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Guard Regiments having (had) close ties with the World Eater


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Good Morning!


After reading Betrayer I fell in love with the 12th and am currently building a 30K age World Eater army for our 40k games using BA rules (confused yet?). More marines and less demons so to speak.


Now I’d like to add some Guard elements as a lot of our games are fairly cut-throat, but it’d be cool not to bring bog standard Cadians along.


Is there any mention in the fluff of the World Eaters working well with certain Guard elements?


Thank you!

Edited by Blackcadian
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Well, before they were reunited with Angron the WE were grouped together in the "Bloody 13th" expeditionary fleet with "regiments of Feral World head-hunters inducted into the Imperial Army and brute Abhumans on the edge of the Imperium's tolerated genetic deviance".


That's vague but Betrayal specifically mentions the "distrusted Numen Gun Clans -- nomadic techno-barbarians who had bitterly fought against Compliance for many standard years before their recent and grudging induction into the Imperium." These clans were then settled on the muster world of Bodt and turned into an even more violent and fractious population, acting as a recruitment pool for the WE and their auxiliaries. Most of them were wiped out when Autek Mor destroyed Bodt in 008.M31 but some forces surely survived and could have became the source of later auxilia or support forces to the WE warbands.

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With a 30K designed army pretty much everything can work, as there was a point of them being loyalists and as mentioned above there are several feral regiments that could logically supplement the World Eaters, and likely have an extremely high death rate in the process ;) 

But even for 40K many ties to Traitor Guard can be found. So the awnser is really yes, you can mix up. Having said that, the orderly Cadian design isn't what I would see as fitting. Though going for Necromunda models would look ace. 

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Thanks for the good replies so far!


To be honest I don’t want them to be too feral, as that is what turns me off from a lot of the classic 40K depictions of the 12th.


Following the Kanak Skull Takers Suggestion I have had a look at Catachans but the models look really dated :/ Even more so than Valhallans/Tallarn regiments.


Maybe I’ll come up with some loose own fluff and simply go with models that I like best, Valhallans or Steel Legion/DKOK.

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can you get hold of some old WHF chaos marauders and give them lasguns/autoguns? if you can get hold of soe, there used to be a set of white metal guns/weapons for old necromunda you could cast magic up copies of (since they arent produced any more)...

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If you are making up your own... a similar regiment (or even just a part of) the blood pact could work if you dont want too feral... they are khorne worshipping professional soldiers... conversions can be as simple as cadian body armour (eagles removed) with chaotic heads/masks. 


Depends on your budget/level of conversion willingness too for other suggestions

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If you are making up your own... a similar regiment (or even just a part of) the blood pact could work if you dont want too feral... they are khorne worshipping professional soldiers... conversions can be as simple as cadian body armour (eagles removed) with chaotic heads/masks.


Depends on your budget/level of conversion willingness too for other suggestions

Hmmm that reminds me, there’s a book on those guys right? Pretty good?

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