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Creating tech-thralls


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Recently I decided I wanted to add a cheap battalion of Imperial Guard to my forces. Keeping it simple, just some barebones infantry squads and a couple commanders. Partially for having a good screen/area denial units, partially for fluff reasons for my army.


Wanting to keep them fully in theme, I decided I wanted to make them tech-thralls instead of just standard guardsmen. Now, as much as I would LOVE to have 50 tech-thralls from Forge World slowly marching up the board, my wallet is screaming at me in disagreement on that. So I'm looking for cheaper options.


Anyone have any recommendations for buying/building some basic tech-thralls?


As for the commanders, I'm probably going to just use regular Skitarii and convert them somewhat. Make them more imposing than the rest, more 'leader-like.' Any suggestions for how I could go about that?

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Really,you could just use your standard guardsman,Cadian,but change the heads out for, Skitarii.You could even check ,Anvil out for headswaps,or MadRobot. You just need to show bionics of some form ,augments that show them connected to a ,ForgeWorld.You might even use Mechanicum,transfers which might convey the theme even better.:wink:

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The genestealer cult bodies are perfect for the build! Not to mention a simple head swap and its perfect for tech guard. Mine are not perfect, could trim helms and such better for a perfect fit but when amassing 50 of them, it can be daunting. Cheers!

20180211 211943 (1)

(Don't ming the cult icon on the serg, I fixed it after this pic)

20180125 215425

20180121 150235


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