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I'm painting my Necromunda bases, and I've been studying manhole and drain covers while I walk around as reference material.


What I have noticed is that the recessed areas pool with orangey rust but the raised areas, constantly being worn by people walking on them and spilt oil etc take on a metallic purple-orange-black colour.


You can see what I mean with a quick Google image search for man hole covers https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=manhole+cover&client=ms-android-huawei&prmd=sinv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjV38Xa8a_ZAhUOesAKHX1rADgQ_AUIEigC&biw=360&bih=524&dpr=3


Does anyone have any ideas as to how to create this kind of colour? I'm currently playing with leadbelcher and washes of druchii violet and nuln oil, but I'm not convinced.

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I think you're on the right track.


Add a little black and purple paint to a bright metallic silver, and apply all over. Now drybrush lightly with the pure silver on its own. Then wash with a little Nuln Oil and Druchii Violet to get some nice shading.


For the rust, I would start by sealing the above with some gloss varnish. Then, thin a nice orangey-brown paint with some water and a dab of Lahmium medium on a palette. Apply the orangey-brown carefully in uneven layers, concentrating on the recesses; use your finger to wipe off any paint from the most raised areas before it dries. A couple of layers of the orange-brown mix will most likely do.


A quicker version of this is to reverse the process: apply the orangey-brown over a black undercoat first, keeping the layers thin and patchy-looking. Then very lightly sponge on the silver-black-purple mix so that it just catches the raised areas only, followed by a very light drybrush of the silver on its own.


That's about it really - you just have to play around a little to get the effect you prefer. :)

Have you considered using either graphite pencil or straight metallic pigment (applied by finger) to the raised areas instead of using a metallic paint drybrushed on?  Or Rub 'n Buff?  Then follow with a very dilute violet wash.


Having followed to the FW Iron Hands scheme, I do think that Druchi Violet does look different over Rub 'n Buff than it does over an equivalent acrylic drybrushed on.

Yeah, regretting having stuck the models down before doing the bases right now, I already did the recesses with a layer of mourning and then some typhus corrosion, planning to do a very runny layer of a trollslayer/brown mix later on. But dry brushing and sponging techniques are a bit of a no-go at the moment so trying for a more painting method. Did a test on a corner of the palette and aiming to try:

Layer of leadbelcher

Edge highlight with genestealer purple

Wash with reikland flesh shade

Wash with nuln oil

Wash with druchii purple

And see how that ends up

Here's how I got on, nb. I plan to go back and add highlights, pick out extra details and so on with the Goliath, but want them useable for now.





Let me know what improvements I could make.

That raises an interesting g point actually, I've never actually bothered with varnishes or sealants after finishing painting. Then again I'm not the biggest player, mostly a painter these days, I also tend to avoid using spray paints and do everything with a brush. I don't think I'd know where to start when it comes to sealing a model to be honest.

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