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As far as deamon engines go, I have a defiler with a havoc launcher and a reaper Autocannon. The Autocannon will be going away in favor for either a twin lascannon or Twin Heavy Bolter probably depending on this thread. I also have a baledrake which will sadly probably remain on the shelf for most games anymore for not having enough bite to justify its points cost.


The question is: thus far I’ve found the defiler and deamon engines in particular rather underwhelming with their low BS especially on the move. How much additional resources (strategems and psychic powers) do those of you that enjoy running the deamon engines tend to use. As everyone knows, command points are rather precious, psychic power slots slightly less so for us. Is it worth the additional resource investiture.


I’d appreciate it if we kept the discussion to deamon engines and tried not the compare them to the competition (predators and Helbrutes) too much. I currently make heavy use of predators and I already know how effective they are.

Edited by Paladin777
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Defilers seem like a great option to hold backline objectives with minimal support. TS are a pretty mobile force for the most part (Webway, SOT, Discogors, Warptime, etc.) so I could see charging up the middle of the board with the bulk of our troope, with a few Daemon Engines (specifically Defilers) to hold the backline.

Decimators are daemon engines. They perform similarly to helbrutes. I have not been able to run the siege claw against a tank. The butcher cannon’s AP makes it dubious against true armor. I haven’t finished my c-Beamer decimator yet, but it will primarily do the anti-armor function.


Decimators are also daemons so they’ll benefit from the psychic power that boosts daemonic shooting. Haven’t tried that yet but look forward to it.

Daemon engines can benefit from the Tzeentch Discipline a great deal. Non-daemons usually can't. Things like Defilers and Fiends make ideal targets for Flickering Flames and giving CC Daemon Engines a buff with Boon of Tzeentch can work out. If you have allied Daemons or lots of Enlightened it gets even better.

I had a thought last night about higher point games and when appropriate fielding a defence wall and cannon for a Deamon gun line. Aegis defence line I think though do not see it in the brb.


If you needed a gun line in defence spot with with a forge fiend, defiler or 2 the cannon can give your exalted sorcerer something meaningful to do during the shooting phase while he is baby sitting the reroll and waiting for the enemy to advance in spell range. Anyway just a thought.


Units could move over the wall if more agressive tactics are needed. Might be cool for defensive or objective capturing games.

Edited by Skerr
  • 4 weeks later...

What Demon engines do you think fit the TS theme? I have a defiler, but not crazy about Dinobots as they seem more Khorney to me as does the Helldrake. And not crazy about the Hellbrute model. Would rather us FW Contemptors for TS.


I have always loved the Brass Scorpion but that is obviously a Khorne engine as well.

It does not help with the performance on the table top but there is an awesome tzeentchy conversion of the heldrake using Phoenix parts. It's even on the GW website:


Edited by Quixus

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