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Hello there, 


I'm but an humble Emperor's Children player, and like all Emperor's Children i want to keep going to the next step of my army : Adding Slaanesh Daemon. 


Right now I'm in a strugle about the colors for my army, and I need some help. 


First thing first, this is my colors scheme : 






Plz excuse the :cussty pictures..


So a pre-heresy standard colors scheme, deep purple with flamboyant gold, bright silver, desatured white base and pink flesh for contrast (some of this heads need more work, the noise marine in second rank bare headed is what i aim) and a little opposition with green on those leaves. There is also black (not so much on those noise marine but other models will have more) and white (shoulder pads  on all the elite sloot like Terminators, possessed, HQ).

And because it's Chaos, it's Slaanesh more bright colors. But with some delicacy for we, human, aren't true servent of the Dark Prince(ss ?). You can see some blue (I will eventually go with  more OSL) for the sonic weaponry ; I will add touchs of yellow-orange for lascanon, red in cultist hair.


So now, Daemon. As you can see I insist on keeping a color theme, a link for all my units to be coherent as an army. So no crazy multicolors models but i do want to get different colors depending on the daemon : the standard "Daemonettes" skin (for daemonette and daemonic CSM), a seeker colors, furies of Slaanesh colors. 


I want basic daemonette to be seductive and strange and accord well with my space marine (knowing than some units like Daemon prince or possessed will have "daemonic" skins part. 

Can't go full red because that's Khorn, neither full bright blue or pink (Slaanesh), obviously not green neither.


I dislike the official desatured greyish purple theme with daemonette hides, druchii violets, slaanesh grey..

I find the (un)official color theme great. Yea this one : 




But that's clearly not the official GW colors. So if someone know how to make this daemonettes ? 


And then, this army caught my eyes : 





A bright violet with some blue. 


If someone know how to make those colors it'll be great ! Or if you got other colors idea. 

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I actually got pretty close to the official look with the Daemonette Hide Base, and Warpfiend Grey on the layer. After, hit it with some good Druchii Violet for shading, but then I'll go back over the broad and raised areas with a watered down Warpfiend Grey again. After that I go with Slaanesh grey, and I pretty much hit that onto every surface that I don't want to have the purple pop (whether that's a ridge or recess). Finally, I'll edge just the tiniest bit with a watered down Ulthuan Grey for any bits that are supposed to look extra pale.


I only painted a single commissioned model with this scheme, but it gets that close-enough to the official scheme. I suspect the official scheme worked in LOTS of painting layers for the paler bits. My version differed in that there was just a slight bit more purple hue to the pale regions, while the ridges and protruding bits (where I used the Ulthuan) had a bit more of a bone look.

I actually got pretty close to the official look with the Daemonette Hide Base, and Warpfiend Grey on the layer. After, hit it with some good Druchii Violet for shading, but then I'll go back over the broad and raised areas with a watered down Warpfiend Grey again. After that I go with Slaanesh grey, and I pretty much hit that onto every surface that I don't want to have the purple pop (whether that's a ridge or recess). Finally, I'll edge just the tiniest bit with a watered down Ulthuan Grey for any bits that are supposed to look extra pale.


I only painted a single commissioned model with this scheme, but it gets that close-enough to the official scheme. I suspect the official scheme worked in LOTS of painting layers for the paler bits. My version differed in that there was just a slight bit more purple hue to the pale regions, while the ridges and protruding bits (where I used the Ulthuan) had a bit more of a bone look.


Thanks for this sharing this recipe. By any chance do you have any pictures of your models ? 


Anyone got an idea for painting the way of the last pictures ? Maybe the same recipe with Guilliman blue instead of Druchii violet ? 

I may be wrong, but it looks like that skin tone is done with washes over a white undercoat.


If you have a spare (or metal) model, it might be worth spraying it white and trying some washes over it afterwards to see what colour effects you like.


Details like the dappled skin markings can be painted on in a suitable dark colour before the washes, so that the washes blend them into the skin a little bit.


A big advantage with this style of painting is speed, but an equally big drawback is that any slips or mistakes with other colours painted over later are harder to correct.


Anyway, it you like the look, it's certainly worth a go. :smile.:





The painting company is Top Miniatures, based in Romania,. They also have a facebook page here, and I'm sure they'd help you if you contact them directly?

Edited by Major_Gilbear

Probably possible to achieve similar with white basecoat and purple wash, but  that looks like layering/blending on the skin rather than washes to me. I'd go with a Vallejo Model Colour Violet basecoat and add the off white of your choice for succesive layers on the raised parts. 

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