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Did the Rock stop moving?


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Did the fluff change recently? used to be that the Rock would move through space ect. 

I just saw this video and the Rock is on the map. Which seemed odd as it's outfitted with massive engines. To be fair I haven't bothered reading new fluff very deeply in several editions, what has stuck with me is that the Rock just arrives places. From what I recall it was implied that even the dark Angels  had limited control over where it would turn up, just that when it arrived they were usually close to where fallen angels would be found. But that's how I remember it from the Angels of death codex.
Did something change? 

Video by Chapter Master Valrak. 


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At one point the Lion had found the Tuchulcha Engine, a an ancient sentient device. It was installed into the rock allow for extremely efficient, precise, and accurate Warp jumps.


The more engines where found thay allowed the Dark Angels to open a rift to the time of the fall of Caliban, but Ezekiel convinced Azrael to let the events unchanged. Azrael may have destroyed all or some of the engines to stop anyone else from time traveling. I think he may have keep the Tuchulcha Engine.

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Didn't they kill the Tuchulka?



Don't know. Wiki says "Azrael destroyed the rift and presumably the three devices"


But Tuchulcha was helping keep the Rock safe in warp transit, so i hope he left it

Nope and Nope. Tuchalcha, Ouroboros and Plagueheart are 3 separate entities that were part of one being before they got separated for whatever reason. When they are brought together they can create time and space "portal". According to the last book we know that they were created by The Old Ones to create the webway or something similiar. When speaking with Azrael he wanted to destroy it because "HERESY!" But Tuchalcha told him that destroying it is impossible, since it exists in all timelines and spaces at the same time. If it is destroyed it would be as if it never existed. Therefore it is not destroyed since by destroying it the events of The Horus Heresy would be changed because The Lion would never meet it and never could use it, Ouroboros would not be trapped on Caliban and would not be able to corrupt Zaharial. A whole slew of events would not happen. Extrapolating from that we know that Tuchalcha is still on the Angele Casta, if I recall correctly, they never even mentioned about it being destroyed and it was someones imagination to write that sentence on Lexicanum/Wiki.

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