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My Skitarri and Me


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I’ve been running a force of Metallica Skitarii alongside my Black Templars and Vostroyans, recently. I got to say after hiccups regarding setups, they have done their role in the army perfectly.


Running as flankers to my main force, they work as semi-durable bubble wrap. For my main army and running them as Vangaurd, their 30” range guns gives them the reach to hit backfield targets.


Infact while the Skitarri puts out low damage but it definitely feels to me they are good at running perimeter duty. The Techpriest Enginseer runs alongside them, with his Ax, he can deal some reasonable damage against the enemy even if he is semi-unreliable with only WS-4+.


It is enough that Bully Units and otherwise have to take some effort to kill them. So I am asking my experiences unique?

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I think for their cost Rangers are one of the best troop options out there. The ap1 on 6s means they can get some damage through, and they put out enough shots to reliably hit those 6s. I had 35 in my last game to bubble wrap knights against deep striking melta and my opponent kept thinking they would be easily removed and end up losing marines because they weren't what he expected.
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Just two. List was not finished, I intended to tweak it heavily but never had a chance to.


I had:

2 Knight Wardens, one Thermal and one RFBC.

5 naked squads of 5 rangers

1 squad of 10 rangers with plasma

3 neutron Onagers

Engineer and Dominus


The rangers, as a whole, spent most of the game out of range of everything, yet still managed to kill stuff. I intend to fix the list up and try again at some point.

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Vanguard were my go to in 7th, but in 8th I find hordes to be way more dangerous for my AdMech. So the vanguard doing d2 isn't useful, where ap1 still helps. But if I am shooting at tougher stuff, ap1 is still useful, so it seems all around better to me unless you want to get them stuck in (that rad saturation is nice if that's the case).
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