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Show the world your Talonmasters & Sableclaws!


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Hey everyone, pretty jealous of some of those builds.  Ive been wanting to convert a sammy and talonmaster for months but I'm hitting a brick wall trying to track down some more assault cannons and twin bolters; they are always sold out in the major bits providers websites.  I don't want to buy several whole ravenwing upgrades sets just for these few parts so I want to ask if anyone has found any cunning alternative sources?


 cheers folks


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Hey everyone, pretty jealous of some of those builds. Ive been wanting to convert a sammy and talonmaster for months but I'm hitting a brick wall trying to track down some more assault cannons and twin bolters; they are always sold out in the major bits providers websites. I don't want to buy several whole ravenwing upgrades sets just for these few parts so I want to ask if anyone has found any cunning alternative sources?


cheers folks


The Ravenwing upgrade sprue isn’t just raven wing there are some great DA icons you can use on tanks as well as the bits to really DA up a dreadnaught. It also includes some great alternate DA heads including a DA tech marine head. For me it’s totally worth it if your playing DA.


I’ve used the bits throughout my army.

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Hey everyone, pretty jealous of some of those builds. Ive been wanting to convert a sammy and talonmaster for months but I'm hitting a brick wall trying to track down some more assault cannons and twin bolters; they are always sold out in the major bits providers websites. I don't want to buy several whole ravenwing upgrades sets just for these few parts so I want to ask if anyone has found any cunning alternative sources?


cheers folks


The Ravenwing upgrade sprue isn’t just raven wing there are some great DA icons you can use on tanks as well as the bits to really DA up a dreadnaught. It also includes some great alternate DA heads including a DA tech marine head. For me it’s totally worth it if your playing DA.


I’ve used the bits throughout my army.



Cheers JJD, I plan on doing this and I have been working on hoardng parts including this kit but one of the reasons I don't want the full upgrade sprue is that its over £10 on ebay, the other is that I've had quite a few in the past and have loads of the bits your talking about (they are nice though :yes:). I stupidly cut all the assault cannons up to make razorback turrets.... yeah maybe I shouldn't have done so many but early 8th was awesome! I have no idea if they came with twin heavy bolters when I originally bought them (but they were cheap). Hence why i'm really just after those select parts. 


and seriously if you need techmarine heads I could probably sort you out with a combat squads worth



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Hey everyone, pretty jealous of some of those builds. Ive been wanting to convert a sammy and talonmaster for months but I'm hitting a brick wall trying to track down some more assault cannons and twin bolters; they are always sold out in the major bits providers websites. I don't want to buy several whole ravenwing upgrades sets just for these few parts so I want to ask if anyone has found any cunning alternative sources?


cheers folks


The Ravenwing upgrade sprue isn’t just raven wing there are some great DA icons you can use on tanks as well as the bits to really DA up a dreadnaught. It also includes some great alternate DA heads including a DA tech marine head. For me it’s totally worth it if your playing DA.


I’ve used the bits throughout my army.



Cheers JJD, I plan on doing this and I have been working on hoardng parts including this kit but one of the reasons I don't want the full upgrade sprue is that its over £10 on ebay, the other is that I've had quite a few in the past and have loads of the bits your talking about (they are nice though :yes:). I stupidly cut all the assault cannons up to make razorback turrets.... yeah maybe I shouldn't have done so many but early 8th was awesome! I have no idea if they came with twin heavy bolters when I originally bought them (but they were cheap). Hence why i'm really just after those select parts. 


and seriously if you need techmarine heads I could probably sort you out with a combat squads worth





Why would you spend over £10 on Ebay, when that same spur is on GW's own website for £9.

If you order it at the kiosk in your local GW, there is no shipping.

Not judging, but it seems like a bad deal to go to Ebay in this case.


Alternatively, you could talk to the guys at your club.

I have a drawer in my bits box of loose vehicle weapons, not to mention the boxes of bits still on the frame. 

I'm not the only one at my local store with a stockpile of bits.

You might be able to trade some items from your stockpile for the bits you are missing.

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Hey everyone, pretty jealous of some of those builds. Ive been wanting to convert a sammy and talonmaster for months but I'm hitting a brick wall trying to track down some more assault cannons and twin bolters; they are always sold out in the major bits providers websites. I don't want to buy several whole ravenwing upgrades sets just for these few parts so I want to ask if anyone has found any cunning alternative sources?


cheers folks


The Ravenwing upgrade sprue isn’t just raven wing there are some great DA icons you can use on tanks as well as the bits to really DA up a dreadnaught. It also includes some great alternate DA heads including a DA tech marine head. For me it’s totally worth it if your playing DA.


I’ve used the bits throughout my army.



Cheers JJD, I plan on doing this and I have been working on hoardng parts including this kit but one of the reasons I don't want the full upgrade sprue is that its over £10 on ebay, the other is that I've had quite a few in the past and have loads of the bits your talking about (they are nice though :yes:). I stupidly cut all the assault cannons up to make razorback turrets.... yeah maybe I shouldn't have done so many but early 8th was awesome! I have no idea if they came with twin heavy bolters when I originally bought them (but they were cheap). Hence why i'm really just after those select parts. 


and seriously if you need techmarine heads I could probably sort you out with a combat squads worth





Why would you spend over £10 on Ebay, when that same spur is on GW's own website for £9.

If you order it at the kiosk in your local GW, there is no shipping.

Not judging, but it seems like a bad deal to go to Ebay in this case.


Alternatively, you could talk to the guys at your club.

I have a drawer in my bits box of loose vehicle weapons, not to mention the boxes of bits still on the frame. 

I'm not the only one at my local store with a stockpile of bits.

You might be able to trade some items from your stockpile for the bits you are missing.



Hey Valourousheart


I got some of these quite a few years ago for under £10 although i think they didn't have the twin heavy bolters but i just wanted all the icons.  At the start of 8th i converted the assault cannons for my razorbacks, hence i'd just like some replacement twin heavy bolters bits and twin assault cannon bits.  I've checked out loads of bits sites over the last couple of months and these parts are always out of stock so I'm wandering if anyone has seen any for sale somewhere i might have missed.


Saying that I think your right and I'm going to have to check around a bit more to see if anyone can help me out although I don't live near that many folks (still I'm pretty good at hoarding so I have plenty of bits to trade).


Thanks for the reminder, I'd forgotten about the no shipping to a GW store so if I do end up purchasing from there that's useful to know. 





*edited*  I just checked the GW site and thought it was £26 but then realised it thought I was in Australia! Yeah £9 in the GW store so I don't know hwy people are trying to sell it on ebay for £10

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Hey everyone, pretty jealous of some of those builds. Ive been wanting to convert a sammy and talonmaster for months but I'm hitting a brick wall trying to track down some more assault cannons and twin bolters; they are always sold out in the major bits providers websites. I don't want to buy several whole ravenwing upgrades sets just for these few parts so I want to ask if anyone has found any cunning alternative sources?


cheers folks


The Ravenwing upgrade sprue isn’t just raven wing there are some great DA icons you can use on tanks as well as the bits to really DA up a dreadnaught. It also includes some great alternate DA heads including a DA tech marine head. For me it’s totally worth it if your playing DA.


I’ve used the bits throughout my army.



Cheers JJD, I plan on doing this and I have been working on hoardng parts including this kit but one of the reasons I don't want the full upgrade sprue is that its over £10 on ebay, the other is that I've had quite a few in the past and have loads of the bits your talking about (they are nice though :yes:). I stupidly cut all the assault cannons up to make razorback turrets.... yeah maybe I shouldn't have done so many but early 8th was awesome! I have no idea if they came with twin heavy bolters when I originally bought them (but they were cheap). Hence why i'm really just after those select parts. 


and seriously if you need techmarine heads I could probably sort you out with a combat squads worth





Why would you spend over £10 on Ebay, when that same spur is on GW's own website for £9.

If you order it at the kiosk in your local GW, there is no shipping.

Not judging, but it seems like a bad deal to go to Ebay in this case.


Alternatively, you could talk to the guys at your club.

I have a drawer in my bits box of loose vehicle weapons, not to mention the boxes of bits still on the frame. 

I'm not the only one at my local store with a stockpile of bits.

You might be able to trade some items from your stockpile for the bits you are missing.



Hey Valourousheart


I got some of these quite a few years ago for under £10 although i think they didn't have the twin heavy bolters but i just wanted all the icons.  At the start of 8th i converted the assault cannons for my razorbacks, hence i'd just like some replacement twin heavy bolters bits and twin assault cannon bits.  I've checked out loads of bits sites over the last couple of months and these parts are always out of stock so I'm wandering if anyone has seen any for sale somewhere i might have missed.


Saying that I think your right and I'm going to have to check around a bit more to see if anyone can help me out although I don't live near that many folks (still I'm pretty good at hoarding so I have plenty of bits to trade).


Thanks for the reminder, I'd forgotten about the no shipping to a GW store so if I do end up purchasing from there that's useful to know. 





*edited*  I just checked the GW site and thought it was £26 but then realised it thought I was in Australia! Yeah £9 in the GW store so I don't know hwy people are trying to sell it on ebay for £10


That frame hasn't changed since it was released as part of the Ravening Battalion Box, the one that had 6 bikes, 1 attack bike, and 1 speeder.  That was released around the beginning of 4th.  That battalion box came with 3 of those frames.  That was the set that was out when I really focused on building up my RW collection.


GW discontinued that battalion box during 5th edition and replaced it with the box set that included 3 bikes, 1 attack bike, and 1 speeder, that box only included a single frame.  That box is now discontinued as well.


The only way to get that frame at the moment is to buy the RW bike squad (better value) or the single frame (cheaper).  Neither of which is a great deal for the bitz sites.


I suspect that is why you are not having luck finding that frame or the bits from that frame very easily.


In the US that frame is under $15, and personally, if I could get all of the speeder weapons from that frame for less than $5 including shipping I'd buy the bits... but any more than 5, and it makes more sense to me to just buy the frame.  But then the bits on that frame that I'm most interested in are the tiny Ravenwing symbols and the shoulder pads.

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I appreciate this is an old thread, but I wanted to share my Sammael with the world. A while ago, I converted a Land Speeder Javelin, and have been using it as Sammael ever since. However, it's a large model, and although it looks cool, I feel like it's a disadvantage on the battlefield when trying to cram all those bikes and speeders into the various 6" bubbles.


Then, the Proteus Pattern Land Speeder was released. I saw it, and immediately knew that I had to convert one to count as Sammael. While not being either a great painter or great converter, I am nevertheless quite pleased with the outcome:



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Very nice, I like it. That's especially good because I don't even like the Proteus Land Speeder, as it just looks too goofy for my tastes. And I love the ridiculousness of some of the older models too...


Also, you can't just mention a Javelin-based Sableclaw conversion and NOT post it. That's just teasing :laugh.:

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Very nice, I like it. That's especially good because I don't even like the Proteus Land Speeder, as it just looks too goofy for my tastes. And I love the ridiculousness of some of the older models too...


Also, you can't just mention a Javelin-based Sableclaw conversion and NOT post it. That's just teasing :laugh.:



There you are!

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However, it's a large model, and although it looks cool, I feel like it's a disadvantage on the battlefield when trying to cram all those bikes and speeders into the various 6" bubbles.


How is it a disadvantage.  A larger base corresponds to a larger area affected by the aura.  If anything you could be accused of modeling for advantage.

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However, it's a large model, and although it looks cool, I feel like it's a disadvantage on the battlefield when trying to cram all those bikes and speeders into the various 6" bubbles.


How is it a disadvantage.  A larger base corresponds to a larger area affected by the aura.  If anything you could be accused of modeling for advantage.


Ah, sadly the base is still the same size as a regular Land Speeder, but the length of the model is a few inches longer. When you're trying to tag Sammael, Talonmaster and possibly Darkshroud, that extra size combined with scenery makes things a very tight squeeze!

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However, it's a large model, and although it looks cool, I feel like it's a disadvantage on the battlefield when trying to cram all those bikes and speeders into the various 6" bubbles.

How is it a disadvantage.  A larger base corresponds to a larger area affected by the aura.  If anything you could be accused of modeling for advantage.

Ah, sadly the base is still the same size as a regular Land Speeder, but the length of the model is a few inches longer. When you're trying to tag Sammael, Talonmaster and possibly Darkshroud, that extra size combined with scenery makes things a very tight squeeze!

Could have sworn there was was a rule for measuring from the hull for Speeders.


In any case, that Javelin looks good. Helpful for me, since I was planning on doing one for my own Sableclaw. I might stick it on a bigger base though, because that does look like a bit too large of a model for such a small base :lol:

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However, it's a large model, and although it looks cool, I feel like it's a disadvantage on the battlefield when trying to cram all those bikes and speeders into the various 6" bubbles.

How is it a disadvantage.  A larger base corresponds to a larger area affected by the aura.  If anything you could be accused of modeling for advantage.

Ah, sadly the base is still the same size as a regular Land Speeder, but the length of the model is a few inches longer. When you're trying to tag Sammael, Talonmaster and possibly Darkshroud, that extra size combined with scenery makes things a very tight squeeze!

Could have sworn there was was a rule for measuring from the hull for Speeders.


In any case, that Javelin looks good. Helpful for me, since I was planning on doing one for my own Sableclaw. I might stick it on a bigger base though, because that does look like a bit too large of a model for such a small base :laugh.:


Yeah I probably shouldn't have used the term base... the concept I was thinking of was the models footprint.  Aura's and other distances are measured from the edge of the models footprint.  That footprint for an infantry model like Ezekiel is the base.  But in the context of the models currently under discussion, the footprint is clearly not the flight stand.


We do not measure to and from the pointy stick of the flying stand.  Which means that the size difference between a normal speeder, a Javelin and other units that use that same flying stand like the Eldar Wave Serpent or Falcon affects the size of that models footprint even though the flight stands are the same size for all of those models.

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Yeah I probably shouldn't have used the term base... the concept I was thinking of was the models footprint.  Aura's and other distances are measured from the edge of the models footprint.  That footprint for an infantry model like Ezekiel is the base.  But in the context of the models currently under discussion, the footprint is clearly not the flight stand.

Hmmm. Per the BRB distances are always measured from the base, or if there is no base (such as for vehicles), then it's to the hull (p176 "Tools of War" is the reference). Thus with speeders - and flyers too, for that matter - it's the base that matters.


To illustrate why this is the case, say I am shooting another unit with my Javelin, then pointing the Javelin towards the target gives me another 1" on top of the measurement to the base. If I am now being shot, then I rotate it 90 degrees and all of a sudden my enemy has just over another 1" to shoot.


This is certainly how I play it, and how I expect it to be in a competitive tournament, but if your local game club does it differently, then cool!

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Yeah I probably shouldn't have used the term base... the concept I was thinking of was the models footprint.  Aura's and other distances are measured from the edge of the models footprint.  That footprint for an infantry model like Ezekiel is the base.  But in the context of the models currently under discussion, the footprint is clearly not the flight stand.

Hmmm. Per the BRB distances are always measured from the base, or if there is no base (such as for vehicles), then it's to the hull (p176 "Tools of War" is the reference). Thus with speeders - and flyers too, for that matter - it's the base that matters.


To illustrate why this is the case, say I am shooting another unit with my Javelin, then pointing the Javelin towards the target gives me another 1" on top of the measurement to the base. If I am now being shot, then I rotate it 90 degrees and all of a sudden my enemy has just over another 1" to shoot.


This is certainly how I play it, and how I expect it to be in a competitive tournament, but if your local game club does it differently, then cool!


I think you have misunderstood that.  Flyers explicitly state that you can measure distances to and from either the hull or the base.  This allows infantry to board a flyer transport by getting within range of either the model or the base.  It also allows units to target flyers that they can draw LOS to the model even if they do not have LOS to the flyer's base.


I'm not sure what your point is about the intrinsic properties of rectangles.  Flyers also have an oblong base so turning 90 degrees will result in the flyer being marginally closer or further away simply as a result of reorienting the model.  How is that any different than turning a Rhino or Razorback both of which are also rectangles.  Everything isn't circles and therefore it is illogical to expect everything to behave as a circle.  Turning on the spot is how the rules are written so the fact that some bases and models are oblong is understood and acceptable.  Now pivoting on an edge and rolling the model to get extra movement greater than a pivot around the center of the model is unsportsmanlike.


However I'm going to call BS on your "It's the base that matters" interpretation because I know that you are not applying that rule consistently.  And now for a couple of absolutely asinine examples that demonstrate my point.


The wave serpent, Falcon, and Devil Fish all use the same flying stand that the Landspeeder and Javelin use.  All 3 are vehicles just like the landspeeder and javelin.  All 3 also extend over an inch in front of the flying stand.  So accordingly to your "its the base that matters" interpretation all of those models can not be charged from the front because the vehicle gets in the way of your unit getting within 1 inch of the base.


Additionally I often see the Devil Fish modeled with the landing gear down and no flight stand.  Does the prescience or absence of the flight stand really alter the model and how other units can interact with it on the table?


Then you have the repulsor... which is clearly a vehicle that is over-sized for the base that is attached to the model.  Depending on how well or poorly you center the stand on the base and the base on the model it can be more than an inch to that base when charging unit gets blocked by the hull.  


Those vehicles have a base so according to you the Hull is irrelevant.  It doesn't matter that the Hull obstructs access to the base.  Because they have a base in order to assault them you have to get within an inch of the base.


Yes I realize how asinine that argument is, but it is the logical progression of your claim.  We all know that isn't how you would play that with those other vehicles.  So why are you being logically inconsistent with Speeders and Javelins?


If someone charged your Javelin from the front and their model made contact with the hull of the Javelin, the charge would be successful, even if the unit didn't reach the flight stand.  And if that is the case then why wouldn't you use that same standard for determining when the model is affected by an Aura?

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Yeah I probably shouldn't have used the term base... the concept I was thinking of was the models footprint.  Aura's and other distances are measured from the edge of the models footprint.  That footprint for an infantry model like Ezekiel is the base.  But in the context of the models currently under discussion, the footprint is clearly not the flight stand.

Hmmm. Per the BRB distances are always measured from the base, or if there is no base (such as for vehicles), then it's to the hull (p176 "Tools of War" is the reference). Thus with speeders - and flyers too, for that matter - it's the base that matters.


To illustrate why this is the case, say I am shooting another unit with my Javelin, then pointing the Javelin towards the target gives me another 1" on top of the measurement to the base. If I am now being shot, then I rotate it 90 degrees and all of a sudden my enemy has just over another 1" to shoot.


This is certainly how I play it, and how I expect it to be in a competitive tournament, but if your local game club does it differently, then cool!


I think you have misunderstood that.  Flyers explicitly state that you can measure distances to and from either the hull or the base.  This allows infantry to board a flyer transport by getting within range of either the model or the base.  It also allows units to target flyers that they can draw LOS to the model even if they do not have LOS to the flyer's base.


I'm not sure what your point is about the intrinsic properties of rectangles.  Flyers also have an oblong base so turning 90 degrees will result in the flyer being marginally closer or further away simply as a result of reorienting the model.  How is that any different than turning a Rhino or Razorback both of which are also rectangles.  Everything isn't circles and therefore it is illogical to expect everything to behave as a circle.  Turning on the spot is how the rules are written so the fact that some bases and models are oblong is understood and acceptable.  Now pivoting on an edge and rolling the model to get extra movement greater than a pivot around the center of the model is unsportsmanlike.


However I'm going to call BS on your "It's the base that matters" interpretation because I know that you are not applying that rule consistently.  And now for a couple of absolutely asinine examples that demonstrate my point.


The wave serpent, Falcon, and Devil Fish all use the same flying stand that the Landspeeder and Javelin use.  All 3 are vehicles just like the landspeeder and javelin.  All 3 also extend over an inch in front of the flying stand.  So accordingly to your "its the base that matters" interpretation all of those models can not be charged from the front because the vehicle gets in the way of your unit getting within 1 inch of the base.


Additionally I often see the Devil Fish modeled with the landing gear down and no flight stand.  Does the prescience or absence of the flight stand really alter the model and how other units can interact with it on the table?


Then you have the repulsor... which is clearly a vehicle that is over-sized for the base that is attached to the model.  Depending on how well or poorly you center the stand on the base and the base on the model it can be more than an inch to that base when charging unit gets blocked by the hull.  


Those vehicles have a base so according to you the Hull is irrelevant.  It doesn't matter that the Hull obstructs access to the base.  Because they have a base in order to assault them you have to get within an inch of the base.


Yes I realize how asinine that argument is, but it is the logical progression of your claim.  We all know that isn't how you would play that with those other vehicles.  So why are you being logically inconsistent with Speeders and Javelins?


If someone charged your Javelin from the front and their model made contact with the hull of the Javelin, the charge would be successful, even if the unit didn't reach the flight stand.  And if that is the case then why wouldn't you use that same standard for determining when the model is affected by an Aura?

The Repulsor specifically has a rule stating you measure from the hull despite being based though.


My comment was more about the bases was this: I don't like how SMALL the flying stand base is compared to the Javelin. The size of the model with the stand just looks weird to me. Because of that, I'd put mine on one of the 90mm  x 52mm Oval bases I have from the Sector Imperialis kit, or a 105mm x 70mm Oval base done up to match, whichever one fits the much larger Javelin better.

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