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Lucius and Stygies Stratagems


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Hey team. Apologies if this has already been covered.

Question: is there anything stopping us from using 2 command points and setting up 2 units in reserve using the stratagem? Or 3 for 3??


I know the same stratagem can't be used mire than once per phase, but deployment doesn't count as a phase as it's before that start of the game.



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Hey team. Apologies if this has already been covered.

Question: is there anything stopping us from using 2 command points and setting up 2 units in reserve using the stratagem? Or 3 for 3??


I know the same stratagem can't be used mire than once per phase, but deployment doesn't count as a phase as it's before that start of the game.




As long as you have a Stygies Detachment, and a Lucius Detachment, and only select appropriate units for each, then yes, there's nothing stopping you. They have to be separate Detachments though, each using the different Dogma's. No teleporting Stygies units, no infiltrating Lucians.

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Hey team. Apologies if this has already been covered.

Question: is there anything stopping us from using 2 command points and setting up 2 units in reserve using the stratagem? Or 3 for 3??


I know the same stratagem can't be used mire than once per phase, but deployment doesn't count as a phase as it's before that start of the game.



As long as you have a Stygies Detachment, and a Lucius Detachment, and only select appropriate units for each, then yes, there's nothing stopping you. They have to be separate Detachments though, each using the different Dogma's. No teleporting Stygies units, no infiltrating Lucians.

Yeah, understand. Just included both because the wording is similar. I want to play Lucius and have two units deep strike. You're saying there's no reason I can't do that.

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Hey team. Apologies if this has already been covered.

Question: is there anything stopping us from using 2 command points and setting up 2 units in reserve using the stratagem? Or 3 for 3??


I know the same stratagem can't be used mire than once per phase, but deployment doesn't count as a phase as it's before that start of the game.



As long as you have a Stygies Detachment, and a Lucius Detachment, and only select appropriate units for each, then yes, there's nothing stopping you. They have to be separate Detachments though, each using the different Dogma's. No teleporting Stygies units, no infiltrating Lucians.

Yeah, understand. Just included both because the wording is similar. I want to play Lucius and have two units deep strike. You're saying there's no reason I can't do that.


Exactly. If it was limited to a single use it'd say so like the Custodes one does:




So use it as much or as little as you want (command points permitting).

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Sorry, I'd misread the post. As Fulkes says, there's no limit placed on the number of times the stratagem can be used, so it basically depends on how many CP's you want to use.

Don't worry, I've seen a LOT of reviews of the codex that seem to think you can only use it once. I'd use it at least twice so you can throw two threats up field instead of just one.


Sadly Lucius can't teleport a titan into battle regardless of the lore. Naturally it's for balance (I mean dropping a Warlord in your opponent's face turn one? Not really fun to play against), but it could have been fluffed a bit different (perhaps something like that they produce the Imperium's teleportarium technology and use the technology liberally with their forces).

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The rules for "only using a Strategem once per phase" don't apply to pre-game Strategems since setup/deployment/etc. are by definition NOT phases.  AFAIK this was covered in the BRB FAQ last November (or earlier) but I'd suggest referencing for yourself.  This OFC also applies to Astartes Raven Guard Chapter Tactics et al.

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Two CP on this, another 2 in reserve for boosting the Knight's invul and letting him have shroudpsalm and two more for doctrine stratagems.


No re rolls.

That's about the balance I'd look to strike myself. We have enough ways to generate re-rolls to hit or boost our rolls so that nearly everything hits anyway that I don't feel that we need to spend points on rerolls nearly as much as some armies.

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Sadly Lucius can't teleport a titan into battle regardless of the lore.



But you can Bring in a Knight 9" away from the enemy with Stygies Strategem :-)

Stygies Strat can be used at ANY Unit in you army :-)



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Sadly Lucius can't teleport a titan into battle regardless of the lore.


But you can Bring in a Knight 9" away from the enemy with Stygies Strategem :-)

Stygies Strat can be used at ANY Unit in you army :-)



The unit has to have the Stygies keyword unfortunately

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I was going to say, you're going to need a LOT of camo netting or xenos tech to sneak a Knight into position next to enemy lines unnoticed.


That or paint it purple and sneak it up against Orks.

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Sadly Lucius can't teleport a titan into battle regardless of the lore.


But you can Bring in a Knight 9" away from the enemy with Stygies Strategem :-)

Stygies Strat can be used at ANY Unit in you army :-)



The unit has to have the Stygies keyword unfortunately

There's an error with the ebook version of the codex. It doesn't list that it needs the keyword.

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