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  On 2/4/2018 at 12:59 PM, ImperialSquishiness said:

Guard Player here, thinking of starting a second army and it's currently between Tyranids and Death Guard.

So, why should I start collecting bugs and where should I start other than the start collecting box?

If you already play Guard, Tyranids can ally with them via Genestealer Cults.

1.  No more boring gun line play., unless you want to run Gaurd as cultists.

2.  You can use all your tanks if you want to ally Genestealer cults

3.  Who doesn't want to eat people...   since playing Nids I've taken on the role of chaotic Neutral bad guy ,  we are 
     inexorable Tide ... not evil we are inevitable.
4.  Not having to paint almost as much Green as orks , No painting of metallics.

5.  Flying motherf**ing Hive Tyrants.


6. Our Troop choices are all good , Genestealers , Hormies , Rippers  etc.

7. We have many ways to play Shooty Nids are Viable as are assault nids ,  Flier lists , Swarming lists ,  even Big monster only lists.


8. We're Essentially Morale immune if you play your synapse game right.


9. Want to Dominate the psycic phase .... Well shadow of the warp and some excellent powers say ... Hi

Finally ,  https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-083a72790c1e49d6ad57ed025739a5ac-c

I hope Squishi doesn't mind me piggy-backing on their thread, but I have a parallel question. With Marines and CSM, we have custom chapters. What's the accepted equivalent for 'nids; is it simply just naming your own Hive Fleet, or is it more accepted than any DIY is a splinter of one of the vanilla fleets? Any sort of general lore/fluff guidelines for developing your own 'nids swarm?

I actually dont take a swarmlord for many games , i prefere a more shooty hive Tyrant as my Warlord,
If i were starting again I'd try to get 1 X old start collecting set and 1 of the new one's then come up with theme
for my army and go from there.

I picked fast-moving hordes, so lots of fliers and fighty stuff .... but hardly any guns ... which is perfect as my other army is Ad mech

... As for the last question ... paint up your hive fleet however you want ... and then run whatever fleet rule you want ...  call it a splinter if you tend to stick to one hive fleet keyword buff .

My main opponent is a blood angels player, So my fluff is that my tyranids are the survivors of Devestation of Baal 
I''m painted in a custom scheme , purple skin tones and white bone carapaces ..



I think the majority of Tyranid players have their own scheme and fleet name, though I assume most are supposed to be splinter fleets as that explains why they pop up all over the place fighting whoever they want. I don't think many Tyranid players associate strongly with a particular Hive fleet, presumably because until recently there was nothing to tell them apart other than their schemes. I think it's generally accepted that unless you have purposefully replicated an official scheme (and even then most non Tyranid players will struggle to tell which one is which) you can be whatever Hive fleet you want.
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys, I am also going to start collecting tryanids and am wondering what tyrannic warriors are like. Think they look pretty cool and they seem versatile with the weapon load-outs, so they will probably be my next uni after the start collecting box. but just want to know what they are actually like 


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