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Hello Comrades,


As the title suggest I will be having a prolonged tournament at my LGS using ITC rules.


I've never played ITC, let alone made a competitive list.


I recently purchased some Custodes bikes and terminators and will be including them in my list, hence 750-1000 points of guard, the rest will allow me to bring some golden boys.


I was wondering what you guys think I could/should bring in this format to be somewhat competitive.


I know I'll be facing a few Orks, Mortarion, World Eaters, Chaos factions, tyranids, SW, Eldar, to name a few.


I was considering bringing mass Infantry, two batallions, one Cadian, with lascannon teams, the other Tallarn with plasma. 80 Infantry + one LRBT will allow me to bring 5 bikes and a shield captains on bike.


But I realized I haven't made an IG list in a while and may be out of the loop as to what's competitive these days.


What are your thoughts? What would compose. Solid 750-1000 point IG list?


Keep in mind that custodes are a tough nut to crack and perform well in CC.


How should I go about dealing with big baddies like Mortarion?




Any input is welcome and appreciated.


Thank you

Guard are in a great spot this edition and have answers for most things! :D


Perhaps you could put a list together based on your thoughts and models in the List Review section and the other commanders can provide feedback.


Do you know if its the classic ITC or the newer champion missions?

One thing to note, you mentioned lascannon teams. Do not field a heavy weapon squad with three lascannon teams, too easy to kill. Instead field two squads with lascannon and 2 mortars each.


Also I would stick with just cadians, you can get some really good milage wit thier strategm that way.


As for dealing with big baddies, see above two paragraphs lol. Seriously though lascannons and plasma guns spread throughout the army and the strategm go a long way. Also deep striking plasma toting scions.


Hordes can be dealt with your mass of lasguns and mortars.


Leman russ's i've heard are pretty good. Don't use them much so someone else would be better to fill you in on good and bad variants.


One last thing to note, having a mobile element to your force, such as scions or rough riders, can really help with objectives.

Thanks for the insight comrades.


I actually played a test game against some Chaos last night and it went rather well.


I had 40 guardsmen with plasma and two CC, Tallarn.


I then had 5 bikes, 4 Allarus terminators, 3 Charodian guard, and two captains, on bike and in terminator armor.


The only problem I foresee with this list is the lack of ranged AT.


I can break AT in melee but it could be tough to get there. Going to test another list with Acadian guard with Lascannons, see how it goes.


That said I liked the Tallarn mobility, easy to get Recon as a secondary that way and got me more of the objectives.


Duz, it's the new ITC format I believe!

Cadian Battalion:


Company Commander

Knight Commander Pask 

 > Executioner + HB

Tempestor Prime


x3 Troops with Lascannon


MT Command Squad x4 PG


x2 LRBT stock + HB hull mounter





x2 Company Commander

x3 Infantry with PG



Custodes (Auxiliary) 

x5 Bikes  



Likely take the WLT and relic that grants CPs back on 5+ and the additional Cadian relic.


Plan is, first turn, use the relic and destroy and big threats, charge in with the bikes. 

Tallarn infantry is there to grab objectives (Recon maybe) and act as the first wave meatshield against big baddies like Morty. 


Bikes can fly over chaff and hit big threats in the back if need be, grab objectives (20" with advance) or act as a wicked countercharge (3CP and you can charge them in the opponents charge phase, counts as having charged and you fight first)


Thoughts on the list? I will be testing it out tomorrow against another tournament player. 

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