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Ravenwing Accessory Pack on the US GW Store

Brother Bish

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I accidentally checked US store about 4 month ago and they had it I think, checked it again by accident about 2 month ago and it was out of stock. ( I use a VPN so get redirected to different stores)


I order my RW packs directly from the GW physical store and they get their stuff from UK warehouse anyways.

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That is so weird I didn't get a notification either thanks for letting me know! :)


The sad thing is that I'm pretty sure I have a few sprues in storage but I'm not going to find them until we move, which won't be for awhile, but I'm really anxious to covert up some Dawneagle Jet Bikes as counts-as Talon Masters! ;)

Edited by Brother Bish
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I wish they still sold the old battleforce... I'm lucky I managed to pick the last one up before it got sent back to the warehouse!

Ye im really sad they took it away, but it was too good of a deal and we cant have that can we ?
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