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Primaris Crusade: A new Templar stands ready


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Greeting Brothers

I have seen the light and finally decided to start a Black Templars force. I really like the Primaris marines and plan to field a small force of them, however since the weapons options are generally quite lacking I am planning on heavily converting them so they have weapons options that are actually illegal but pretty rule of cool like an entire Primaris squad wielding chainswords, bolt pistols and other weapons a cruader squad would have since this will most likely be more a display army since I barely play anymore due to lack of interest in my area though I could always use them as non Primaris squads like Cruaders, Devastators etc

First Black Templar model I have assembled/ converted is a Marshal which I armed with sword and shield simply because it look cool giving a knightly feel, if I ever played a game with him I could use him as a non Primaris marshal







I'll probably try try getting a Redemptor Dreadnought or two to build as I really like dreads as well as a tying to field a primaris Honour guard squad all armed with power lances, axes and other close combat weapons, Just a shame the only real primaris tabard is from the the Primaris Apothecary as I really want to have them all with tabards.

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Welcome Brother, and nice model you got going there... can't wait to see more :)


As for Tabards, you're going to find that majority of tabards from standard Astartes kits, come quite short and too narrow to cover the bulk of a Primaris Marine, so the only alternative if you want properly clothed Templars is to learn some Greenstuff sculpting... it's not entirely hard, the method used to make cloaks can also be applied to make tabards, just ask around our forum and I'm sure, Honda, Eberious or Brother Christopher can lend a hand in giving proper instructions of building tabards for your Space Marines.

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