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Ornithologist's Tourny Training


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I have a tournament coming up in a few months. My plan is to both fine tune my list and give anyone who's interested a highlight reel of good/bad decisions/unit performance. Now the list is limited by the models/weapons I have on hand to keep it all Wyswig


First, the List:


2000 Pts - 7 Command Points


Battalion Detachment - 3 Command Points


Captain Hammer - Jump pack Relic - Thunder hammer - Artisan of War - Inferno Pistol

S. Priest - Bolt Pistol/Power sword Jump Pack


Intercessors x5 with Chainsword Sargent

Intercessors x5 with Chainsword Sargent

Scouts x 5 with bolt pistol/combat blades


Inceptor Squad x3 with Bolters

inceptor Squad x3 with Plasma


Hellblasters x5 with rapid fire guns

Devastators x5 with 2 lascannons/2 missles and a Cherub


Vanguard Detachment - 1 Command Point


Librarian Dread


Aggressors x3 with Flamers

Death Company x8 with Jump packs 2 Fists - 1 power sword - rest chainswords and pistols - 1 power axe

Sanguary Guard x 4 with 4 bolt weapons and 1 fist - 1 axe - 2 swords

Sanguary Aincient with sword and Death mask


Repulsor with Heavy Gattling Cannon - Twin Lascannon - 4 Frag Pods - Heavy stubber - Gatling Cannon - Rocket Pod


So far the record is 3w to 1L as follows:


Game 1 was Against Orks as a win wiht the following fun facts:

Ork Leadership is both resilient and very fragile. The 3 30 man units either had no issues with morale or were just picked up off the table.

Captain Hammer made all the warbosses go away. 

Upon Wings of Fire Strat got me 4 victory points with one useage. 

Placed Scouts badly. - Very Badly.


Game 2 was against Death Guard as a win with the following fun facts:


Bad Decision Overcharging inceptors melted their alpha strike without anyone dying. Yay!

Repulsor ate a unit every turn. The Gattling cannon Really helped take down Plague marines

No Mortarion - List was less tourny prep and more Fluff oriented - though the tourny wasn't announced at the time.


Game 3 was against Black legion Chaos Marines  as a Loss, with the following fun facts:

Bad Decision Overcharging Inceptors melted themselves on their alpha strike while only mostly wounding the Hel Drake.  

2 units of 3 Obliterators with a 2nd shooting of one per turn with command points really hurts

Abbadon hurts. Lots

Upon Wings of Fire got me 2 victory points this game. Still Solid investment.

I spent this game making to many bad decisions.


Game 4 was against Thousand Suns/Tzeench Deamons as a Win

Enemy list had Lord of Change - Magnus the Red - Deamon Prince - Ahairman - Changeling - Large unit of Rubric Marines - Flamers of Tzeench

Captain Hammer one shot Magnus after dying from his Charge with the attack after death strat. Yay!

Repulsor was left alone long enough to carry the win for me. 

Got lucky when all on Turn 2 all 5 of his remaining Psykers failled almost all of their power attempt rolls.

Rubric Marines in Cover are a pain to deal with.


So, Fine tuning and game notes - and pictures of units! are incoming.




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