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Primaris marines


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Good afternoon!!


Has anyone played against generic primaris marines?  I have a game this weekend and will be facing them, my buddy will be using them as "Ultramarines".  Anyone have any advice on how to give him a good beating?  2000 points is going to be the size of the game.

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Well.....take Plasma Inceptors or Hellblaster and overcharge the hell out of them? :D


Also they are hopelessly inferior in melee compared to us so take our beloved Captain with whatever weapon and the +1 damage trait (if the weapon has only D1) and rock his world. ^^

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Assuming you mean your oponnent is taking pure Primaris you should honestly have a pretty good chance with any reasonable list from our rulebook. The combination of speed and assault capability that our codex gave us means Blood Angels are very well suited indeed for killing vanilla Primaris. I'd expect literally any list I've written in the past few months to have a better than even chance of winning  and this includes gimmicky terminator heavy lists and the like.


That being said if you want to optimize your list a bit anything that deals multiple damage is going to be particularly brutal. Sanguinary Guard are probably the best jump infantry option due to everything they have dealing d3 damage and mostly negating their saves. Mainstays like captain smash or Mephiston will get some work done as well. For shooting you'll want plasma. I'm particularly fond of plasma Inceptors due to their combination of massive firepower and ability to deepstrike. Heavy bolter equivalents like the assault bolters for Inceptors or Onslaught Gattling Gun on Redepmptors/Repulsors will do some pretty decent work as well.

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This is actually one of the reasons I've been going back to the Grav-Bomb. Not only is Grav excellent against Primaris centric armies, it doubles against custodes if those get allied in.


I just wish they were a bit cheaper. However, something I really think is a great counter to primaris is as follows.


To Taste:


2x Devastators squad(s) in a drop pod. 4x Grav-Cannon 1x combi-grav/(x)




1x squad, same load out, acommpanied by Mephiston + Generic Captain/Tycho or Corbulo/priest followed by 3 company vets with weapon of choice.

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Repulsors are a :cuss -ing fire magnet...as they should be! That’s like 1/4 of his entire army if you can knock one put early.


Captain Blender (see other thread) is especially dirty against Primaris if you use Artisan of War.


Sang Guard with plasma are brutal too.


Company Vets with jump packs and plasma guns are a poor man’s inceptors.

Edited by Indefragable
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Primaris are crippled by low mobility. In a mixed army they are amazing, but Primaris only is a pretty limited bag of tricks. Everything they do is hampered by the lack of mobility in their characters. No captain aura for DSing Inceptors to rely on for overheat. No front beatsticks. Expect a gunline backed by buffing characters. Harassing Inceptors and maybe Reivers but they don't really have enough options to bring Frontline pressure.
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I've been thinking about it a bunch and I honestly don't think there's a single style of army in this game that I find less threatening than a full Primaris force from the Vanilla codex. Pure Primaris lists have a number of weaknesses but at the end of the day the poor mobility is the one thing that absolutely cripples them. Reivers and Inceptors don't even come close to being enough.

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Well my buddy did end up and bring his primaris marines, I was on part of a team with another new Blood Angels player.  We each had 1000 points against his 2000.  I had Captain Hammersmash who worked exactly as I had hoped.  He took on a redemptor dread and got it down to 4 wounds at the end of the first fight phase.  My chaplain also did work against his captain on the first charge as well.  Sadly thought my partner on my team got sick and had to leave early so I never got to finish  the game but I was actually kicking ass yesterday instead of getting it kicked.

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Well my buddy did end up and bring his primaris marines, I was on part of a team with another new Blood Angels player.  We each had 1000 points against his 2000.  I had Captain Hammersmash who worked exactly as I had hoped.  He took on a redemptor dread and got it down to 4 wounds at the end of the first fight phase.  My chaplain also did work against his captain on the first charge as well.  Sadly thought my partner on my team got sick and had to leave early so I never got to finish  the game but I was actually kicking ass yesterday instead of getting it kicked.


Glad that you had fun, Vulkan81 – maybe a rematch soon?

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