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Deployment tactics as Blood Angels


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Having played a tyranid opponent who used a Trygon with genestealers along with some big bugs, I began wondering what are the most effective deployment tactics we have as BA. I was forced to screen myself and deny him ground where he could deepstrike, but this meant staying back and giving up objectives in the early game.


Usually we want to deepstrike with at least DC if not more, there may be flyers involed as well, so it leaves us with a lot of points invested in very mobile units and not much is left to actually deploy on the table in a traditional manner.

What do you do then? Obviously it depends on the mission but do you screen with your chaff? Is there any other formation worth adopting? Do you just stay flexible and keep everything mobile and move as needed? Too much separation (DC, Sang Guard, flyers - everything going off on its own) creates opportunities for isolation, which isn't good either.


I know it's a general question, but maybe it'll spark a discussion and I feel like there isn't enough talk about how to deploy properly.

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Having presence in the middle of the board is pretty important, it denies deep strike but also block the opponent progress and give place for my own deep strike units. For that early on i use scouts to gain middle bord presence.


Then I try to populate backfield as much as possible with cheap bodies. In my brigade I typically run 3 devastators with just one lascannon each, this gives me 15 models to cover up backfield.


The idea is that your opponent should be forced to deep strike on the frontline on turn 1. Unit types can change but if they plan to deep strike in my deployment zone I want them to spend some time killing my units.


Deployment tactics are a big part of the game.

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You bring up a serious problem with blood angel armies, especially for itc missions, board presence. I found I was abandoning / losing my home objectives most games with my mobile attacking army lists that I gravitate towards.


This is however just a choice, we have the tools to hold objectives we just are tempted to take the fight to our foe at every turn. My personal belief is that allied detachments have an edge in static fire support but as said our devastators shoot straight, carry lascannon and are decent for their role in melee. No ob-sec is an issue but the 2+ to hit lascannon is too good to pass up.


Balance is key to consistent victory and the deployment of your force needs to react to your foe.


I assert that our scouts are top tier chaff and I deploy 2-3 msu cheap and cheerful speed bump assault squads as far forward as possible every game. This foils enemy deepstrikers and sets the stage for my deepstrikers. Behind that you need some presence in your back field to man objectives, fire support, and keep enemy deepstrikers out of your deployment zone. Tac,devs, intersessors, sniper scouts, hellblasters, all fill this role to some degree.

I left all vehicles out as their low model count makes for poor objective holders, they are more fire support specialists. The formation should adapt to the objectives and terrain unless you building a castle around aura buffs, a tactic that works fine for us.


My decent learning leads me towards fairly regimented deployment strategies that play my units to their strengths. I have work to do upon my list to harden my back field without neutering my mobile hitters. . . But where to find the points

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A great topic and something I spend prolly too much thought on also.


In ITC missions taking midfield makes it easier to score recon (unit in each quarter) and denying that opportunity to the opponent is also good etc.

Holding the middle it is easier to react around the table generally too.


Scouts are gold in 8th edition. Period. Place them in the path of the organically fast or things that are about to get witched out fast.


Dedicated Backfield units are gonna make life easier pretty much always also.

LZ denial zones of board control... 9 inches from each model stacks pretty easy but pay heed to those and consider how they fail and fall apart.

A Cheapish Forward screen in your deployment zone to take the hit is also a BIG thing vs some opponents who don't rely on deepstrike.

Nids/Eldar/Chaos w/warptime etc.


I don't have a magic answer.

Always take 3-4x scout units (minimum) and maintain screens (front rear side etc) on anything important is a good maxim tho.


I have found you cannot zone of control it all for more than a moment (without switching to horde army) so plan for that zone failing methinks.



I have been experimenting with using a vehicle shell of rhino/razor screens with troops inside/alongside like strong points.

The ball can set up near/on the rear table edge, leaving the flanks and do alright usually.


Screened with a soft bubblewrap of IG gapped forward and scouts to pin oncoming early rushes.

Like the old Roman Legion field army in multiple mutually supporting lines - results mixed and in need of more playtesting/refinement.

But layered deployment is strong and throughout history relied on strong infantry to decide things when the lines closed.


For instance:


                      scout                  scout

                  IG Troops IG Troops IG Troops

                  Razor  SG SG SG SG   Razor

        Mortars  Razor     *Stuff     Razor  Mortars


^^Just to illustrate my thoughts - not exactly how I do it everytime, but to give you the general idea^^

* Stuff includes cheap Predators+JP support units, or another paired transport (or LR) based section perhaps, IG Arty etc - best center is evolving basically.


The idea is to have the my center and flank forces in range to ZOC and also support for each other with CQC and/or/also shooting.

But not TOO packed amongst units to allow for consolidation problems when the enemy charges.

Ideally I keep a reserve Jump Force to drop screen, avenge the mortar/razor when the enemy drops to the back corner/far flank, press objectives etc also.


Red Thirst makes our sternguard veteran foot infantry good regardless of the situation when they step away from the transports they were sheltering behind.

The empty transports themselves can be great blocking / objective grabbing units in my experience too although buildings mess with this sometimes.

Being vehicles they mess with many screen killing forces by virtue of being tough.

Twin heavy bolter and Stormbolter makes a pretty good razorback for this.

Sternguard pack Gravcannnon or Lascannon to augment the preds or stuff section.


The transports can also be used to advance on a gunline army so you are not always playing static line yourself.

Watch your spacing and deploy differently when undertaking that to prevent getting surrounded etc. (something to consider not sweat over)


The transports also come in handy to block with and advance behind as LOS blocking terrain/buildings becomes more dense on the table.

Although usually LOS isn't an issue.


This idea also allows for more unit points to be on table applying pressure rather than waiting for a LZ opportunity to deepstrike.

w/Vehicle mounted weapons etc. Reserving too much and being all dressed up with nowhere to go is a BA issue to consider I feel anyhow.


We CQC and shoot well. There has to be a way to make this work with a small force of drop cav =)

It is far from perfect so far, but I tinker ever forward =)

IG are not requried just being used right now as they are efficient in a number of ways.


Balancing act for sure and that's where I am at myself right now anyhow.

It is not "just gunline" BA either my Vets get into CQC and use Red Thirst all the time.

Edited by Crimson Ghost IX
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