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Favorite Chaos Unit


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Some of us have played for ages (decades even....when the game all started...you get the picture) some not to much (it's ok, Chaos loves all). But there comes a point that someone finds a unit that they love. Either the fluff, the model, something that they somehow manage to fit into every list, something. Not just because they have the cool rules or it is the meta. So, why not tell the rest of us?


And this isn't a thread to take a dump on someone's choice. This isn't about effectiveness with Mathhammer. This isn't about how GW continues to never update the model line for it. This is about what -you- think is an awesome model/unit you just can't get enough of. Because honestly, this board needs some positive every once in a while, specially in the salt flats/mountains that is our small section of B&C.


So I'll start,


For me it has got to be the Dread...excuse me, Helbrute. Now for the longest time we had the old metal model and, even though I have three helbrutes built, none of them use that paper weight. And now with FW seeming to have pumped out an entire family of them (and to some extent GW as well) we have a ton of models to work with. But since we play chaos and conversion is our thing for our models I always loved converting the regular ones into that of chaos, this was well before we had all of these different marks/types of them. If a helbrute isn't the antithesis of it's counterpart I don't know what is. On the loyalist side of things they are respected, renowned, kept sane (for the most part) and continue to fight for the honor and glory of their chapter. 


Not so with chaos. No one wants to be interred inside of it (maybe some do, but it can't be very common). They go mad, they get chained up and put into the junk drawer to be taken out when they are needed. Instead of being mighty champions that they most likely were before now they are just rotting husks inside a giant tin death machine and unleashed upon the enemy at a certain point. Hell they are more likely to be dragging around retainers at the lengths of chains than anything else. It's striking the similarities and at the same time how different they are used between Loyalists and our home boys. And I always tried to put one or two in each list. Back in 3.5 when they would go bonkers they were great flankers. Run them up the side, make sure they don't have line of sight to one of your units in case they did lose it and see what they do. While they are extremely tame now, I still try to fit one into a list and have had awesome memories of countless battles where they do outrageous things.

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Some of us have played for ages (decades even....when the game all started...you get the picture) some not to much (it's ok, Chaos loves all). But there comes a point that someone finds a unit that they love. Either the fluff, the model, something that they somehow manage to fit into every list, something. Not just because they have the cool rules or it is the meta. So, why not tell the rest of us?

And this isn't a thread to take a dump on someone's choice. This isn't about effectiveness with Mathhammer. This isn't about how GW continues to never update the model line for it. This is about what -you- think is an awesome model/unit you just can't get enough of. Because honestly, this board needs some positive every once in a while, specially in the salt flats/mountains that is our small section of B&C.

So I'll start,

For me it has got to be the Dread...excuse me, Helbrute. Now for the longest time we had the old metal model and, even though I have three helbrutes built, none of them use that paper weight. And now with FW seeming to have pumped out an entire family of them (and to some extent GW as well) we have a ton of models to work with. But since we play chaos and conversion is our thing for our models I always loved converting the regular ones into that of chaos, this was well before we had all of these different marks/types of them. If a helbrute isn't the antithesis of it's counterpart I don't know what is. On the loyalist side of things they are respected, renowned, kept sane (for the most part) and continue to fight for the honor and glory of their chapter.

Not so with chaos. No one wants to be interred inside of it (maybe some do, but it can't be very common). They go mad, they get chained up and put into the junk drawer to be taken out when they are needed. Instead of being mighty champions that they most likely were before now they are just rotting husks inside a giant tin death machine and unleashed upon the enemy at a certain point. Hell they are more likely to be dragging around retainers at the lengths of chains than anything else. It's striking the similarities and at the same time how different they are used between Loyalists and our home boys. And I always tried to put one or two in each list. Back in 3.5 when they would go bonkers they were great flankers. Run them up the side, make sure they don't have line of sight to one of your units in case they did lose it and see what they do. While they are extremely tame now, I still try to fit one into a list and have had awesome memories of countless battles where they do outrageous things.

I just had a game yesterday that my gaming club. My Iron Warriors vs Space Wolves, 18 Dreadnought base models, along with 4 Iron Priest & a Lord, me with 3 Warpsmith, Exalted Champion & Lord (carry banner).

​With a lot of my Dreadnought been from 2nd ed metal era, plastic helbrute to Forge World

+Battle of the Dreadnoughts+

Photos taken by my friend from a game I had yesterday that my gaming club








For me it been


Always like the image & look to the Terminators. I started the hobby 1996, first White Dwarf was 202 with John Blanche art work. It also had the release of the Terminators Champion & cool art work for him.

Gaming wise they've been a unit I've been using as core part my list for ten year now. I'm currently adding on, try make a small company worth of Terminators. Got plans to theme a unit from Echoes of the Long War where they are cover in barbed wire, so theme them around the Siege Tyrant (Chaos era). I think I've got about 40 Terminators now.


It from a unit a friend converted for there Thousand Sons force back when 3rd ed codex Chaos was just release. Obliterators where a lot different than they are today. You could get 6 models in a unit, I think when the unit fire, one could use a Lascannon but another had to use a Heavy Bolter.

Really like the short story by Ben Counter that talk about a Iron Warrior warband & like the way Obliterators are describe.

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Khorne Berzerkers, of all kinds really now. Its one of the lore progressions I actually dig a lot, though I would have altered a little bit in their ability name. E.g. would probably link the double fight to Butcher's Nails instead of Blood for the Bloodgod. All followers of Khorne scream that, not all fight twice :wink:


Started the hobby with them and Chaos Warriors and basically double dipped Khorne in both systems since 1998. 

Edited by Commissar K.
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Awesome thread!


So that's a really easy decision for me. While I LOVE Dreadnoughts (except for Contemptors :dry.: ), I prefer them in my loyalists army. For Chaos there are only two/three units that deserve to be called my favorite units:






I just love the models of our little cyber-zoo so much it's unreal and I will be heartbroken if I can't use them in my EC army without including a different detachment once the Codex drops.

That being said the Warpsmith is pretty awesome as well. Sometimes I feel like I should've been a IW player rather than a EC player. :teehee:

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So... I'm a Sisters player, first and foremost.  But then I began to get bored of taking the same 3 unit combinations every game and looked for a second army.  Tried my hand at tau, guard, marines... whatever forces my other local players had lying around.  At about the same time, our local Dark Angels player occasionally threw down a CSM army as an 'antagonist', and he acquired an inexpensive Defiler to round out the points to field it.


I. loved. the model.


One look, and Chaos marines became that second army.


I mean, I still break out the Sisters now and then, but............

Okay, I also like the heldrake, because fantasy was my first love and it's a beautiful giant mechanical dragon; of course I would like it.  That defiler, though.  That just caught my eye and reeled me in.

Edited by Mekhitar
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For me its Chaos Bikers.


They've often been really fun to use. I'd like to think they're thematic for my Night Lords, zipping up a flank and terorizing the foe. Over the years my Chaos Bikers have often been killed without doing much. But then there are those games where they travel the entire length of the board plasmagunnining, meltagunning, or leaping into combat with small enemy squads on objectives.

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I love the humble Chaos Space Marine unit, the backbone of a chaos warband and I always bring at least two units and have done since 5th edition.


They are the disgruntled former loyalists rubbing shoulders with astartes several centuries old, using arcaic weapons and armours that slowly grows attached to their users over time. Hatred incarnate but with tactical acumen that at least rivals their former loyalist brothers and even though they don't have the same supply advantage as loyalists they have the warp and the dark gods that gives them power...regardless if they want it or not...


I love them! The heart and soul of a chaos warband! <3

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I love the humble Chaos Space Marine unit, the backbone of a chaos warband and I always bring at least two units and have done since 5th edition.


They are the disgruntled former loyalists rubbing shoulders with astartes several centuries old, using arcaic weapons and armours that slowly grows attached to their users over time. Hatred incarnate but with tactical acumen that at least rivals their former loyalist brothers and even though they don't have the same supply advantage as loyalists they have the warp and the dark gods that gives them power...regardless if they want it or not...


I love them! The heart and soul of a chaos warband! <3


Yeah. . . this.  Hydra Dominatus.

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+1 for the obligatory Hydra Dominatus. But anyway...


I've got to stray from the codex ever so slightly, because nothing - nothing! - for me can compete with the Decimator. Have you seen that thing? Hah, of course you all have. It is a thing of beauty. A perfect killing machine, the synthesis of Dark Mechanicum, Xenos, and Daemonic influences. That low sunk, Spartan-helmet head beneath those imposing jagged shoulders... the sheer might it radiates from the hunched-over pose as it walks... the tainted armaments of those siege claws, soul burner petard, or butcher cannon (suck it, Contemptors - Decimators had 'em first)... It just screams Chaos to me in a way that the 'fiends and the 'drake don't. 

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I'm pretty new to 40k, but my pick is definitely Rubric Marines. My day job is in academia, perpetually chasing knowledge, so the Thousand Sons lore really struck a cord with me while I was reading A Thousand Sons long before I had any plans of playing the actual WH40k tabletop game. So I decided to buy some Rubric Marines models (the current kind) mostly because I just like the lore and the look of them and maybe to try out some Kill Team type games, since I was still aghast at the price tag associated with any sort of sizable 40k army. Now, about a year or two later, I have 50 Rubric Marines, as well as most of the accouterments of a Thousand Sons army totaling up to over 2700 points (but I only seem to make any progress painting the Rubrics, since they're still definitely my favorite models from the bunch).

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Exalted Sorcerers; the original bad boys from Prospero.  Pskyers unparalleled, "immense cosmic power", "Sorcerer supreme" and all that jazz. Come back to give the universe that screwed them over hell.  Yes; I own far more of these then I should....but there WILL come a day where 12 Exalted Sorcerers come in handy, just you wait! :whistling:


CLOSE Second: Rubric Marines, great kits, great fluff, decent on table, and just look stellar. 

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Honestly, so far, my favourite Chaos unit isn't in the Heretic Astartes or Daemons book, it is the humble Renegade Militia unit and it is largely because rather than focus on larger than life archetypes and vainglorious named characters, the most interesting part of my army's story (to me) is the unwilling and unwittingly Renegade nameless grunt wearing the boots that are on the ground.


I'm just that type of person, I'd rather visit the tomb of the Unknown Soldier than read about Montgomery, you know?

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Fun topic. I have to go with Khorne Berserkers (profile pic is a giveaway I guess). I've used them in almost every game I've played with Chaos since second edition. I like their aggressive play style and I've liked the background since first reading about their infamous reputation prior to the Horus Heresy.


Second place would have to be the humble Rhino, without which my army would routinely be shot to pieces. Plus, if (when) they are ignored by the enemy, they disrupt the enemy plan or grab objectives.

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In 2ed I tried to make a Chaos Cult using the appendix list at the back of the Chaos codex, but I didn't really have enough models.

In 3ed, we got the Chapter Approved 2001 compilation, which contained rules for cultists, and I often fielded around 50 of them in my WB army.

Then 4ed and 5ed came by, and finally in 6ed, my cultists could return from their hiding places again! :smile.:


In 7th, I played a R&H list (1750 pts) with ~240 infantry models and 3 Leman Russ tanks. My childhood dream of a massive Chaos Cult was realized at last. :wub:

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