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So i've been inspired by Thomas Clarke who took a pure Raven Guard list to the UK GT Heat 3 and placed 9th overall. This gives me hope that our chapter can still compete with the best of the soupy crowd. I don't know what list he ran but i saw in another forum that the lists he intended to run look a lot like my own.

At the same time, i've been relooking at the codex and Primaris units in particular to see how i can utilise the codex's potential.

Here is the list i've gotten to:
Battalion Detachment:
Shrike - 150
Captain - Jump Pack, TH, Shield Eternal - 129
Scout Squad - 5 man - Snipers, ML - 96
Scout Squad - 5 man - Snipers, ML - 96
Scout Squad - 5 man - Snipers, ML - 96
Inceptors - 6 man - Plasma - 354
- 921

Battalion Detachment:
Lt - JP, Storm Bolter, Chainsword - 80
Librarian - Sword, Bolt Pistol, JP - 120
Scouts - 5 man - Bolters, HB - 65
Scouts - 5 man - Bolters, HB - 65
Scouts - 5 man - Bolters, HB - 65
Scouts - 5 man - Bolters - 55
Co. Ancient - Relic Banner - 63
Hellblasters - 7 man - Incinerators - 231
Aggressors - 5 man - Autoboltstorm, FSL - 185
Devastators - 5 man - 3 LC, 1 HB - 150
- 1079

Total: 2000
Model Count: 63
CPs: 9 (-1 Relic)

The plan is to spread my scout squads out across the board to both secure landing zones for my reserves and also to deny enemy zones. This is one of our codex's greatest strengths i think, we can call dibs on territory outside of deployment zones better than anyone else.

The sniper teams will be deployed towards the rear whilst the heavy bolter teams will be deployed forwards. I also have a devastator squad with lascannons, a missile launcher and heavy bolter. You'll not that majority of my Scout squads either have heavy bolters or missile launchers too. This is to always be able to use Hellfire Shells/Flakk Missiles.

The second part of the army is my shadowstrike team consisting of the Hellblasters, Aggressors and Ancient. Deployed forwards and centrally using SftS, they will be able to take advantage of first turn if i have it, and if i don't, the ancient will help me ensure that most of my primaris get to shoot before they die. Additionally, if i wanted to kick things into overdrive, i can supercharge my hellblasters and each time they die they get to shoot again! Win win!

The third part of my army are the Jump troops consisting of the Inceptors and the Jump pack Characters. They will be there to delete threats that i couldn't kill with the shadowstrike team. An added bonus is that i can advance the aggressors forward and make space to drop my inceptors within range of the Ancient to maximize shooting.

All in all, i think this is a pretty decent list. It's got strong alpha strike defense, it has the numbers to control ground effectively and it has a lot of threats.

What do you guys think?

Edited by SyNidus

Am I correct on you get absolutely no use from SftS in a list like this?


Not that is a bad thing necessarily, just amusing how less than useful that ability seems to get with the more competitive builds I see.

Actually you've got it completely backwards, SftS will be key because i'll be using it on the Shadowstrike team. The Hellblasters, Aggressors and Ancient will be SftS'd forward into striking range. If i get first turn, i should be able to annihilate whatever is closest with them. If i don't and the opponent tries to wipe out my hellblasters, each casualty will have a good chance of shooting before they die.


Then the Inceptors will come in around the ancient and shoot too!


EDIT: I can understand the confusion though, i think i didn't clarify that the second team will be using SftS to get into position.

Edited by SyNidus

No I think it’s my confusion. I thought infiltrating scouts didn’t count as part of the half of the army that had to start the game on the board.


With six units of scouts there didn’t seem to be any spots lift to bring in units via SftS. Still getting a handle on the new rules as i start modeling

Edited by Inquisitor Dracos

This list looks solid but it also looks like you are leaving command points on the table.  


That inceptor squad could be 2 squads and 1 of those scouts squads could become another fast attack(scout bikers)  You are really close to a brigade.  


Do you have model/cost restrictions?  If you can grab new units I think your list has to be a brigade with virtually the same composition.  

No I think it’s my confusion. I thought infiltrating scouts didn’t count as part of the half of the army that had to start the game on the board.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Concealed Positions means they do start the game on the board. The unit is still placed during regular, alternating deployment, not afterwards like SftS. The rule just allows it to be placed outside of the deployment zone, which is quite different to the old Infiltrate rule.

Nope you're correct. Sorry posted from work and confused my 5th edition rules with this generations :( Which is Awesome, because that means I will have an additional unit to Strike from the Shadows with now :D


This list looks solid but it also looks like you are leaving command points on the table.  


That inceptor squad could be 2 squads and 1 of those scouts squads could become another fast attack(scout bikers)  You are really close to a brigade.  


Do you have model/cost restrictions?  If you can grab new units I think your list has to be a brigade with virtually the same composition.  


I agree he's extremely close to a Brigade but are the points able to be shifted to make it happen and maintain the overall strategy? As of now adding one to each of the Elite, Fast Attack, and Heavy looks tough. +3CP would be nice but so is having a bit more beef in the Aggressor and Hellblasters. I'd definitely min/max the Inceptors though. They can play the same as two squads of three or be used at different points of the field if needed without using a CP to combat squad them

You magnificent bastard.

RG Brigade
Brigade Detachment:
Shrike - 150
Captain - Jump Pack, TH, Shield Eternal - 129
Lt - JP, Bolt Pistol, Teeth of Terra - 78
Aggressors - 5 man - Autoboltstorm, FSL - 185
Co. Ancient - Relic Banner - 63
Co. Veterans - 2 man - Bolt Pistols & Chainsword - 32
Scout Squad - 5 man - Snipers, ML - 96
Scout Squad - 5 man - Snipers, ML - 96
Scout Squad - 5 man - Snipers, ML - 96
Scouts - 5 man - Bolters, HB - 65
Scouts - 5 man - Bolters, HB - 65
Scouts - 5 man - Bolters - 55
Inceptors - 3 man - Plasma - 177
Inceptors - 3 man - Plasma - 177
Scout Bikers - 3 man - TBolters - 75
Hellblasters - 7 man - Incinerators - 231
Devastators - 5 man - 2 LC - 115
Devastators - 5 man - 2 LC - 115

Total: 2000
Model Count: 67
CPs: 12 (-3 Relic)


It will still work because i can have 9 units start on the board and 9 more that will either deepstrike or SftS.

This is the first draft, so i'm very much open to any suggestions you guys might have to increase the effectiveness of this list.

Edited by SyNidus

Something to consider...


You have 3 squads of sniper scouts with ML's.  If you cut those down to bolter scouts with heavy bolters that frees up 90 points.  For 90 points you could get one of the following...


Vindicare Assassin, 90 points

This guy will will actually maybe SNIPE something unlike scout snipers which generally do nothing.


Culexus Assassin, 85 points

Wouldnt this do a lot more in your meta than snipers?  


3 Additional Lascannons into your dev squads, 75 points

Blowing up big nasties is good.  More good is better?  



Is any one of these things better than sniper scouts over bolter scouts?  I think they are all better!

I use a Brigade most of the time and, if I'm honest, I find that the CP are super-useful. I've never really thought about using ML on the scouts but I may add that myself... (Now that I read that, I see how stupid it sounds...)


One of my variations is the following:

Captain: Jump Pack, Plasma pistol, Raven's Fury, Thunder hammer - 121
Captain: Chainsword, Master-crafted boltgun - 77
Captain: Chainsword, Master-crafted boltgun - 77

Vanguard Veteran Squad: Jump Pack, 5 x 2 Plasma Pistols - 160
Vanguard Veteran Squad: Jump Pack, 5 x 2 Plasma Pistols - 160
Vanguard Veteran Squad: Jump Pack, 5 x 2 chainswords - 90

Assault Squad: Jump Pack, 3 x Plasma pistols - 101
Assault Squad: Jump Pack, 3 x Plasma pistols - 101
Inceptor Squad: 3 x Assault bolter - 135

Scout Squad: HB - 65
Scout Squad: HB - 65
Scout Squad: 5x Snipers - 75
Scout Squad: 5x Snipers - 75
Tactical Squad: Plasma, Combi-Plasma - 93
Tactical Squad: Plasma, Combi-Plasma - 93


Devastator Squad: 4 x Lascannon - 165
Devastator Squad: 4 x Lascannon - 165
Hellblaster Squad: 5 x Plasma Incinerators - 165

I find that the Lascannons are always helpful with the potential to devastate something. (Pun not intended, but now welcome).

You know, it's a tough call for me. I've had good experiences with my sniper scout teams. Also, the fact that i almost always have a target with the Fly keyword means those MLs get to spend CPs on Flakk missiles. Likewise, the sniper rifles work alright when i've got enough of them to make a dent.

That being said, more Lascannons is definitely tempting. This is something i'm going to have to try out. I am concerned about putting the Lascannons on the devs though, because they would be a bigger target than they already are.

The other options i'm going to ignore for now. Trying to keep this pure Raven Guard.


That's a pretty cool list Cordova! How do you find that 5 man Hellblaster squad working out for you? How do you use them and how have they performed?


I played a game yesterday using our Brothers from Ultramar and their Primarch (helping a friend for a tournament). I used lots a small Dec squads with Lascannons and Cherub, along with heavy bolters and missile launchers here and there. There was also 10 sniper scouts with Telion and a lieutenant to support them.


As usual, the dev did quite well and doubling the shots for a turn on a signum guided Lascannon is really helpful. CP numbers are important too, so I think it was great move to make this list into a brigade. We can't all have a Primarch that gives CPs for free!


Lastly, I think snipers can be great. If they're supported by a lieutenant at least, you can reroll some misses and turn those into mortal wounds. And being able to target characters is quite good in this edition.

Edited by jpwyrm


That being said, more Lascannons is definitely tempting. This is something i'm going to have to try out. I am concerned about putting the Lascannons on the devs though, because they would be a bigger target than they already are.


That's a pretty cool list Cordova! How do you find that 5 man Hellblaster squad working out for you? How do you use them and how have they performed?




Cheers man!

I find that the Lascannons are always a super target draw but you I tend to use the Captain/Assault Squads to bubble them somewhat - especially to avoid alpha striking. As I put them in cover, they usually have the benefit of both RG and +1 to save - making them somewhat harder to remove. Also, as I basically saturate one thing at a time, they kill something first. Thinking about it though, I may try some ML in the next few games...


I find the 5 man Hellblasters fine. I almost always SftS them close to something I want removing...it dies, then my opponent has to go for them or they will continue to shoot up the backfield.


The thing about the list, in general, is that it has built in redundancies - everything is built up to do a job - then it is expendable. Our Chapter Tactics help in this regard, everything needs just that little bit more to remove it. The other variation of that list is dual claw VV, not the plasma pistols. That also works well as everyone hates them so tend to focus on that too. The Brigade's extra CP give you some flexibility to adapt with the good stratagems we have.

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