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Hellblasters heavy incinerator VS incinerator


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Hello! I am just getting onto Dark Angels and picked up a box of hellblasters. I am not interested in the assault variant of the incinerator, they don't benefit from grim resolve, and black knights are already good at using assault plasma. I am trying to decide between heavy plasma incinerator (hpi) and the regular plasma incinerator (pi). The HPI has 6 inches more range and strength 8 or 9 on the overcharge, while the regular is strength 7/8, they can move if they have to and fire with no penalty and can fire twice at anything within 15 inches or less.


The HPI wounds MEQ units on a 2+ and with grim resolve they can be safely overcharged every time they fire letting them wound high toughness vehicles and monsters easily. The PI wounds MEQ on 3+ or 2+ when overcharged. They have a harder time with toughness 8 vehicles like leman russ (lots of these in my meta ). The double tap within 15" seems attractive, especially when overcharged and using the weapons from the dark age strategem.


Just looking for some advice from more experienced DA players as which of these seems better. Thanks brothers!

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It's a question of what suits you and your playing style.


The way most people have been running these is a rock hard blob marching up the table with Azreal & add an Ancient for even more plasma death, from there you create a no go 15" zone where anything coming into it gets vapourised with the rapid fire, your also making sure people don't decide to drop within 12" coz if they do you can intercept using a stratagem.


Most games we are playing these days has decent line of sight blocking making static lines poor + Eldar and Ad-mech are gravitating to lists with -1 to hit outside of 12".


From a personal point of view I've enough with 10 rapid will probably get a box and build 10 heavy at some stage what you do need though is a decent size squad size 7 - 10

Edited by SnakeChisler
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I'm not fond of any plasma weapon that gives me a -1 to hit when moving.  Might as well have a fortification in that case.

And honestly, I'm trying to picture the few circumstances where a S9 is going to matter any more than an S8 attack, and I don't think those few exceptions justify a heavy.

If you're looking for a weapon to take out MEQ, you might be better off with a more efficient choice of weaponry. You're talking about taking out just one individual Marine per turn, which seems like a waste of this kind of firepower.


I think you're better off with the standard Incincerator.  

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I've gotten into the habit of overcharging against aircraft, you just can't let stuff like storm Ravens run around, ancient nearby gives them a 2nd chance.


Your loosing around 1 per 5 man rapid fire guys and nuking a 300 point model, damage 3 neg 4 strips wounds pretty quick

Assume wotda & Azreal

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I like plasma incinerator better than the heavy variant but the heavy one is very good too


The assault version is not appealing cause DA already have the BK and the inceptors for fast moving plasma Rolex


BTW i only have the DI Hellblasters and planning to get 5 more but It seems to me that the multipart box Can only make assault and heavy variant. How you building the weapons in the multipart box to get the regular plasma incinerator?

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I like plasma incinerator better than the heavy variant but the heavy one is very good too


The assault version is not appealing cause DA already have the BK and the inceptors for fast moving plasma Rolex


BTW i only have the DI Hellblasters and planning to get 5 more but It seems to me that the multipart box Can only make assault and heavy variant. How you building the weapons in the multipart box to get the regular plasma incinerator?

The change from regular Plasma Incinerator to Assault Plasma Incinerator is a scope you add on the rail at the top. That's it :) The change from normal to heavy is a different backpack that attaches to the bottom of the Incinerator with a cable, similarly to a Plasma Cannon. Normally, the two small canisters attach there. The base of the Incinerator is always the exact same. Clever sprue-work by GW!

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I like plasma incinerator better than the heavy variant but the heavy one is very good too


The assault version is not appealing cause DA already have the BK and the inceptors for fast moving plasma Rolex


BTW i only have the DI Hellblasters and planning to get 5 more but It seems to me that the multipart box Can only make assault and heavy variant. How you building the weapons in the multipart box to get the regular plasma incinerator?

The change from regular Plasma Incinerator to Assault Plasma Incinerator is a scope you add on the rail at the top. That's it :) The change from normal to heavy is a different backpack that attaches to the bottom of the Incinerator with a cable, similarly to a Plasma Cannon. Normally, the two small canisters attach there. The base of the Incinerator is always the exact same. Clever sprue-work by GW!
There are two different muzzles. One shorter with some Torch/laser thing in the bottom part and One longer

Wich One uses the regular incinerator?

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I like plasma incinerator better than the heavy variant but the heavy one is very good too


The assault version is not appealing cause DA already have the BK and the inceptors for fast moving plasma Rolex


BTW i only have the DI Hellblasters and planning to get 5 more but It seems to me that the multipart box Can only make assault and heavy variant. How you building the weapons in the multipart box to get the regular plasma incinerator?

The change from regular Plasma Incinerator to Assault Plasma Incinerator is a scope you add on the rail at the top. That's it :smile.: The change from normal to heavy is a different backpack that attaches to the bottom of the Incinerator with a cable, similarly to a Plasma Cannon. Normally, the two small canisters attach there. The base of the Incinerator is always the exact same. Clever sprue-work by GW!
There are two different muzzles. One shorter with some Torch/laser thing in the bottom part and One longer

Wich One uses the regular incinerator?


Very well spotted, I hadn't noticed!


The ones with the laser are for the assault and regular Incinerators. The one with the small canister is for the heavy Incinerator.

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I think cost is the big thing here.  If they were the same cost I think there is a discussion, but in general unless you are looking at a 5 man "devastator" squad style helblaster unit, I think the Regular and assault versions are both better than the heavy due to having more shots.

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If you can park them in a ruin and shoot, you may have a case for the heavy version.  DA has arguably the best heavy Hellblasters between Grim Resolve and WftDA. 


But I think most tabletops will reward the rapid fire version.  WftDA lets them run around at S7, 2D without needing to standstill or tether a captain to them and you should have a fair amount of LoS breakers on your table. 


Ultimately, I think that if you find yourself playing in a shooting gallery, then Devastators will work as well or better than heavy Hellblasters.  I can't get away from the Rapid Fire version.  It just seems to play the most consistently.

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I'm going to second that in most games, standard Plasma Incinerators are going to do more work. I've been testing 2 max size squads, just to test the extreme, and they are performing exceptionally well. Inside 15 inches, splitting fire erases multiple units. I usually only overcharge 1-2 times per game, but I am typically using WOTDA every turn. Get to the middle of the table, control the board, and make the opponent cry.

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