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Shooty Daemon Princes - where did they come from?


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So where did the warp bolter option in the Index and Codex Chaos Space Marine come from. Neither the plastic nor the metal daemon prince have such a weapon nor did the codices of 5th through 7th edition ever have that option?


And like it appeared it is gone again from the death guard and thousand sons codices.


Does anyone have insights on that?


On a related note, would either an infantry heavy bolter or a TL Heayv Bolter from the Chaos land raider be the right size if you added an appropriately sized pistol grip to it?


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I think it was off the old metal daemon prince model that had it which is why it is an option, which is memory serves me right was sometime around 3.5 that it was released. But with GW their new line of thinking is that if they don't make a model for it then they wont have rules to support it. Hence why they got rid of a lot of options for our HQ's out of the dex.


I'd say a singular bolter would work just fine for a prince's weapon.

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Yea it's the wrist mounted thing on the old metal Daemon Prince. You could take a Kai gun back in 3.5 so I think the warp bolter is what evolved from that.


Death Guard don't have it on their Daemon Prince of nurgle because the model doesn't have any gun like apparatus

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I think it might have come from a baller piece of artwork that showed a black legion daemon Prince (who is appearantly a former night lord) with a daemon Prince sized Bolter. I originally did my daemon Prince after this using a chaos heavy Bolter, but ended up scrapping and recycling the bits to go with the big hands/claws.


Here is the pic



Edited by Trevak Dal
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Not sure how to feel about the bolter for DPs:


On the one hand, they are daemons so they wouldn't need a gun.

On the other hand, for 40k we have CSMs that have ascended to daemonhood, why would they give up a shooting option when it's possible that their psyker powers may fail? (From a TT perspective, at least)

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Even Mortarion still has his gun, why would any Marine give up his Bolter when ascending to daemonhood, especially when the Bolter gets improved as well. Unless that specific Marnie has a narrative reason for it like hating shooting or whatever lol

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Yeah somehow that entry was based on this model option (I feel):




The model was also available for a limited ammount of time again. I believe the NZ and AUS GW websites still have some stock of it.

Somehow I always missed the gun barrel in those pictures.


Still weird that thousand sons and DG don't get it (unless you also buy the index).

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Yeah somehow that entry was based on this model option (I feel):




The model was also available for a limited ammount of time again. I believe the NZ and AUS GW websites still have some stock of it.

Somehow I always missed the gun barrel in those pictures.


Still weird that thousand sons and DG don't get it (unless you also buy the index).


Yeah GW just isn't consistent.


What cracked me up real good is that Thousand Sons now use sacs to catch other CSM in so they have Helbrutes.


Thats just amazing! :wink:


I think that someone who made the Warscroll for the CSM DP was under the impression that the above model would return for regular retail. Which in the end they probably canceled due to reoccuring finecast issues? (Just a guess)

Edited by Commissar K.
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I'm kitbashing a DP using a Dreadknight as the base (what else is it used for?). I've used one of tho shooty weapons as a warp bolter but it does need chaos-ifying.


I'd agree the Kai Gun was the original basis from the rules. But it would also be cool from a narrative perspective to have to retrieve a DP's weapon or use it against them. Just some ideas.

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The 3.5 edition era demon prince has a hun thing on his left arm and the 3.5 edition codex had an option for a Kai gun, i think it was called that functioned similar to a bolter or heavy bolter. They are just bringing it back.
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