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Noise Marine Conversion Parts


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I've had a good look at your thread yep, really dig the direction, really hoping you get to realise it all :) I'll keep watching!


I'm finding it fantastic, yes - I thought pretty highly of Primogenitor, and have been very happy to find Clonelord even better as some had promised. Oodles of inspiration.

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Hopefully it's to your liking. These things are always subjective of course, but I'm really enjoying it. A bit less of the stuff that irked me about Primogenitor, and quite a bit more of the things I loved about it.
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Just started a Noise Marine contingent for my Black Legion army.


Using some of the Spellcrow bits so I thought a picture might be good.


They sent me some nice speaker inset torso bits but you will have to wait to see them as I didn't use one on the test model.




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Ok, so I've ordered and collected quite a bit now in terms of heads, weapons, backpacks, accessories, etc... but I'm yet to come to a conclusion on how to manage the bodies themselves. What's everyone's opinions and experience trying to truescale Chaos marines?? Currently I'm thinking GW basic Termie legs, and Evil Craft torsos...
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Evilcraft torsos certainly look the part, I use them for Chosen and characters.

Cool. They're supposedly truescaled as well, any chance you could confirm? Have you just been using normal GW power armour legs with them? From what I understand they'd look slightly off with one another but I'm yet to see evidence first hand.

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Silver instead of gold sounds good, tbh it would be nice to see something different from the usual purple/gold, afaik its only Kierdale and Warriorfish who have bucked the trend, (and Forte, but sadly he is no longer 'active' in the warhammer hobby).


If you want a fancy head with long hair and a strong jawline for one of your swordsmen the Space Wolf upgrade clampack sprue has just the head.


I might even decapatate one of my Wolfguard for said noggin.

FWIW, my Power Armoured deviants also had silver trim on the rank and file, but also FWIW, 95% of what I do is copied from Kierdale.

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Silver instead of gold sounds good, tbh it would be nice to see something different from the usual purple/gold, afaik its only Kierdale and Warriorfish who have bucked the trend, (and Forte, but sadly he is no longer 'active' in the warhammer hobby).


If you want a fancy head with long hair and a strong jawline for one of your swordsmen the Space Wolf upgrade clampack sprue has just the head.


I might even decapatate one of my Wolfguard for said noggin.

FWIW, my Power Armoured deviants also had silver trim on the rank and file, but also FWIW, 95% of what I do is copied from Kierdale.


It's what I plan to do with mine as well (silver trim) since I really like how the Word Bearers look and wanted something similar lol ... or rather already did on some. However I'm not sure about what kind of purple I want and not a fan of the current model-line etc. so I decided to wait for the eventual Codex and check out what kind of color schemes GW will suggest there. :tongue.:

Edited by sfPanzer
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Evilcraft torsos certainly look the part, I use them for Chosen and characters.

Cool. They're supposedly truescaled as well, any chance you could confirm? Have you just been using normal GW power armour legs with them? From what I understand they'd look slightly off with one another but I'm yet to see evidence first hand.



They're certainly larger than average marine torsos, though I'm not sure how they'd scale against Primaris, perhaps a little shorter though on par with bulk. I used Evilcraft legs too, I feel there would be a noticeable discrepancy if you used regular legs though. I also had a bit of trouble getting some of the regular arms and shoulder pads to fit in place, as the connecting surface can be slightly recessed in comparison to some of the torso detail. I've not currently got any of my kits to hand, though you'll be able to see some examples in my thread (check signature).


Silver instead of gold sounds good, tbh it would be nice to see something different from the usual purple/gold, afaik its only Kierdale and Warriorfish who have bucked the trend, (and Forte, but sadly he is no longer 'active' in the warhammer hobby). 


If you want a fancy head with long hair and a strong jawline for one of your swordsmen the Space Wolf upgrade clampack sprue has just the head.


I too follow the scheme of purple armour with silver trim replacing the gold...

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