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Rough Riders

major higgins

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Hi, topic is simple...


Do anyone of ou use them? Do they work or not?


I'm used to the much better Death Riders, and this poor dudes looks so underperforming in comparison, but they may take weapons (which I'm not so sure it's a good idea) and can outflank without investment such as death riders command squad, so I hope that this could mitigate casualties. But how to use them? To grab objective? To bait an enemy unit or two for a turn? To lunch a countercharge?


I'm not sure if use a couple of 5 men squad as distraction or to grab objective and play hide and seek in order to achive "Breaking the line", or if use them in a 9/10 men squad with SGT with a power axe/fist.


What is your experiences with them??



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I used them a lot in the beginning of 8th just to grab OBJs and hide behind terrain. Their solid movement is good for good. You can also use them to tie up enemy tanks and whatnot in their backfield. Most people I've played don't usually think about their shooty units getting assaulted.


Now the difficult thing is a 5 man unit of Scions cost the same with a better deep strike mechanic. It's really up to you. I think rough riders are fun so they often still show up in lists, usually if I'm trying to fill out a BDE.

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Does Codex Astra Militarum nullify what is in the Index Imperium II ? If so, there are no such thing as Rough Riders anymore (because they aren't in Codex AM).


If it doesn't, then it can only be a matter of time before the Index is withdrawn and Rough Riders disappear. Maybe sticking with Death Riders is more of a safe bet?

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Here's a comment I made about my rough riders in another thread:


My squad of 10 rough riders have outflanked and killed an enemy unit in every game in which they've made an appearance. Except for 2 games, against a Slaanesh force and against a Raven Guard force, when they died and did zilch. After making the initial kill my rough riders are either killed or too depleted to make another kill. But if they survive they run around getting linebreaker, tying up enemy units, and supporting my stormtroopers and my outflanking Blue Platoon in melee.


This edition they've killed:

-Bloat Drone

-Tac Marine squad

-War Walker

-Fire Warrior squad

-Long Fang squad


-Termagaunt squad

-Blood Angels jump pack character



I sure hope GW lets me keep my rough riders. I've been enjoying using rhem for 18 years.

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Does Codex Astra Militarum nullify what is in the Index Imperium II ? If so, there are no such thing as Rough Riders anymore (because they aren't in Codex AM).


If it doesn't, then it can only be a matter of time before the Index is withdrawn and Rough Riders disappear. Maybe sticking with Death Riders is more of a safe bet?

If it's in the index you can field it, GW has emphasized this time and time again. We've even got a flow chart. I imagine though that yes, once everyone has a codex we'll lose the Index as an option.

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I use 10 in my league list. (Seen here) As I run vostroyans, the cheap, long range plasma guns mean that I can generally do some damage turn one. In my first game, they were able to snipe the enemy warlord dreadnought for example. They also help me achieve linebreaker with an army that generally struggles to move up the board.

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