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40k ToS AdMech log


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So that's it then, tickets bought for Throne of Skulls at Warhammer World in early April.


Because it's power points and not a WAAC tournament I decided to go with my AdMech fledgling force.


So thought I'd do a bit of a progress log here. Of course if the Amigers arrive early then I may go pure knights, but for now this is what I'm thinking


Righty, here we go then.


100 power AdMech and friends.


AdMech battallion



Tech Priest

10 Rangers with 3 plasma

10 vanguard with 3 arc rifles

5 rangers with 2x trans rifle

2x Dragoons

2x Dragoons

10 Fulgerite priests

Neutron crawler

Neutron crawler


Guard battalion



20 conscripts

10 troops

10 troops


Super Heavy Auxiliary

Imperial Knight Styrix




The guard will get converted up to be more AdMech-like, so thralls for conscripts as an example.



The idea really is to go for a painting nomination, but will I get whooped with that list?



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It looks certainly servicable! Skitarii are very good with power levels because the upgrades are so expensive otherwise.


What Forge World Dogma are you running? Stygies seems an obvious choice with the -1 to hit over 12" and infiltrating Electro Priest block :)

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Stygies is possible for that, tbh I need a proper reread of them all - again it's Tos so coolness is more important that winning so not playing Stygies/Mars Cawl Wall may be looked at favourably.


Really though I need to pick a colour scheme and go from there.

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Agreed, I'd go with Stygies for the Dragoons alone, esp. since you're not taking Cawl.  Lucius would be the second choice, though I'm not sure you'll have the CP to make them work.

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I played a game with 9 CP (Cawl Wall) and found that they were gobbled up fairly quickly.


Wrath of Mars and Elemination Volley is my favourite but a few choice re-rolls were made for Onager to-wound rolls. Toss in a quick Protector Doctrina Imperative or two and I was all done!

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