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Custom Emperors Champion


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Im looking at doing bit more of a custom Emperors Champion, the current GW model is so outdated and old it hurts. Im looking for inspiration or ideas. So if you can upload any pictures of your guys Champion that would be great!


Im currently looking at the FW Sigismund model or the Imperial Fist legion Command unit.






Anyone got any better suggestions?



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Either would work. I'm using the oooooooold Emperor's Champion for the titular role, but I do have both the current EC as well as that Legion Command guy. I actually just yesterday did some touchups on the Legion command model, haven't used him on the tabletop yet. I've actually been having a bit of the same problem with him as with the current official EC in that I can't seem to make the model look as good as it should. I'm giving both of them cloaks as well so that they fit in better with my HQs and power armor elites (running out of cloaks though). Since I don't personally use them as ECs I'm not sure if they'll be lieutenants, chapter/company champions or what.

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I have a fair few emperors champion models in my case atm, The legion command guy is a good model and if you aren't a fan of the arm poses like I was you can repose them super easily but just heating them up. Alternatively you could get the current model and hack the good bits off him and add them to a body or MK of Armour you enjoy most I did this exact thing, added the good bits to the jump pack chaplain, also added some good bits to a biker and made a champ on bike and also changed out another emperors champs body for a MK4 torso and changed the arms around a little. Another option is the legion champion model if you want a unique pose and a miss massed set of Armour I believe its MK3 and MK4 mix there are plenty of options out there brother if you'd like to see what I've done with mine there on my Crusade page I hope this has helped a little!  

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Mine is mostly an OOOLLLDDD metal model with the body belonging to a Sword Brother, the head and sword arm of the EC, the plastic pointing arm from a newer set for a Sergeant, and the Bolt Pistol holster from the BT Upgrade sprue. Images are on The Keeltonian Crusade 1st page if you want a look. I may replace the sword one day, but not anytime soon.


Whatever direction you go, I'll be interested to see it. 

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My force is all Primaris so I want it fit size etc.


Ive also been looking at some the AoS models (the hersey.......). Such as:








Obviously a heavy customisation will be needed to bring them into the 40k universe let alone templar it up! What are peoples thoughts on this? 

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The legion command one suffers exactly the same flaws as the EC model, too thin, too small. They are nearly identical in proportions and size.


True, it can look a bit delicate compared to plastics and such. What's annoying too is that the poses of the two models are so alike, as well. Oh well, at least I got a flag dude for my CF from the command pair, too. But I really do wish FW stuff wasn't so overpriced.

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My force is all Primaris so I want it fit size etc.

Ah well, now that's an altogether different ball game !


I would look at converting from one of the primaris lieutenants with a sword (plain or blood angel), and using a crusader helmet. There are several tutorials on youtube on how to remove the chest eagle to replace it with a more templar-y symbol...


I'm thinking this guy : https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/4/44/PrimarisLieutenant.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170619231024

Replace the hel;et, the sword, the boltpistol hand with a pointed finger hand and you've got something nice going.

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My force is all Primaris so I want it fit size etc.

you could use the Dark angels Lieutenant its got most of the stuff you'll need to look templar like already I converted on up a little while ago the green stuff is a little rubbish but it won't look too bad when primed



I think all you'd need to change is the plas pistol for a bolt one or change the arm ad it'd look good

Edited by DarkCrusader93
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So if you can upload any pictures of your guys Champion that would be great!

You should check out this topic. (I've literally just unarchived it, so if it doesn't come up, come back in an hour.) Many of the links in that old topic are dead, but the topic itself serves as the platform for a showcase of Black Templars Emperor's Champions.


The Palatine Blades have some very interesting bits and poses that might serve as either the basis or a source of bits for a conversion.


The Legion Praetors, too might serve as the basis for a conversion (just the power armoured one, of course - you can swap out his head).


And the Legion Champion also serves as a stong foundation for a conversion (you'd probably want a more appropriate helmet).

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Yeah, wanting Primaris-sized really rules out any regular marine models. The legion champ especially would be tiny by comparison. As has been said, pretty much leaves you with conversions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

EC 1


So sorry to restart this thread, but I was hoping for some feedback.
As mentioned above I want an Emperors Champion to fit with my Primaris force in size and statue, this is my first attempt at a conversion using a Stromcast Eternal. I really like the poses and think they fit the essence of the character perfectly.
This isn't gonna be the end result, but im hoping im going along the right lines.




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Hey that's awesome! Which stormcast model did you base it on? I like the pose a lot.

Just a basic guy i had laying around.


My main aim was to see how difficult it was gonna be to convert him and how the end result actually looked. He's missing a couple of things i don't have laying around, mainly a back pack. But i wanna get some purity seals, and possibly go a step further and change his front tabard/groin cloth thing to a solely fabric one as im not sure on the chain mail at the moment.

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Yer i found hard too, I've kept one of the stormcast shoulder pads and a traditional marine one. I really wanted the armour to look like a relic, im planning to add some battle damage. I like the idea its so old they aren't 100% how to fix it correctly so it looks slightly bodged. It would be cool to see yours.

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Yeah you definitely pulled off the ancient relic look. Was it hard to pose the legs like that or did you get lucky finding a good pose? Mine is in my crusade thread at the top of this page...



Edited by +Chaplain Matthias+
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Was it hard to pose the legs like that or did you get lucky finding a good pose?


The pose is just the stock one from the Liberator champion in the Easy-to-Build set.


Yer that must be the guy, i just had him laying around. They are great models for this sort of thing, im definitely gonna be doing another I think from scratch where all the parts are bought specifically bought for this.

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