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Hello fellow commanders,


I'll keep this brief as my last batrep with pics and everything got almost no replies.


1500 pts - Eternal War - Big Guns never tire (all 4 obectives get placed toward one side of the board, which the Eldar end up taking) - Hammer and Anvil deployment


Eldar (from memory)

Alaitoc detachment



3x 5 Rangers

Crimson Hunter

10 Wraith Guard sword&board (=> Webway)

2 Fire Prisms



Ulthwé detachment

Farseer (warlord)

10 Dark Reapers



Blood Angels

Double Battalion

Captain Smush w TH/SS/Relic Jumppack

Libby with JP (Wings and +1 Attack spell)


SPriest with JP

3x 5 Scouts (2 with HBs)

2x 5 Intercessors

1x 5 Tac w ML

Rapier Quad Mortar

12 Death Co (2 Hammers 1 Fist)

3 Plasma Inceptors


Vanguard Detachment

DKOK Officer (Warlord: Grand Strategist & Kurovs Aquila)

3 Inquisitorial Acolytes


10 CP (-1 for Death Visions and -1 for the 2nd relic)




Managed to seize the initiative which was nice - I just didn't manage to do much with it. I was super worried about the Dark Reapers with their stratagem, but had little long range firepower in this list to whittle them down. Killed 2 (Hellfire Rounds) and 1 squad of Rangers for first blood, that's it. Oh and 3 wounds off of the Crimson Hunter with the Anti-Air missile.


T1 Eldar

Then got mauled by the Reapers while the Crimson Hunter tried to take out my Captain (had brought him in for re-rolls for the Rapier). Lost all 3 Scout squads and 1 Intercessor squad. Reapers and Fire Prisms are horrendous. Thankfully at least Guide on the Reapers failed and my Captain was unharmed.




I knew I had to at least try to break the Reaper Castle or I'd get shot off the board anyway, so I brought in ALL of my reserves. Lost 7 of my 12 Death Company to the stratagem and overwatch from the Reapers. Then they and Lemartes made the charge (stratagem on the DC). Also charged the Crimson Hunter with my Captain. Inceptors took 6 wounds off one Prism, a missile took 4 off the other. 


Death Company mowed down the Reapers like a hot knife going through butter, also surrounding the Warlock to lock themselves in combat. Captain managed to leave the Crimson Hunter on 3 wounds -.-


T2 Eldar

Farseer, 1 sq of Rangers, the Prism and Illic tried to get the hell away from the DC. Inceptors draw most of the firepower and die like flies. Warlock goes down to Lemartes but he's down to 1 wound now (can't remember clearly how).




Captain takes to the sky and drops in 9 inches away from one of the Prisms. Lemartes jumps toward the Farseer. Priest jumps into 3" of Lemartes to heal him. The 5 remaining DC set off to hunt Illic and the Rangers. 2nd squad of Intercessors are now in range of the Rangers, too, but only 2 are left.


2 CP strat on the Captain to charge the prism. Lemartes charges the prism and the Farseer. DC charge Illic (after shooting had reduced the Ranger squad to 1). Everything dies. Especially the Farseer, he dies like twice over. Lemartes seemingly was in a foul mood.


T3 Eldar

Wraith Guard drop in out of the webway to chase my hidden Warlord as the Eldar have had enough of my regenerating CPs. Don't make the charge though, so sad. Stuff shoots, but the remaining vehicles are damaged and the Rangers suck at aiming.




DC jump to claim an objective, Intercessors move up to do the same. Captain, Lemartes, Libby and the Priest jump toward the 2nd prism and the last squad of Rangers. Shooting kills nothing of note but there`s also not that much left apart from the massive blob of Wraith Guard which my Warlord and the Acolytes flee from (forgot to advance though -.-). I basically ignore them as they`re slow and far away from the objectives.


Captain and Lemartes make the charge on the Rangers and the Prism. Prism dies, all but 2 Rangers, too. 


T4 Eldar

Rangers flee toward an objective. Crimson Hunter makes a sharp turn to try and get a bead on my warlord but one Acolyte is in the way. Wraith Guard make their charge on an Acolyte with boxcars. Pile into my warlord but can`t surround him. Acolyte dies.




Captain jumps toward Rangers but they die to shooting before he can charge. Characters claim Linebreaker and another objective (Intercessors have the last one). Rapier uses the secondary firing mode to shoot 3 shells up the Crimson Hunters tailpipe and turns it into confetti. Never thought I'd get to use the direct shots, oh well. Warlord breaks off from combat and remembers to advance this time.


T5 Eldar

Wraith Guard make the charge again, but the Refractor Field has been blessed and my Warlord live with 1 wound remaining. My opponent calls it here.



My commentary I can add later if you`re interested, but I have to go meet a buddy now :)


Was a very satisfying victory!











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On behalf of my Aeldari kin, BOO!

Congratulations on the victory.:thumbsup:

Can you describe the table? Size? Terrain set up?

How about the deployment?

Battle reports are always great, but the visual focus of the game makes it difficult to really appreciate the game play when it comes to us in simple text form. Pictures make it easier for us to immerse ourselves in your triumph (and we get the added benefit of seeing the pretty miniatures). Besides, I have to admit that my curiosity is piqued by the unusual family name of Captain "Smush" and I'd like to see the model. :wink:

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On behalf of my Aeldari kin, BOO!


Congratulations on the victory.:thumbsup:


Can you describe the table? Size? Terrain set up?


How about the deployment?


Battle reports are always great, but the visual focus of the game makes it difficult to really appreciate the game play when it comes to us in simple text form. Pictures make it easier for us to immerse ourselves in your triumph (and we get the added benefit of seeing the pretty miniatures). Besides, I have to admit that my curiosity is piqued by the unusual family name of Captain "Smush" and I'd like to see the model. :wink:


Thank you for commenting! I hadn`t planned on writing a batrep so I didn`t take any pic until after the game, but here they are:


This is the the Eldar deployment zone, curiously void of Eldar :biggrin.: 2 more objectives were where Lemartes and Captain Smush sit, and next to the Libby and the Priest. The Eldar castle was where the DC hang out now, atop the building:





And this was my deployment zone:







You`re right that pics help understanding the batrep better, I personally prefer them that way, too.


Your comment about Captain Smush made me crack up, I was waiting for someone to notice it but you're the first :biggrin.: I always found Captain "Smash" kinda boring and having watched every episode of Jersey Shore... well my Captain is a lover as much as a fighter I guess hahahaha! I`m currently using Dante as a stand-in, but will buy Eidolon next month as I love that model and he fits the role and equipment almost perfectly. Will share him once he`s painted! 


PS: I do have a photoshop mock-up as my profile picture. Posted him larger in some thread, too, I could dig it out if you like. 




Congratulations on the win! That was a nice read.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I`m glad you like it :smile.:

Edited by Blackcadian
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Battle reports help me and I enjoy making them i try and make them a little like a narrative. Also I made a blog post and it helps motivate me and also hopefully motivates other people. Either way I'd love to see photos and enjoyed the report.


Thank you brother, I do enjoy making them, too, especially like a little narrative. I just take insanely long for them, like 2 hours. And when I then only get 1 reply I'm like... man, what did I do wrong? It takes less than a minute to reply...


But yeah, batreps are great and I love them. Thanks for commenting!

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Oh, and here's what I learned in the game, maybe someone can benefit vs the nasty Eldar:


MVP: Hard to say really - the captain was good even though he fluffed more attacks than he should have. Lemartes was a BEAST and thankfully didn't die for once. And without the killer charge from the DC which broke the castle I wouldn't have stood a chance. So probably the Death Company.


Biggest Loser: The Librarian. Had ALL of his powers blocked until the Eldar psykers were dead, then failed Wings and periled on Unleash Rage. Sigh.


- Prisms are nasty. Reapers very much so, too. 

- Even though I've painfully learned not to alpha strike, against an Eldar castle you MUST do so - unless you can outshoot them or at least have a way of clearing out the Reapers FAST. Once the Reapers have Guide up you're going to lose even more bodies to the stratagem once you deep strike in.

- Having more than 7 CPs is so, SO nice! Usually I'm like "jeez I really need those 6 remaining CPs for Wings of Fire and the 3D6 Charge x2, so ... I can't use any for re-rolls or other strats which really sucks! But with 10 CPs - now we're talking!

- The Miner in a Vanguard Detachment was pure gold. Absolutely auto-include if you're playing (vs) tournament style lists. Will buy the model today.

- Captain Smush needs his storm shield. I've brought him several games without and always regretted it. No more. 

- Captain Smush is all the anti-tank you need. OK, this one is a stretch. But I lost both DC hammers on overwatch/to the stratagem - I figured that with only 5 guys left I needed the extra attacks to wipe the Reapers. And it didn't come back to haunt me. The Captain alone severely damaged the Crimson Hunter and dropped both (admittedly damaged) prisms. I was worried before the game that I was running to light on AT, but I feel a lot better about this list now.

- The jump pack relic is amazing. The hammer surely is great, too, but the jump pack is where it's at imo.

Edited by Blackcadian
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- Captain Smush needs his storm shield. I've brought him several games without and always regretted it. No more.


I suspected as much. I know there was a lot of back-and-forth in other threads about the utility of a storm shield vs. just taking JP/TH, and I was in camp storm shield. Glad to see that he worked well for you, and I'm glad to see that my captain modeled with a storm shield will work well for this purpose!


Thanks for the batrep – as brother b mentioned (and I have mentioned in his thread), it helps to get lots of other people's experience with lists and everything. With the myriad possibilities of listbuilding since codex drop (and including index entries), it's helpful to see what others are doing so I can help adjust my listbuilding accordingly for those moments I do actually get a chance to play.

Edited by Brother Aether
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