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What could the future hold for Warbands without a Primarch?


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Decius at the end of the night lords trilogy would be in my opinion would be great to give us night lord players. He is after all somewhat related to Talos and to a lot of night lord players Talos is more loved that Conrad.


Lucyphorius, Malcharion, and Variel could also be made as well. GW just needs to give legions that don't have primarchs more options character wise than legions that do have primarchs.
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I do not see a problem.
From a fluff standpoint no one really need a Primarch to function.
Sure have one is nice, but not really a must.


For a game point of view, well they can always add a tank or other unit that can match a Primarch if need be.

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Honestly for the 30ish years of 40k previously before Girlyman/Maggy/Morty we were fine. We will be fine after the fact as well.


Are they cool models? Of course. Would it be awesome to get models for those primarchs still around? Of course. But that doesn't mean it is going to happen, or for that matter GW -has- to make models for them. Part of the grim dark is the unknown. To make more known would take away from that.

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