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Not actually mustering up a proper blog update as of yet, but I posted these over on the book of faces so why not forums too. I've actually not been as idle as the date would suggest, I'm just reticent to post WiPs since I often end up putting projects into a box on the shelf for months until I'm interested in them again. On the plus side, I finally have a phone with a camera in it that doesn't produce images that look like pixel art. Anyway, the blurb, and then the pretty piccies:


First of my "artscale" Custodes is ready for paint(not that it's likely to get any given my track record), or close to it as I'm undecided on whether to add a shoulder half-cape to the left arm similar to the ones on the Deathshroud(but nicer lookin' obviously

Love the tweaked Custodians, but what really blew me away was the idea of using that Deathbringer as a base model for a Goliath gangleader -- and that Reiver head is a perfect choice! I fear I might have to ...borrow that idea at some point ;)

Love the tweaked Custodians, but what really blew me away was the idea of using that Deathbringer as a base model for a Goliath gangleader -- and that Reiver head is a perfect choice! I fear I might have to ...borrow that idea at some point :wink:


Hah, thanks everyone, and feel free Kraut, though it's actually two Deathbringers - the legs and left half of the torso/arm are the Axe one, the right side of the torso/arm was salvaged from a Spear one I bought for the head and couldn't think of anything else to do with as tbh the stock pose is super goofy :teehee:

I got my second box of Wardens the other day(harvesting the heads, torsos, tassets etc to convert the same characters on jetbikes) and tacked together the same parts I used for Aiakos for a comparison. The middle cork is actually only fractionally shorter, the angle makes it look a lot more different than it is.




Also, I'm nearly done with the rest of the ones I was working on, saving some tidying work and the completion of the captain's cloak which at the moment is just the initial gap fill layer of putty.












My plans have expanded a wee touch as well though. I'd originally planned to give the Vexilarius a Sentinel blade, but I no matter which arms and poses I tried I couldn't get the model to balance out visually, it always ended up either looking like he was about to fall over, or just awkward, so I eventually gave in and just went with the shield. However, I'd already converted the left-handed blade, and much like with everything else about these Custodes models I found with just a couple of wee tweaks all the issues I had go away - in this case, they always look to me like they'd snap off at the hilt in a stiff breeze, but in using a hand with a thicker grip from a Guardian Spear and moving the hand up closer to the pistol-crosspiece, the whole thing looks a lot more solid - so I intend to convert up a sixth man with sword & board.


I've also been working on the jetbike stuff on the side using the inevitable leftover putty(I always mix too much), I'll get some pics of that once I figure out attaching the Warden chestpieces to the lengthened Vertus legs.

Fantastic work. Now they look like the majestic demigods of battle they ought to be.

Do you have planst for a colour scheme?


Cheers guys.


Right now I'm wavering a bit. My initial preference is to stick with the artwork I'm aiming to emulate, so your basic gold armour(a cooler, "antique" gold than the GW scheme though) with red for the cloth and helm hair, but I have this nagging sense that I should be doing the cloth & hair in mourning black per the old fluff(as far as I'm concerned, the timeline has not advanced, all my 40K material is set pre-13th Black Crusade - Primarchs are for 30K IMO). I might just headcannon that so only the Companions changed to black robes while the rest retained their prior colourschemes.


In either case, the shoulder will get a simple design. Vigils are, going top-left to bottom-right; Dawn, Sun, Dusk, Moon.



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