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What could the future hold for Warbands without a Primarch?


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Magnus and Mortarion are already around, so it's likely that we will see Fulgrim and Angron sooner or later. However, the other Primarchs have also been hinted at in the Codex and other places which makes me wonder: what would the role of those Legions and Warbands that don't have a Primarch?


The Black Legion is led by Abbadon and there's no way that Horus is coming back. Being the Champion of Chaos, I imagine Abbadon could somehow get to a Primarch's level if GW decides so.


What about the Night Lords? They belong to one of the original traitor Legions yet their Primarch is dead, will they be given a Primarch equivalent or will they just be forgotten?


But with the current Codex focusing so much on the legions, the ones that really 'sadden' me are the Warbands that are not related to the original legions. The Red Corsairs are the prime example, weren't they the most important CSM Warband? I imagine Huron somehow being able to rise to the challenge but could he have the same potential as a Daemon Primarch? What about other warbands? Will GW completely forgot about them? I feel that is likely the case and it seems like such a shame.


What do you guys think?

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As i said in the other thread about new CSM units : Imo GW will abbadon vanilla CSM (hoho) and the actual CSM Codex will explose in different subfaction with différents units and codex and each time around a great piece : primarch. We already got DG and TS, hoping for EC and WE.


So i don't see a great futur for warband without Primarch. I think they will have to wait for Fulgrim, Angron, Lorgar and Perturabo to come out. Black Legion with a new Abaddon can be great too.

Night lords and renegate are screwed i think. GW gave some loves to renégates but with the absolute success of Horus Heresy (both from the Black Library and FW units/game) Chaos is going to go back full to the Traitors Légions.

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I think it's impossible to say right now. It will be a long time before all the living Primarchs are done.


But with the current Codex focusing so much on the legions, the ones that really 'sadden' me are the Warbands that are not related to the original legions. The Red Corsairs are the prime example, weren't they the most important CSM Warband? I imagine Huron somehow being able to rise to the challenge but could he have the same potential as a Daemon Primarch? What about other warbands? Will GW completely forgot about them? I feel that is likely the case and it seems like such a shame.


GW are going full blast on the Legions because it's what we, the community, have wanted and demanded for years. Ever since 3.5, people wanted the Legions back, and we've been very vocal about our collective dislike of the focus on renegades. The emphasis on the Red Corsairs and the Crimson Slaughter wasn't very popular. The popularity of the Horus Heresy only rammed that home. If you're a big renegade rather than Legions guy, you're probably out of luck I'm afraid, but at least GW have seen fit to accommodate with relics/warlord trait/rules, etc, so it's not all bad.


I wouldn't be surprised if GW would stop with the Primarch releases after the big 4 for Chaos. It's not 30k after all and there are Xenos who want some attention as well. 


They might slow down after the big 4 are done, but there's no way they're going to stop. Primarchs are a cash cow for GW, and the line between 30k and 40k has been heavily blurred by 8th edition. I fully expect every living Primarch to receive a model eventually. I'd rather they didn't, but I can't envisage GW not doing this. It basically is 30k 2.0 now, with the emphasis less on the past and more on the new future currently being forged.

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Agreed with Marshal : too much hype on 30k for GW to put some "living" primarch aside. I expect Fulgrim, Angron, Perturabo, Leman Russ, The Lion, Khan. On the contrary i'm afraid they go so much insane we got some shenaginans for the coming back of Sanguinus or Corax (wich mean throwing away a great deal about BA and RG fluff imo).


Ofc no one expect to see all the primarch coming right now. We talk about years to come with other Xenos new models/faction in between (and i hope for a Dark Mechanicum release too..)

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The argument of "that would be the smart thing to do" never worked with GW tho. :D

Also about the reviving of Sanguinius etc. ... let's don't go there please. It never ends well.

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As i said in the other thread about new CSM units : Imo GW will abbadon vanilla CSM (hoho) and the actual CSM Codex will explose in different subfaction with différents units and codex and each time around a great piece : primarch. We already got DG and TS, hoping for EC and WE.


So i don't see a great futur for warband without Primarch. I think they will have to wait for Fulgrim, Angron, Lorgar and Perturabo to come out. Black Legion with a new Abaddon can be great too.

Night lords and renegate are screwed i think. GW gave some loves to renégates but with the absolute success of Horus Heresy (both from the Black Library and FW units/game) Chaos is going to go back full to the Traitors Légions.


I was writing this on one tab while I had the CSM models topic on another. I saw your reply right after I posted mine (I didn't see a message telling me there was a new reply, lol) but this was certainly some funny timing. This is certainly what I imagine, as well.


I wouldn't be surprised if GW would stop with the Primarch releases after the big 4 for Chaos. It's not 30k after all and there are Xenos who want some attention as well.



I also expect 4 on each side, and then a focus on some Xenos or other faction characters.



I kinda hope Xenos get more love in-between Primarch releases, though.


GW are going full blast on the Legions because it's what we, the community, have wanted and demanded for years. Ever since 3.5, people wanted the Legions back, and we've been very vocal about our collective dislike of the focus on renegades. The emphasis on the Red Corsairs and the Crimson Slaughter wasn't very popular. The popularity of the Horus Heresy only rammed that home. If you're a big renegade rather than Legions guy, you're probably out of luck I'm afraid, but at least GW have seen fit to accommodate with relics/warlord trait/rules, etc, so it's not all bad.



I wouldn't be surprised if GW would stop with the Primarch releases after the big 4 for Chaos. It's not 30k after all and there are Xenos who want some attention as well.


They might slow down after the big 4 are done, but there's no way they're going to stop. Primarchs are a cash cow for GW, and the line between 30k and 40k has been heavily blurred by 8th edition. I fully expect every living Primarch to receive a model eventually. I'd rather they didn't, but I can't envisage GW not doing this. It basically is 30k 2.0 now, with the emphasis less on the past and more on the new future currently being forged.


I really got into 40K Chaos while the HH was in full swing so I don't really know how things were before that but it just seems like a shame to give them the boot after having someone like Huron being a relevant character. Also, poor Night Lords in that case.

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Corax never died, though?



Didnt read about the "new" fluff for 30k about Raven guard. In the old fluff corax went full of despair after seeing what he had done to his legion in an attemps to refill his rank and went on a simili-suicide going all alone in the Eye of Terror in a very Poe-tish end of story.

I find this version so cool, part of why I love the raven guard.

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I really foresee them doing the big 4 for Chaos primarchs and then calling it good. As much as I would love to see good old Perty get the primarch treatment, it is GW after all.


Although I do have a glimmer of hope given that just five years ago if you had told me GW would release Admech and Custodes I would have called you a warp spawn.

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I don't see them making kits for the Undivided Legion primarchs; I'm even skeptical that we'll see much more expanding on the World Eaters and the Emperor's Children before next edition rolls around. However, I do think it's highly likely that we may see some non-Primarch, chaos-god-dedicated but not legion-dedicated Lords of War which can simultaneously be sold to Divided Legion players as well as fit into the Undivided Legion armies as well, akin to the Khorne Lord of Skulls.


I just can't foresee them trying to sell a Lord of War that fits into a single narrow "background" (i.e. without a dedicated model line) legion just to capitalize on extant players. It makes far more sense to either

  1. play the long game, and release a whole model line that can draw an entire group of players in at once and sell them each a thousand dollars of plastic all at once with the Lord of War a unique cherry on top, or
  2. sell a far more flexible model kit which can fit into many different existing armies to capitalize on the maximum number of extant players.

Since I don't see them attempting the first strategy with the undivided legions and releasing an entire array of (say) unique Iron Warriors models, I really don't expect to see Perturabo and friends gracing us with their 41st millenia plastic incarnations.

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Like others have said I see the Angron and Fulgrim getting done, but I do t we will see more then the followers of the 4 gods. The Death guard and thousand sons codex really push how everyone is working and doing the bidding of their patron god. I could see the other regions that are more chaos undivided get some one sort of generic like Belakor who can lead them all.
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Nothing says Perturabo, Lorgar, and possibly Omegon can't appear. In the lore they've already mentioned all 3 active to some extent (possibly with Omegon, the new 40K AL book has what could be him but you never know with the XX). Lorgar is said to have awakened and is currently rumored to be in realspace and at the very least, Perturabo and the IVth had a war with the Death Guard. Not sure if he's made his way into the Imperium yet.


But yeah, Black Legion and Night Lords would be screwed.

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Nothing says Perturabo, Lorgar, and possibly Omegon can't appear. In the lore they've already mentioned all 3 active to some extent (possibly with Omegon, the new 40K AL book has what could be him but you never know with the XX). Lorgar is said to have awakened and is currently rumored to be in realspace and at the very least, Perturabo and the IVth had a war with the Death Guard. Not sure if he's made his way into the Imperium yet.


But yeah, Black Legion and Night Lords would be screwed.

the night lords and Black Legion don't really need primarchs. Just give them more characters than the other legions. Edited by Slan Drakkos
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Black Legion could just get a proper Abaddon and they'd be fine.

Nightlords would be a problem tho. Even if they could build an awesome Primarch smashing character like the Blood Angels Captain, it's still something different compared to having an awesome centerpiece model like the rest.

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Decius at the end of the night lords trilogy would be in my opinion would be great to give us night lord players. He is after all somewhat related to Talos and to a lot of night lord players Talos is more loved that Conrad. 

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Fabius has all the samples he needs to create clones of all the Primarchs, hasn't he? (At least that is what Reynolds says in Clonelord ) So, it could be possible that the Night Lords get a Primarch character that way? Edited by Warpmiss
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I highly doubt Night Lords will ever get a primarch. They need to sell models after all, and while both Magnus & Morty are primarchs of a single legion, they are each the centrepiece of an entire sub-faction of Chaos. Night Lords, while a fan favourite, i don't see them being given anywhere near that kind of attention. Ditto for the other non-cult aligned legions.
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*IF* you wanted a big centerpiece model for the Night Lords, I'd actually recommend a model and rules for Krieg Acerbus, a canon Daemon Prince of the VIII. Make him big and bad enough to stand up to a Primarch and I think you'll have a winner
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Bringing back Primarchs that had already died at one point just cheapens their deaths and the impact they had in the Heresy. Let them rest.

Let's don't have this argument here. Let it rest.

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