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Forge World Chaos Fliers

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Fire Raptor is excellent Can damage infantry and vehicles with ease. A real gunship (big volume of shots in addition to high strength tank busting missiles or Las cannons).


The Storm Eagle is basically a flying Landraider with even more firepower and a capacity of 20 models. (think two twin Las cannons, a twin multi melta and missiles as well)


The Xiphon is a punchy tank hunter of the skies. Very maneuverable and accurate, even more so against units with fly. Not too expensive.


The hellblade is a budget figher but not so impressive. Less points than the other options I've mentioned but much less firepower.

Edited by Ishagu
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Thanks guys!


I really like the look ofthe Hell Talon and hellblade. Xiphon as well.


The Storm Eagle sounds to be pretty good, but it looks maybe a bit bulky for my emperors children.


So I might Try a Xiphon or maybe get a hellblade and play it couns as, as a xiphon.

from what i am thinking the xiphon seems to be good at killing tanks that are hidden behind terrain, because it can change its postiton really fast.

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Fire Raptor is far and above the "best" though they all look ridiculously awesome except the Xiphon, IMO.


The Hellblade is the only Eyrine Cult (flyer) that I own, but I've yet to use it. It's kinda dinky, and while cheap you get what you pay for. Not much firepower.

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The Hell Talon has something that it does really well: nuking screening troops with bombs during the movement phase. Fly over, drop Pyrax, watch half an Ork mob disappear, or a bunch of Guard go poof. Then drop terminators/other deepstrike troops into the gap at the end of the phase.


Smells like victory.

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As an addendum to the Hell Talon, it also hits on 3+ despite moving (Daemonic Machine Spirit) with a Twin Lascannon and a Hellstorm.


It's pricey, but between that and the bombs, it can hit like a ton of bricks if you point it at the right targets. It's also not as fragile as you'd think, being Toughness 7 with 12 W , a 3+ save, and a 5+ Invuln, in addition to Hard to Hit. With the Hellstorm it will run you about 250, Havoc will be about 9pts less.


An important point about the bombs: There are 3 types, each for different targets (Warp Pulse for heavy infantry, Pyrax for hordes, and Baletalon for Vehicles/Monsters) and you can choose which type it's carrying before the game begins.....so it might be interesting for a tourney list.

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Sounds nice. So i also can imagine a pair of hell blades and one hell talon to look nice and be kida fluffy. =D i imagine the hell talon to be fun to play as well. But i think removing chaff is kida difficult for deep striking, because the enemy can always choose the casualties and does not have to keep coherency until.his next movement phase right?
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Sounds nice. So i also can imagine a pair of hell blades and one hell talon to look nice and be kida fluffy. =D i imagine the hell talon to be fun to play as well. But i think removing chaff is kida difficult for deep striking, because the enemy can always choose the casualties and does not have to keep coherency until.his next movement phase right?

Depends on how well you roll and whether your opponent has to remove in a certain way to avoid a charge from something else on the ground.


Or if you REALLY want that beachhead, you can use 2. Forgeworld also conveniently sells a 3-pack. ;)


Just be careful of your spacing.

Edited by GreaterChickenofTzeentch
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