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Meph is great! No support needed. He kinda fails if wings fails first turn. He is not a support piece like many librarians he is a wrecking ball o smitey goodness with a 2+ 5+++ save and all sorts o vampy bonus stats. Whats not to like?


Ps dont bother making him warlord

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  • 8 months later...

Having a bit of trouble using Mephiston this edition. Spellwise I'm fine (i.e I only need to switch in Shield over Rage if I'm charging meltas or titans), but it's just the general tactics. Perhaps I'm unfamiliar with his capabilities this edition.


One thing I'm trying is to get him up with my Scout hoard as soon as possible, so that means starting on the board and using Wings, etc.

The other consideration is to start him in a Stormraven and drop him off up the board with a small entourage.


(Rest of list can be found at the top of the army list forum fwiw)

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Mephiston's main problem is the lack of invulnerable saves. I tend to mitigate that by having him attended by 2-3 Company Veterans who act as a blocking screen, wound and overwatch catchers. 
I start him on the board in or around a rhino that is constantly blocking LoS to him. If the rhino survives long enough it also tries to do a preliminary charge.
I'm very disappointed that he gained weight in points in CA :( For a unit with absolutely no invuls that's simply outrageous... And given the way I use him, I'm already paying a tax for that with CompVets and/or transport.

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