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Abbadon and dual Scorpius tanks


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Someone had expressed interest in combining Abbadon's re-rolls with a Hellforged Scorpius tank. I ran Abbandon and two scorpius tanks in a recent tournament. Unfortunately the tournament was called early for a blizzard, but in the one round I got to play they did extremely well together.


If you are unaware, a scorpius is a whirlwind variant from forgeworld. It gets to shoot twice if it doesn't move, and it weapon doesn't need line of sight to hit. It's a bit stronger than a heavy bolter and shoots 3 to 9 times every time it fires. It has better AP than an autocannon and does 2 damage per hit. 

So a pair of these shoots 12 to 36 shots per turn if they don't move, hitting on 3+, re-rolling all misses if they are close enough to Abbadon, and they don't need line of sight.


Every turn they fired they either completely destroyed a unit, or killed enough stuff that the remaining models ran away. I was playing against World Eaters, and my opponent brought units of 15 chaos marines, a unit of 5 warp talons, 5 terminators with a terminator lord, and a large unit of berzerkers.


The scorpius' (scorpiuses?) tended to kill 1-2 terminators every time they fired (2 damage each!), the pair killed enough marines from the chaos marine squads each turn they both fired at one, that the rest of the marines fled. They wiped the raptors and berzerkers in one turn of firing.


Some math, one scorpius is going to get an average of 12 shots if it doesn't move. 8 will hit on average. Against most infantry in the game they will wound on 3+, for 5 and 1/3 wounds. Against terminators, 2 and 2/3rd go through armor, each killing a terminator with 2 damage. Abbadon allowing re-rolls of all misses adds another .88 wounds through terminator armor.


TL;DR: A pair of these tanks combined with Abbadon will statistically kill 7 terminators/Hellblasters a turn without line of sight from 48" away. Or just delete a 10 man squad of regular marines in cover. Say those Devestators you want to kill.

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Yeah, cultists are pretty hardcore around him. And when they die off, which they will, you can always Tide of Traitors if need be.


I wouldn’t mind trying this out with my BL but my only gripe is Abaddon’s cost to be sitting back and cheering on his artillery. One of my buddies does this with his WE and has Khârn sitting back with tanks...so that’s a bit weirder. I wonder if a lord would be a better/cheaper value.

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That's actually what I was doing during the tournament I played in. I figured Abbadon was a bit expensive but he was basically replacing both a Chaos Lord and a Dark Apostle. He is also a good melee deterrent, in that there are few things who want to get closer to Abbadon. I paired him with 6 Khorne berzerkers to help keep the tanks safe, while the cultists drew fire and kept things from deep striking too close.

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Coincidentally, I’ve been looking at the Scorpius stats recently and I like the look of it...a lot. This thread is not helping my wallet :D

I might buy a loyalist plastic whirlwind and convert it into a possessed/noise-Marine one.

And perhaps a cheap lord to babysit it and my Havocs.

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