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Against Ynnari

Commander Ravendark

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I don't know if it is mentioned before so i started this one.


I have no problem with my Blood angels and they are doing so  well for now except agains ynnari.


I know there is a tactic that we can beat ynnari but ı couldn't find it yet and ı think we all gona need that tactics...


I hope you have an idea about that...

Edited by Commander Ravendark
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Ynari are due for a nerf. Stacking key words is unique to them and make for some very broken shenanagins on top of a very hard alderi codex.


In terms of counters? Well you need some death co to forlorn fury into his reapers. Something to shoot down shining spears is a must as well. Chainswords wound most models 2+ so don't blow too many points on spec melee.


It's a fairly uphill road for any army vs a sharp ynari general so play hard be aggressive and hope the dice gods smile upon you. Good luck brother

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Ynnari seem to have been nerfed from laughable game killing broken to end 7th to only mostly broken in 8th.

Everyone seems to be expecting GW to make further changes - I sure hope so from what I have seen and read etc.


Marines vs Eldar has always been a bit rock, paper, scissors and difficult for the marines I feel going back forever really.

I almost feel bad for the Ynnari players who have to beg to get somebody to play them at all currently.


Get to the dark reapers quickly if you can is a thing.


The seers buffing units like shining spears to launch at you are likely a bigger target tho.

Perhaps dropping near them will zone them out from having a place to reserve into to buff and go from?

Disrupt them with your own models where they plan to reserve in and fuel up on buffs I mean.

Dunno if that works in more than theory right now, but should mess up some things for them situationally as a thought to consider.


Killing the wytches used to work back in the day, but I haven't faced them much in 8th myself.

Reading their codex thoroughly and slapping that LVO list into battlescribe for review would likely go miles in giving ideas perhaps.

Something I have not done this edition, but an idea that worked up thru 6th edition anyhow.

You can bet the elf players at your local are doing it already...


I really expect GW to fix the points on the reapers and perhaps Eldar buff casters generally.

I really hope GW reaches out to the player who took the LVO for balance ideas - His team seems to have some considered balance thoughts there.

The Soulbursting is going to be hard to get a handle on as is I am thinking, so place your list building thoughts against that I think.


40k has never been balanced fairly amongst all armies really; would be cool if that changed, tall order tho it seems.

So I think the game somewhat relies on players balancing their collections and scenarios against one another to be more enjoyable generally myself.


Also, Welcome to B&C =)

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Haven't really faced ynnari much, nor have I faced the Reaper spam that seems to be making the rounds on the internet lately. what is a reaper spam actually? A list filled with Spearhead detachments with just reapers?


I thought they reduced the Soulburst to only happening during the Ynnari player turn, and even then, only one type of soulburst (shooting, moving, assaulting) is allowed per turn as opposed to the perpetual chain of unit death. Are they still considered broken even after that?

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Haven't really faced ynnari much, nor have I faced the Reaper spam that seems to be making the rounds on the internet lately. what is a reaper spam actually? A list filled with Spearhead detachments with just reapers?


I thought they reduced the Soulburst to only happening during the Ynnari player turn, and even then, only one type of soulburst (shooting, moving, assaulting) is allowed per turn as opposed to the perpetual chain of unit death. Are they still considered broken even after that?




FLG talking to the LVO champ about his winning Ynnari army. Sounds like soulburst is VERY broken still to me.

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Haven't really faced ynnari much, nor have I faced the Reaper spam that seems to be making the rounds on the internet lately. what is a reaper spam actually? A list filled with Spearhead detachments with just reapers?


I thought they reduced the Soulburst to only happening during the Ynnari player turn, and even then, only one type of soulburst (shooting, moving, assaulting) is allowed per turn as opposed to the perpetual chain of unit death. Are they still considered broken even after that?




FLG talking to the LVO champ about his winning Ynnari army. Sounds like soulburst is VERY broken still to me.

For sure. It’s broken in that it yields upwards of 15+ free command points a game for them. Especially, with Word of the Phoenix making it so they get a free Soulburst in the psychic phase. They need to make it so that the Ynnari keywords interact like the rest of them do. It’s game changing to allow them to keep their Craftworld and Ynnari at the same time. That’s what allows the Shining Spears to move and advance 22”, use the Craftworld specific stratagem to charge after advancing, case WotP to move another 22”, shoot up your high value units, and finally tie everything up in combat.


Fixing that keyword interaction would help.


For now, I’m putting 3 Custodes Shield Captains on jetbikes in my deployment zone within 11” of each of my units, so I can use that strategem to charge during their charge phase and fight first. That may at least cause some hesitation.


Edit: fat thumbs + cell phone = edits.

Edited by Calistarius
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Hope those shield captains pay off Calistarius. =)


It's crazy how broken the elves are still even after the nerf they recieved in the 8th ed codex.


I hope GW still reflects on how broken 40k really was in 7th edition due to codex/formation balance.


I believe they can and are fixing 40k and will make a better game - I myself am still optimistic anyhow.

I actually think they are on the right path with these tourney guys.

Let them break the hell out of the game then make corrections as it happens seems a decent strategy anyhow.


We are all play testing the alpha somewhat, the game is not yet out for a full year =)

Let's hope GW keeps their promise and continues to balance matched play via FAQ etc.


In the mean time maybe refuse to play broken Eldar cheese lists is the best strategy against Ynnari at your local game.

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I’ll definitely let everyone know how they perform!


I also totally agree with you. 7th edition was ridiculous. Everyone that wasn’t a marine or daemon player quit for nearly a year at my LGS. It was ridiculous. I still had fun even without chasing formations. But I didn’t do much competitive play in 7th.


I also think they’re doing great. Aside from what we’ve pointed out with Eldar, I think this is the most balanced game we’ve had in quite some time. Once we get all the codices and a few balancing FAQs things will even out. This edition is still in its infancy. I think replacing formations with stratagems was brilliant. I think they’re on to something here, and hope they keep introducing new ones for each faction with the Chapter Approved books for years to come.


I don’t mind playing against Ynnari. I feel like they’re broken, sure. I also know they can be beaten. We just haven’t found the right combo yet. Remember when the Craftworlds codes dropped and the internet was a raging firestorm because Eldar wasn’t good anymore? That lasted a month. GW will take care of it. I hope they don’t nerf them to oblivion until they’re unplayable.


I have this mindset that there are some armies that are inherently easy or difficult to play/win with. Eldar are the former. They have a lot of quirks, but they don’t have the weaknesses that many of your more difficult factions have. It’s like any RTS. There are easy and hard factions. I think Blood Angels fall under the “normal” difficulty depending on how you play them. There is a learning curve, but with practice and a good general they can be tough as nails. I could go on with each faction, but I doubt anyone agrees.

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Haven't really faced ynnari much, nor have I faced the Reaper spam that seems to be making the rounds on the internet lately. what is a reaper spam actually? A list filled with Spearhead detachments with just reapers?


I thought they reduced the Soulburst to only happening during the Ynnari player turn, and even then, only one type of soulburst (shooting, moving, assaulting) is allowed per turn as opposed to the perpetual chain of unit death. Are they still considered broken even after that?



FLG talking to the LVO champ about his winning Ynnari army. Sounds like soulburst is VERY broken still to me.

For sure. It’s broken in that it yields upwards of 15+ free command points a game for them. Especially, with Word of the Phoenix making it so they get a free Soulburst in the psychic phase. They need to make it so that the Ynnari keywords interact like the rest of them do. It’s game changing to allow them to keep their Craftworld and Ynnari at the same time. That’s what allows the Shining Spears to move and advance 22”, use the Craftworld specific stratagem to charge after advancing, case WotP to move another 22”, shoot up your high value units, and finally tie everything up in combat.


Fixing that keyword interaction would help.


For now, I’m putting 3 Custodes Shield Captains on jetbikes in my deployment zone within 11” of each of my units, so I can use that strategem to charge during their charge phase and fight first. That may at least cause some hesitation.


Edit: fat thumbs + cell phone = edits.



Hopefully they can fix this by requiring the army to be an YNNARI army to gain access to the psychic powers/rules/stratagems, and that doing so removes access to the other Aeldari stratagems. I mean, you shouldn't be able to take a Craftworld army, say it's Ynnari, and get everything that both get. Either you're Asuryani, or you're Ynnari using Craftworld models, you shouldn't get the Asuryani stratagems/powers too.

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Another thing, if you’re worried about the Forewarned stratagem being an issue just deploy most of your jumpers or your heaviest hitter. Then use Wings of Fire to move them into position as well. With RAW they can’t target the unit and you can cause some problems in ther backfield that way.


As for Hemlocks? I’m not sure. With the capability to easily get a -3 to hit modifier to shooting attacks...I’d point Captain Slamguinius at it and hopefully he can delete it before it gives you too much trouble.


I’m not really sure what to tell you about large blobs of Guardians. Just make the best use of terrain that you can.


Against most things Eldar I just try to remember my ABCs....always be charging. I don’t like to try to out shoot them.

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