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Hey all,

I'm having trouble executing on my vision for a dark, dank swamp base.  I want it to look like the swamp of an alien world, with some neon/bright greens to contrast with the very dark muck, and some standing water.  Something like the below:




I've tried a lot of different products, including pigments, GW textures, sand, gloss washes, etc.  Does anyone have any other suggestions to achieve an effect like this?  Thank you!

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The key effect is going to be two-part epoxy water, which you mix with some ink or washes - the rest is fairly normal basing/terrain detail.


There's this tutorial from tiny worlds for a fairly simple but effective dark swamp: 




You could easily add some slime effects in patches flat on the (dried) water to get that algae effect in your source; the ak interactive slimy grime dark and slimy grime light would work nicely I think, possibly with a little pigment mixed in to add texture.


This is my go-to slime tutorial I think that would work well for adding that goopy mess hanging from grass; potentially use the same colours as the algae for colouring so it's more opaque than the more transparent colouring in this one.


While this bayou swamp diorama is probably more brown and natural than you're looking for, there's a number of useful tips in it for using natural materials and applying 2 part water effects that would work just as well in a darker, more corrupted swamp.


Edited by Arkhanist

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