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Noise Marine Conversion Parts


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I want to create some thoroughly warped and decked out noise marines, mostly just for the joy of modelling. Probably just a smaller squad, of 6 I guess. Being as out of the game as I am though, I'm not familiar these days with alternative miniature companies, or even GW/FW's main lines, and wouldn't know where to start in terms of looking for bitz.


So if you were going to create your ultimate, ideal Kakophoni models, what would you use? I'm looking for head choices, weapons to be cut up and spliced together, amp type equipment, cool backpacks, and anything else that might seem suitable :) Any and all help is appreciated!

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I'm not an expert in Noise Marines but just yesterday I saw that Spellcrow sells conversion bits for them, here are the ones I saw on their website: http://www.spellcrow.com/pleasure-legions-c-9_43.html (mixed with other bits)


Kromlech also has some bits, but I think they are more Emperor's Children than Noise Marines: https://bitsofwar.com/search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=Bedlam


And, of course, from GW there are the Sonic Weapons pack https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Chaos-Space-Marines-Noise-Marine-Sonic-Weapons and an upgrade pack https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Chaos-Space-Marines-Noise-Marines-Upgrade-Pack

Edited by Warpmiss
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Aye, the Spellcrow and the Kromlech ones are the two sources I'd go for. Maybe mixed with Warptalons for a more warped appearence.


However honest advice....wait a bit. There's a not small chance that there's a Emperor's Children Codex coming end this year, beginning next year which would most likely be accompanied with new Noise Marine models like the TSons came with new Rubrics and the DG with new Plague Marines. If it turns out there's no EC Codex coming (boo, GW!) then you can still buy the stuff from Spellcrow and/or Kromlech. ;)

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I'm not an expert in Noise Marines but just yesterday I saw that Spellcrow sells conversion bits for them, here are the ones I saw on their website: http://www.spellcrow.com/pleasure-legions-c-9_43.html (mixed with other bits)


Kromlech also has some bits, but I think they are more Emperor's Children than Noise Marines: https://bitsofwar.com/search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=Bedlam


And, of course, from GW there are the Sonic Weapons pack https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Chaos-Space-Marines-Noise-Marine-Sonic-Weapons and an upgrade pack https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Chaos-Space-Marines-Noise-Marines-Upgrade-Pack

Dammit, now I want to throw cash at the Spellcrow and Kromlich stuff. Im gonna be living off toast and noodles for a few weeks now. Nice find by the way :tu: cuts down on the ammount of sculpting I have to do.

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I'm not an expert in Noise Marines but just yesterday I saw that Spellcrow sells conversion bits for them, here are the ones I saw on their website: http://www.spellcrow.com/pleasure-legions-c-9_43.html (mixed with other bits)


Kromlech also has some bits, but I think they are more Emperor's Children than Noise Marines: https://bitsofwar.com/search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=Bedlam


And, of course, from GW there are the Sonic Weapons pack https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Chaos-Space-Marines-Noise-Marine-Sonic-Weapons and an upgrade pack https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Chaos-Space-Marines-Noise-Marines-Upgrade-Pack

Dammit, now I want to throw cash at the Spellcrow and Kromlich stuff. Im gonna be living off toast and noodles for a few weeks now. Nice find by the way :thumbsup: cuts down on the ammount of sculpting I have to do.


I'm honestly quite shocked you didn't know about those already. :huh.:

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I'm not an expert in Noise Marines but just yesterday I saw that Spellcrow sells conversion bits for them, here are the ones I saw on their website: http://www.spellcrow.com/pleasure-legions-c-9_43.html (mixed with other bits)


Kromlech also has some bits, but I think they are more Emperor's Children than Noise Marines: https://bitsofwar.com/search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=Bedlam


And, of course, from GW there are the Sonic Weapons pack https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Chaos-Space-Marines-Noise-Marine-Sonic-Weapons and an upgrade pack https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Chaos-Space-Marines-Noise-Marines-Upgrade-Pack

Dammit, now I want to throw cash at the Spellcrow and Kromlich stuff. Im gonna be living off toast and noodles for a few weeks now. Nice find by the way :thumbsup: cuts down on the ammount of sculpting I have to do.

I'm honestly quite shocked you didn't know about those already. :huh.:

He did. Just forgot about them.

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Wow. Woooowww


So there's quite a lot of awesome stuff to choose from out there! Amazing guys, thanks so much! :D


If anybody has any other bits sources they know of, please go ahead and keep posting.


@sfPanzer: I hear you, cheers for the advice, but I think I'm likely to go ahead anyway. If awesome things happen down the path for the EC/Noise Marines in general, all the better.

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I'm not an expert in Noise Marines but just yesterday I saw that Spellcrow sells conversion bits for them, here are the ones I saw on their website: http://www.spellcrow.com/pleasure-legions-c-9_43.html (mixed with other bits)


Kromlech also has some bits, but I think they are more Emperor's Children than Noise Marines: https://bitsofwar.com/search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=Bedlam


And, of course, from GW there are the Sonic Weapons pack https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Chaos-Space-Marines-Noise-Marine-Sonic-Weapons and an upgrade pack https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Chaos-Space-Marines-Noise-Marines-Upgrade-Pack

Dammit, now I want to throw cash at the Spellcrow and Kromlich stuff. Im gonna be living off toast and noodles for a few weeks now. Nice find by the way :thumbsup: cuts down on the ammount of sculpting I have to do.

I'm honestly quite shocked you didn't know about those already. :huh.:
He did. Just forgot about them.

I never bothered with 3rd party bits as I was a GW purist (not through choice, but I only have a GW store to play in). Now my Slaanesh army is gonna be a big middle finger aimed at the PG13 crap 40k is now I care not for 100% GW parts.


Ill be making my first ever non GW bits order on tuesday. :tu:

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Maxmini makes some Amazing parts for noise marines too in particular very beautiful helmets





Those Sonic guns... I need them. I need a Dethklok unit in my army. Pickles will be the Blastmaster mini with a kick ass sonic drumkit.

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I do like the FW Kakophoni, I would use them as assault troops and save the guns for another unit. I think the guns cover a lot of the mini obscuring a good sculpt, sword and pistol is the obvious choice imho.
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Funny you mention that Slave. I've had one to make a Sgt for the squad I painted years ago for a couple of years. Might even have a certain Night Lords bolt pistol arm with a skin sleeve to go on it too.


Raptor parts work well on them too.

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Im working out my shopping list for tuesday now. After rent and my bits order Ill be lucky if I can have a packet of tescos 20p noodles a day.


My new years resolution was to eat less anyway... :lol:

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I do like the FW Kakophoni, I would use them as assault troops and save the guns for another unit. I think the guns cover a lot of the mini obscuring a good sculpt, sword and pistol is the obvious choice imho.

if you're going with the sword and pistol, why not use Palatine Blades? Their sculpts are what I'm going to use for my CC Noise Marines.
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Palatine Blades are a bit too fancy, I'm going for Hellraiser Cenobites with my boys, not Kiss on warpdust.


One day I might get some to paint just for fun, but that wont be for ages.




Just shaved my shopping list down to £30 not including postage, looks like I can eat now. :)

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Palatine Blades are a bit too fancy, I'm going for Hellraiser Cenobites with my boys, not Kiss on warpdust.

One day I might get some to paint just for fun, but that wont be for ages.


Just shaved my shopping list down to £30 not including postage, looks like I can eat now. :)

that makes sense. I'm going for more of a "search for perfection" and less of an "eternal damnation with pleasure and pain" theme.
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Palatine Blades are a bit too fancy, I'm going for Hellraiser Cenobites with my boys, not Kiss on warpdust.

One day I might get some to paint just for fun, but that wont be for ages.


Just shaved my shopping list down to £30 not including postage, looks like I can eat now. :smile.:

that makes sense. I'm going for more of a "search for perfection" and less of an "eternal damnation with pleasure and pain" theme.


Ahh the good old search for perfection, but when does it become an obsession? How far will you go to achieve perfection? What are your limits?

I started off like you, always searching. I thought I'd gone to the limits. I hadn't. The Neverborn gave me an experience beyond limits. Pain and pleasure, indivisible. 


Oh they had such sights to show me!!!





Those Bedlam Fraternity doors from Kromlech look good, does anybody know of any other Slaaneshi tank parts in a similar style? A rear hatch and top doors like that would be sweet!


I am actually surprised no ones done front plates for marine dreads, didnt FW stop selling the god aligned ones a while back?

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Palatine Blades are a bit too fancy, I'm going for Hellraiser Cenobites with my boys, not Kiss on warpdust.

One day I might get some to paint just for fun, but that wont be for ages.


Just shaved my shopping list down to £30 not including postage, looks like I can eat now. :)


that makes sense. I'm going for more of a "search for perfection" and less of an "eternal damnation with pleasure and pain" theme.

Ahh the good old search for perfection, but when does it become an obsession? How far will you go to achieve perfection? What are your limits?

I started off like you, always searching. I thought I'd gone to the limits. I hadn't. The Neverborn gave me an experience beyond limits. Pain and pleasure, indivisible. 


Oh they had such sights to show me!!!



I'm probably gonna buy some of the more tortured/damned looking models for my ranged noise Marines, but my CC ones have a deep-seated need to look perfect at all times. I'm probably gonna break the mold of painting EC purple with gold for the filigree and go with gold for the main color and silver for the filigree (any capes or tabards will be purple though).
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Silver instead of gold sounds good, tbh it would be nice to see something different from the usual purple/gold, afaik its only Kierdale and Warriorfish who have bucked the trend, (and Forte, but sadly he is no longer 'active' in the warhammer hobby). 


If you want a fancy head with long hair and a strong jawline for one of your swordsmen the Space Wolf upgrade clampack sprue has just the head.


I might even decapatate one of my Wolfguard for said noggin. 

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Would love to see how some of these projects turn out. I'll keep my eyes peeled :)


After just finishing Primogenitor again, and now being about 80% through Clonelord, I'm keen to explore the "several millenia of mutation and bizzaro aether/flesh/technology experimentation" angle for my Kakophoni. Lots of sourcing of alternate/Xenos technologies, blending and customising of weaponry and physiology, etc etc

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Silver instead of gold sounds good, tbh it would be nice to see something different from the usual purple/gold, afaik its only Kierdale and Warriorfish who have bucked the trend, (and Forte, but sadly he is no longer 'active' in the warhammer hobby). 


If you want a fancy head with long hair and a strong jawline for one of your swordsmen the Space Wolf upgrade clampack sprue has just the head.


I might even decapatate one of my Wolfguard for said noggin.


thanks for the advice. I was thinking about going with gold for them so that it could make sense from a fluff perspective (they choose the shiniest color to really stand out and be noticed by their peers), but now I'm thinking about making them silver with gold filigree and purple for their tabards. I'm probably going to make the noise champion gold just so that it's easier to remember who the champion is and so that he can stand out better.


That head is gorgeous, but I'm not sure if the upgrade pack is worth it. I don't play SW and the only things that I'd take (aside from the head) are the weapons and possibly the pelt on the backpack.

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Would love to see how some of these projects turn out. I'll keep my eyes peeled :smile.:


After just finishing Primogenitor again, and now being about 80% through Clonelord, I'm keen to explore the "several millenia of mutation and bizzaro aether/flesh/technology experimentation" angle for my Kakophoni. Lots of sourcing of alternate/Xenos technologies, blending and customising of weaponry and physiology, etc etc

Ooh is Clonelord any good? Or should I say is it better than Primogenitor?


You can follow my efforts here, not much modelling or painting going on atm, I am still trying to get things straight in my head before I commit fully. 

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