minus a liutenant arm I'm waiting for):



So here’s my entry! It’s my attempt the reconcile some of the slightly older fluff about very individual, barbaric and intimidating Skitarii tribunes in books like Graham McNeil’s “Of Mars” trilogy with the highly impersonal and regimented Codex portrayal the force is given, as well as giving Skitarii a much-needed HQ unit.





Skitarii Spatharios


When the forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus go to war, the faceless marching columns of the Skitatii are often preceded by terrifying four-armed constructs of flesh and metal, draped in grisly trophies and barbaric furs to imitate the Thark of ancient Martian myth. These fearsome individuals are the Spatharoi or “Masters of Skitarii”, the Red Priesthood’s chosen instrument of intimidation.


Each Spatharios is carefully engineered by the Magii to evince maximum psychological impact, a careful calibration of threat postures, dymantic theory and violent potential. Their intimidating appearance is matched by their physical strength, skill at arms and the ability to coordinate allied forces on a tactical level, making each one a considerable military asset.


The Spatharoi have two primary functions. The first is diplomatic, acting as bodyguard and protector to emissaries sent out by Forge Worlds as a token of the Synod’s support and an implicit demonstration of the Omnissiah’s potential wrath. 


Their other function is on the battlefield, where a Spatharios can unleash its full killing potential at the head of a War Cohort or Maniple of Skitarii. Spatharoii have been furnished with the computational ability to coordinate tactical manoeuvres and can continue this analytical behaviour even as they launch frenzied close quarter attacks on enemy positions and high value targets. 


However, the real value of a Spatharios is more subtle. Although they pose as the commanders of Skitarii formations and can even serve as such if required, they are in truth no more autonomous or militarily vital than any other Skitarius. An enemy might commit huge resources to assassinate a Spatharios or assume that their presence in the vanguard of an assault makes the target the Machine Cult’s primary objective; Magii safely secured in distant underground bunkers or in orbit have won uncounted conflicts by utilising such misdirection.


Pictured below is Spatharios Unit 23-7 from the Legiones Skitarii of Forge World Phaeton, presently detached for protection duty and >error92462: Classified< in the service of Archmandrite Vikram, Comptroller Locum of the mining colony of  Khamove Tertius.




Here’s a bitz breakdown.


Head- FW Khorne Berzerker with greenstuff hair.

Torso and (upper set of) arms- AoS Darkoath Chieftain, with technological additions from various kits including Electropriests, FW Iron Tyrant terminators and Necromunda.

Lower arms- FW Scylla Guardian automata

Main weapon- FW Archmagos Draykavac with Zinge flexible chain weapon blade, sicaran flechette gun muzzle, and a variety of watch parts on the bottom to extend the shaft and shift the grip.

Upper arm left hand- Darkoath Chieftain with hanging head from a Lizardman kit.

Lower arm left hand- Techpriest bionic hand with Necromunda Goliath combi-weapon.

Legs- Necron Triarch Praetorian with Darkoath Chieftain decorations on the shins and a Goliath bum-plate.

Backpack- Khorne Skullreaper bannerpole with electropriest toppers, plus an electropriest powerpack.


Can I present my offering to the Conversion Challenge?


Presenting  Eowyn Uthor, The Shield of Tintael, The Warden of Cellydon, Captain of the Fourth Company, Howling Griffons, armed with the power fist “Ancille” and the Storm shield “Courataine”


​"Captian Uthor was instrumental in the rebuilding of the 4th Company after the disastrous losses at Khymara during the Badab War. He was given command after showing impressive leadership skills during the defence of Bregaanand the subsequent fighting withdrawl from the Linnuis Plateau.

He bears the powerfist "ancille" (lit. Warbringer), the weapon of office carried by all 4th company Captains since the Chapter's inception in M33, and the Storm Shield "Courtaine" (Lit. Mercy) which he was presented during his time as a Sergeant in the Assault company by First Captain Vortigain.

The 4th company was restructured by amalgamating some of the more depleted squads, most notably 3rd Tactical under Sergeant Caradot was reduced to only 4 active members during the Arisa Breakout, so was joined by the survivors of 5th Tactical  (as Sergeant Edern had fallen to a sniper round during the early stages of the ambush)
The remaining positions were filled from the chapter's reserve companies, although noticably 6th Tactical (under Veteran Sergeant Feirenz) were inducted in their entirity to fill the squad position.  This would explain the lack of deployment with special or heavy weapons.
The replenished 4th were then ordered to patrol HIlak System, after reports of Aeldari Pirates operating out of the asteroid belt.  It was during one of the many skirmishesCaptain Ulthor initiated to draw the xenos out that the Strike Cruiser "Avalon's Blade" arrived in system bearing more reinforcements in the guise of Primaris marines.
Initially suspicious, Captain Uthor has accepted these warriors into the 4th's ranks, though some of the survivors of Khymara resent the new comers although this situation hasn't come to a head....yet"
.........Extract from "Rebulding after Badab, the fall and rise of the Howling Griffons", Sertomas Malleorre, Savant, aide to Inquisitor Galfridius Arturus, 977M41












​Parts list:

Head - Sagittarum guard, top knot from Aelf white lion

​Torso - Front sanguinary guard. rear (cape) Ltd edition web captain #2

legs - Palatine Blade sergeant, MkIV holstered bolt pistol

Right Arm - Phoenix Guard arm and shoulder pad, Grey knight force halberd hand, Adeptus Custodes Shield

Left arm - Phoenix Guard arm and shoulder pad, Plastic Tartaros Terminator power fist, skull and crest from Sternguard Heavy flamer

Backpack and banner - Ltd edition Web Captain #2

​Lighting - Blue LED, microswitch and 3v battery


​Well that was fun....suppose I'd better get painting him now.


​Good luck everyone



I present Exalted Champion Scifo 'Voidpox' Perkul, Iron Warriors Exalted Champion of Nurgle, possessed by entity known as Voidpox that lives within his body, growing eyes, tentacles and spines through his armor. When Scifo speaks his voice rasps with mucus and pus. His malicous and calculative nature leaves his men wonder which one is in command, Scifo or the creature within his armor.














Two-sides elevated view.




Bits used.


Head: Plague Marine kit

Torso: Mk III torso with Plague Bearer guts

Left arm: Chaos Space Marine kit chainsword arm + cleaver from Putrid Blightknights kit

Right arm: MK IV arm with plasma pistol from Raptor kit.

Legs: MK III legs with spike from Chaos Spawn kit

Shoulder pads: Mk III kit, spike from Chaos Spawn kit

Backpack: Chaos Space Marine kit

I present: Third Company Captain Enoe of the Raven's Watch

Still held together with blu-tac atm because I want to magnetise backpack and arms.

Parts list:



Legs=Anvil industries poseable set of legs

Right arm=tac squad

Sword=MK4 marines

Plasma pistol=MK4 marines

Backpack and cape=Garro

Iron halo=Captain



















That seems to have come together well - I have a FW Garro sitting in a box who I was planning on eventually adding to my GK.

Such a good model by itself though - tough call to use parts of him :-)

It really was a tough choice to chop him. It came together quite well, just a few trims on the bottom of the torso to get it to look natural. I'm not 100% sure about the cape, it looks a bit too small

Alrighty then, time for our first update, and thing are looking good :tu:

So far we've got 27 brave Frater jumping into the Challenge, with all manner of vows, inlcuding Daemon Princes and Primarchs. In addition to a great level of Participation, we've also had 8 Completions, earning the following Frater the Completion Badge for their sigs, have at it guys :tu:












Командир Батальона Ерёменко (Battalion Commander Yeryomenko):






















The Kronstaat IV Worker's Defence Force fart in the general direction of perfumed 'princes' in gilt armour.


Get out there and :cuss them.

Edited by Res Ipsa Loquitur





Inquisitor Katarina Ash of the Ordo Astartes.




Body is a sister of silence. Arms, maul, and helmet from Skitarii. Needle pistol from Skitarii plus a deathwatch scope. Deathwing dagger. Backpack from scions plus admech parts. Many cuts.


UPDATE: Now all painted up with fluff - Aramis' WIP

Edited by Aramis K

Paersu Rehma, Praetor of the XIIth Legion, 24th Company complete


edit: Spoiler inserted because the pictures are massive.
















multiple angle shot

Edited by LilShah

@ LilsSha: Love the XII Legion praetor! The use of those jaws as an improvised Caedere Remissum is especially cool! There seems to be a little air bubble in his faceplate, though, so you might wanna fill that in with GS.

@ LilsSha: Love the XII Legion praetor! The use of those jaws as an improvised Caedere Remissum is especially cool! There seems to be a little air bubble in his faceplate, though, so you might wanna fill that in with GS.


Thanks! It means a lot coming from you as the varied and unique marines of the Eternal Hunt is what got me into the XIIth. Without that inspiration I'd probably doing something less savage (and by association exciting) like the VIIth. Also thanks for pointing out the airbubble. I'd seen it earlier but I just dismissed it as a weird shadow. 

Here's my completed exalted champion. I'm building towards an Emperor's Children warband but I haven't fleshed out the fluff yet, other than that I want to maintain a 'cleaner' chaos look. I'll update this post if I come up with a name for them!
p.s. first time uploading and posting images sooo... fingers crossed this works.






Here is captain No Name of the Mentor Legion.




What happens when you pull that rope? Suggestions on a postcard to: Chapter Master Nisk Ran-Thawl, PO box Imperial Palace.




Head - Deathwatch sprue, ][ on the forehead removed.

Torso front and back - Space Marine Commander.

Right arm, left arm, legs - Sternguard veterans.

Backpack - Space Marine Heroes Captain.

5th Co. Blood Angels cap assembled - 


Captain TH

Cap right

Captain Shield

Cap back

Cap shoulder

Plus some of the magnetic options - spare pack, sword & pistol

Captain relic

Captain bits



Head: BA upgrade sprue

JP: Sanguinary guard + terminator halo

Pack: Command sprue + BA tac topper

Body: Command sprue + Sanguinary guard front

Legs: BA tactical squad kit

Left arm: terminator shield/assault arm/death co shoulder, death company pistol/tac arm/death co shoulder

Right arm: sang guard arm/death co thunder hammer (top)/sang guard shoulder, assault arm/vanguard sword/sang guard shoulder

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