Skaorn Posted February 18, 2018 Share Posted February 18, 2018 Here is the situation: GW has asked you to expand one of their existing armies with some new blood a la Primaris marines. The units would be part of your base army, not a new faction, but you could make a complete list with only new units. The big problem is coming up with the theme and how to fit them into the background. What would you do? While Chaos Primaris would be easy, I think it would be kinda lazy to just move them over to my army. Sure we can't get plasma cannons or whirlwinds but we have these new guys with brand new toys. So I might go with Orks instead and do the Saruman thing to create scarier Orks. The rational could be that some Ork character saw Primaris and wondered if he could take Orks and turn them up to 11 too. After coming up with some insane system that somehow worked, the idea spread to other Orks. That's just an example though and you don't have to stick with my army, but better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted February 18, 2018 Share Posted February 18, 2018 Well... Orks can't just be generally turned up to 11 - they aren't something that can be adjusted and implanted, but there's some story ideas from GW we've had introduced already for "better" Orks, anything from the new ideas for Orks could simply stem from the idea of a "battle world". Eldar already have "Primaris" Eldar, they just happen to be dead, but that's practically what Wraith constructs already are. Dark Eldar could simply have improved Wracks to be even more juiced. Tyranids have already been improved and are still improving, that's sort of their modus operandi. IG could be "Primaris'd" by simply having some basic genetic alterations or even some of the early gene-seed implants put in, making them mini-Marines. Custodes are basically the Primaris'd Primaris Marines in function on the table top. Mechanicus could simply have bigger Skitarii. Chaos can get Primaris Chaosified. Demons just get bigger demons. Ynnari could get some kind of death god boosted Eldar (maybe they are just mostly dead?) Harlequins could get carnival Wraith constructs. Necrons already have Primaris'd Necrons. Genestealer Cults could get bigger Aberrations. And finally, Tau already have Crisis suits, and even bigger battle suits. Short of them getting genetically modified Fire Warriors or GW delving into some kind of Auxillary, that's pretty much already Tau Primaris'd. I don't think that the Primaris are actually something inserted in the game so that everything else can "catch up" or gain parallel concept units, Primaris are the result of Marines themselves needing to have something inserted so that they can catch up to other armies. Bjorn Firewalker and Firepower 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khulu Posted February 18, 2018 Share Posted February 18, 2018 Well, for AdMech it's easy. They just modify themselves more. For Necrons, though, it'd be a lot tougher. These guys peaked 60 million years ago and haven't changed much since then, so it'd be tough. I'd have to say something unintended, like some mutation or variation of the Flayer virus, that makes their Necrodermis keep "repairing" when it doesn't need to, physically growing them. There could be side effects to justify specific rules changes, like increased aggression or mental deterioration. Wargear changes could happen too; maybe their gauss flayers get absorbed by their new mass and becomes part of them, or it grows in spikes which are useful in close combat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trevak Dal Posted February 18, 2018 Share Posted February 18, 2018 Regarding Eldar constructs, if I recall "strong souls" are used sometimes multiple strong souls in the bigger constructs, why not eldar sized constructs, make em t4 with a 4+ save 6+ fnp? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ishagu Posted February 18, 2018 Share Posted February 18, 2018 Orks turned up to 11 are the best candidates for this. It could be a "Beast" style army where every soldier is the equivalent of a Nob, armed with advanced ranged weapons and superior basic armour, led by a Prime Ork - a general who bolsters the units around him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 18, 2018 Share Posted February 18, 2018 (edited) Won't orks just "evolve" to meet the strong enemy. Mega Warlords like Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka simply become Beasts and the equivalent of primarchs. Nobz are the new boys pretty much. Bigger mek boys etc etc. IG are simply trained better and better logistics due to primarch(s) control of the Imperium. The new guard is a Scion, Scions getter better stats. Bring back the glory of the Solar Auxilia. I agree with Bryan Blair. If Primaris are to replace all SM, it is due to resting the SM as an elite force and not as the standard benchmark. This could be talked to to death, but SM are an elite army and not a benchmark army. Edited February 18, 2018 by Jarl Caldersson Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skaorn Posted February 18, 2018 Author Share Posted February 18, 2018 I'm not interested in competing with Primaris, this is about seeing what new blood could be injected to entrenched armies like they did for SM. My example of Orks would be motivated by the desire to see less goofy looking models. Having the reason for the new models be they're enhanced Orks is simply just stealing more from their source material, LotR. In this case it would be Ork "science" did it. Rather than a wizard did it. Maybe the Necrons are converting other species to be like them, leading to Necron zombies. Maybe the Tau have explorer forces that need to be equipped for a wide range of situations rather than specific ones in the regular military. Maybe the Hive Mind has started stripping mineral resources to experiment with cybernetic tyrranids. Maybe there is a path of Eldar that believes they need to pay penance for their sins. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toaae Posted February 18, 2018 Share Posted February 18, 2018 Orks enhanced would just be crappy fluff. Orks already get bigger and stronger the longer they fight. Just say that with the galaxy deeper into war than ever, and thanks to the spreading of Ghaz's Great WAAAAGH!!!, Orkz have begun appearing as large, seasoned monsters in greater numbers than ever before. Redtoof 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted February 18, 2018 Share Posted February 18, 2018 There are already huge creative and design spaces for almost all the races to inject new material for the army, even for the Eldar races thanks to the Ynnari concept. There is no reason to just make things up based on the Primaris idea, or think that this is the trigger point to think that GW is only adding things to armies now. Even the Orks have already had some "big things" added to their armies prior to the release of the Primaris. If you don't want to give the idea that Primaris are somehow the point, then the title of the thread probably shouldn't be "Primarising your army"... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gentlemanloser Posted February 18, 2018 Share Posted February 18, 2018 (edited) Grey Knights. Only Marines to not have Primaris. Well them and LotD. ;) Edit or Eldar Exodites. Dragon riding Exodites. Edited February 18, 2018 by Gentlemanloser Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kinstryfe Posted February 19, 2018 Share Posted February 19, 2018 How I'd expand the ranges with some changes, not necessarily looking to replicate Primaris exactly but to inject a sort of viable sub-faction. In no particular order, and possibly repeating some of what's been said... Tyranids- Tyranids evolve constantly to conquer challenges of integrate better systems into themselves. I would add some bioforms that are distinct from the rest of the swarm, almost in the vein of the old Zoats. Xenomorphs bred to for diplomacy with life forms that for some reason cannot be overcome by their traditional means. Possibly an enslaved race that is for some reason so unique that it cannot be absorbed like other biomass. Necrons- Necrontyr who have succeeded either in undoing their change to machines, or who have found a way to take over and infect a host with themselves. Possibly some necrons now existing as a virus, more so than a machine. Orks- Options for bigger orks, which is pretty well fluff justified already. Instead of Orks and slightly bigger orks, add units of Orks the size of current warbosses, and warbosses the size of Dreadnaughts. I'd likely also play up the mushroom background somehow, though I have no idea how. I just think it would be neat. Imperial Guard- A lot more options for varied regiments. I will acknowledge that this gets difficult with the modeling aspects, but I feel like the "Astra Militarum" should range from citizens with autoguns and the clothes they were conscripted with to the wealthiest sons of imperial nobility armed with Bolters and Plasma Guns while wearing overly ornate power armour and force fields. Much more potential variety without exceeding the human stat line to represent poor regiments, elite regiments, crusade regiments, scout regiments, and much more variety. Bonus or Drawback: the option to run power armor and Bolters on humans on a crusade regiment could wrap the sisters into the same codex (Codex: Warriors of Humanity?) keeping their rules in date more regularly. T'au- More options for protectorate races. Nuff said. Eldar- Kind of already done with the Ynnari in some ways. I'd honestly almost rather do what people would probably hate and reimagine the current Aeldari as the more unified race they've been becoming, and finally introduce the fallen ones as the new evil Aeldari. Chaos- I'd do several things. First, make a difference between Renegades and Daemonkin. Renegades would be much like they are now, basically spiky Marines, but I would differentiate them from regular Astartes by folding in human Renegades beyond cultists. They'd basically become sort of an evil mashup between current Marines and Guard, representing more newly turned troops and armies. Daemonkin would be the Astartes and cults who are not just against the Imperium, but who actively court the ruinous powers. Your average Chaos Marine would be fused to their armor, swollen with dark powers, and mutated. Their weapons would be a fusion of their old tech and hellforged sorcery, and completely new daemonic weapons. No longer just spiky marines, your average line trooper would be the rival of any Primaris marine. Their leaders would be barely recognizable as Astartes, having as much in common with Daemon Princes as they do their loyal cousins. This is where you have daemon engines, hellspawned monsters, and the ranks of daemonic troops. A Chaos Marine would be to an Imperial Marine what a Daemon Primarch is to a loyal Primarch. Renegade Marines would be bad news. Chaos Marines would be a walking nightmare. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
40Kcollector Posted February 19, 2018 Share Posted February 19, 2018 Aren’t the Orks and Nids eternally fighting over some planet (I forget which) with the orks getting bigger through constant battle and the tyranids evolving to meet them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kinstryfe Posted February 19, 2018 Share Posted February 19, 2018 Aren’t the Orks and Nids eternally fighting over some planet (I forget which) with the orks getting bigger through constant battle and the tyranids evolving to meet them Yes, it was some Inquisitor I think (Kryptman? No idea if that's right) who gambled that it would be better to make them fight each other than to fight them both, with the implication that there will be hell to pay once a super-duper souped up Victor emerges. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firepower Posted February 19, 2018 Share Posted February 19, 2018 Sooo, I'm confused. Is the jist of this thread "How do you want the other factions to expand their ranges?" Because the thread title makes no sense for that premise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KhorneHunter57x Posted February 19, 2018 Share Posted February 19, 2018 Mechanicus could simply have bigger Skitarii. We already have them to a degree - Sicarians are Primaris Skitarii, and Kataphrons are Primaris Servitors. Aren’t the Orks and Nids eternally fighting over some planet (I forget which) with the orks getting bigger through constant battle and the tyranids evolving to meet them Yes, it was some Inquisitor I think (Kryptman? No idea if that's right) who gambled that it would be better to make them fight each other than to fight them both, with the implication that there will be hell to pay once a super-duper souped up Victor emerges. Furor Shield, a Watch Fortress of the Deathwatch, is monitoring the situation and is prepared to intervene once a victor emerges. Bryan Blaire 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sword Brother Adelard Posted February 19, 2018 Share Posted February 19, 2018 Necrons kinda already did this with the now ret-conned Pariahs, they were pretty bad ass. IG could bring back some of the Heresy regiments, like the Geno 52 Chiliad. ( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trevak Dal Posted February 24, 2018 Share Posted February 24, 2018 Sleeker crisis suits would be cool. That's always bothered me about the Tau. I liked their infantry, I liked their vehicles (not non forgeworld planes though,) but the crisis suits are these blocky, cardboard box robot costume things. Some of the art makes them look sleeker. The new kits with the shoulder pad like firewarriors is pretty cool looking, but I got 30 suits, and they don't look that different. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Marshal Posted February 24, 2018 Share Posted February 24, 2018 Imperial Guard already have Storm Troopers, so... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skaorn Posted February 24, 2018 Author Share Posted February 24, 2018 I've always been a Robotech fan so I kind of like Crisis Suits but I admit that the models are showing their age. I was thinking how I might decide to expand the Tau range myself, but wasn't having much luck. My ideas ranged from exploratory forces, conflict weary forces (in constant fighting and did things like weld extra armor), to a brief stop on battle droids. The idea I settled on was a Sept's equivalent to DARPA that is there to test experimental units on the battlefield. I think it would work well with the theme that Tau are always advancing. One idea I was thinking of was Tau experimenting with teleporters (I'm not aware of anything that says they have them and their Warp travel makes me think this isn't likely). Their current limitations with weight and range on transportation mean the Tau can't send Crisis Suits and the unit has to be close to the battlefield. The teleporter unit would be a vehicle you deploy and you would also have access to a unit of FWs in scout armor with teleport homers that allows the teleporter to keep a lock on them. This would allow them to teleport inside a building, sabotage a reactor, and be retrieved. The teleporter could also be used to bomb enemies too. The downside is each time you use it you might loose guys or important pieces of the unit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted March 1, 2018 Share Posted March 1, 2018 Here is the situation: GW has asked you to expand one of their existing armies with some new blood a la Primaris marines. The units would be part of your base army, not a new faction, but you could make a complete list with only new units. The big problem is coming up with the theme and how to fit them into the background. What would you do? Interesting premise! The T'au are an easy start: the army is a prime candidate for expansion through new alien auxiliaries – either a number of units from one species (a la Kroot), or simply lots of different species. You could also have some sort of Halo-style Spartan enhanced T'au; a reaction to Astartes, but approached through science. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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