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Competitive and Apoc


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Guys, I need your help. My group is about to have an Apoc game this Saturday. Order vs Disorder, 1500pts per person. I'm on team Disorder with my cogboys.


A member of our team has decided to be a traitor, tell our opponents what we're running and switch to their side. So the Disorder guys have decided to get some revenge and play competitively.


What is the nastiest 1500pts list you guys can come up with? The traitor is a BA player, there will be Guard (mechanized, with maybe a super-heavy) and I don't know about the others. I have no Dragoons or Striders, so please leave those out. Two of my allies are DG

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I've been musing on the viability of going overboard with Onagers. Neutrons, for the hardcore. But assuming that the other players can provide some "clearance" weapons to oust some pesky units (conscript/cultist hordes), going heavy on Onagers sort of feels like it might be most viable at Apoc level.


Hell, Onagers with a smattering of Vanguard to launch a deluge of rad carbine shots at anyone that's too numerous for the Neutron Lasers to take car of...?

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