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Most Popular Kabal

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Guest Royal Cactus

Hey everyone!

As written in the Name I would like to know whitch Kabal you guys Play and whitch ones you see more often than others. I was thinking about this topic for a while now, from what I can tell when it comes to legions White scars and Iron Hands seam to be unpopular. But Since I just started with Dark Eldar I only started now paying atention to the Fluff and Painting scemes of DEs.
I myself realy like the colors of the Lords of Iron Thorn Kabal, but the Poisoned Tongue also looks quite Dank if I may say so :wink: 
Anyway, what do you guys think? I'm really Intested In your thoughts :happy.:
PS: excuse lack of Knowledge but are there other greater Kabals besides the Black Heart? Like the relationship between First founding Chapters and lesser known Chapters?
Your Cactus


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While I can't speak for all Dark Eldar players most of the ones I've seen make their own Kabal/Cult/Coven and make their own lore for it. Since Dark Eldar kabals aren't the most fleshed out most people use it as an opportunity to really make a unique force which is something that playing Dark Eldar allows you to do. Do you want your Archon to be a completely obsessed with birds? Go for it! (There is an in lore example of this too :wink:  ) 


If I HAD to pick a Kabal to say is my fav I'd probably go with Last Hatred first and Poisoned Tongue second. But unfortunately our kabals in general just lack fluff from GW unfortunately. 


There is no Kabal greater then the Supreme Overlord's Kabal. He (Vect) created the system and rules the Dark City, through power and fear. 

It's very hard to ascertain what is the most popular kabal because there just aren't that many dark eldar players, and speaking from personal experience I've known maybe one or two other DE players in person throughout my gaming career. Currently I'm the only DE player in my group, though I always have other player saying they'll start a DE army once they see DE models in person. Plus as Rhivan said I think most DE players tend to just make their own kabals. Without the long, drawn out background to fall back on that space marine chapters/traitor legions have, the standard kabals just aren't that interesting. Yeah Vect is cool, I always liked Lady Malys and the Duke but with all those special characters gone that's another point in favor of just making your own kabal. Yeah they are a lot of really nice paint schemes for all those kabals, but after using a lore made army for years (word bearers), when I started DE I really want to make my own color scheme and kabal lore.


Regarding the most powerful kabals, yeah Black Heart is definetly at the top, while it seems like poisoned tongue might be in second place at the moment. It's nothing like first founding vs second founding chapters though, whichever kabal is stronger just depends on which archon is amassing more power or getting ground into the dirt by Vect. Not sure how the whole gathering storm events changed all of that, but I also don't care because lore wise I hate the Yenaari. 

Just going off what I see in battle reports and online threads, I'd say the Black Heart is the most popular named Kabal, while most players just make their own. Truth is, there really is not much on any kabal (besides the ones in the black library series I guess), so it's mainly a color scheme choice more than anything.


As for the other part of your question, I have a Wych Cult of my own design that I field alongside Poisoned Tongue Kabalite forces.

The major Kabals each have between a few paragraphs and a page of lore about them. The ones closest to the Black Heart in power are The Poisoned Tongue and The Flayed Skull, though there are several others that we know a bit about.


The Poisoned Tongue are particularly devious and hang out with Harlequins a lot. Their Archon, Lady Malys, is connected to the Laughing God.


The Flayed Skull arev militarily on par with The Black Heart. They emphasize air power, as their Archon is a former Reaver pilot.


The Last Hatred are basically into necromancy, seeking to master and blur the transition between life and death.


The Dying Sun still have a bunch of relics from before the Fall, which let them do things like kill suns. Said relics are also pretty dangerous to use, so they're deployed sparingly.


The Severered are a fleet-based Kabal whose Archon was exiled from Commorragh but managed to retain power. He refuses to regenerate his left hand, and his warriors often mutilate themselves in the same manner.


The Broken Sigil are obssessed with terror tactics and discord. The Imperium *really* hates these guys, with entire conclaves of Ordo Xenos Inquisitors and numerous Deathwatch Kill Teams trying and failing to kill their Archon.


There are more. The Obsidian Rose are weaponsmiths, the Lords of Iron Thorn are shipwrights, the Wraithkind hang out with lots of Mandrakes, and so on.

Lots of people tend to go for home-brew, it seems. It just lets you have so much more freedom than creating a Chapter. I love my own group, the Kabal of the Radiant Abyss. There's just so little background on so many of the named Kabals that you may as well just make up your own, unless you really love the colour scheme.

Guest Royal Cactus

Thanks everyone for your answers! These Kind of statistics are really intersting to me. 


I found and intersting artikle about Kabals that I wanted to share with you http://natfka.blogspot.de/2010/11/kabals-of-dark-eldar.html


atm I am on a 5 Man Squad I think about Painting them as either Baleful Glaze or Wraithkind.

It’s quite likely the new Codex will influence the popularity of individual Kabals by supplying them with rules, much as individual Craftwords and Astartes Chapters have their own rules.


I suppose what will be interesting is whether or not Individual Wych Cults and Haemonculus Covens get their own rules too, which seems possible given the way the three groups operate in the Index rules.

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