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Hello fellow true believers.


I'm currently fantasizing about buying a ton of renegade ogryns, and I'm wondering if I've thought of all the possible transport options when using this list:


- Chimera

- Valkyrie


Unfortunately Arvus Lighters can't transport Ogryns (because of course), so I think these are literally our only two options since we don't have access to Stormlords or the huge transports.


Am I missing anything?

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No those are the two options we got. I use them as 4 man squads in chimera, because for me the Valkyrie is too expensive choice for transporting melee units and going out of a chimera is a 9" move basically, better than the 9"+ away drop in my opinion.

It is an option if you use the AM codex...just saying :whistling::wink:


For sure, and I have a semi-built Baneblade chassis for exactly that purpose. I'll probably run them more often as loyalist guard than otherwise.


Buuuut I also want to run Renegades along my Word Bearers and such, so I need the inferior army list options too. :tongue.:

Edited by Juggernut

It's depressing at times when you want to run a traitor guard army and cant even work it besides a chaos one to use halfway decent rules (pfft who am I kidding, running a spearhead of guard tanks it awesome!). But if running solo the AG codex works great. Hell it's what we've done for years before the FW book came out and I'm loosing more hope with FW coming out with a halfway decent guard dex than I am with GW coming up with their own.

Yeah, for sure. Truthfully, I play so seldom that I really enjoy the hobbying more than the game itself.


I cashed in some cashback rewards on a credit card and bought 12 Renegade Ogryns today. :)

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