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The Armoured Fist, List

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The recent threads about how to make a melee orientated army work had me thinking, what about our other speciality? The armoured spearhead. It's often been said that when the crusade needs to we all mount up and go convoy. But what would a fairly competitive 2k tank heavy list look like?


I saw someone on here run a particularly cheesy Vanguard detachment of 5 Land Raiders and a Marshal on bike for re-rolls with good results against an IG armoured force. Also, a recent battle of my own against an armoured Eldar force went badly for me so it could be viable.



Edited by Brother Adelard
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My initial idea:




- Helbrecht

- Captain: MC Boltgun, Poweraxe

- Lieutenant: MC Boltgun, Poweraxe



-Crusaders: Plasma, Lascannon, SB: Combiplasma, Chainsword

-Crusaders: Plasma, Lascannon, SB: Combiplasma, Chainsword

-Crusaders: Plasma, Lascannon, SB: Combiplasma, Chainsword



- Vanguard (10) 5 SB: 2x Chainsword, 2 SB: Chainsword, Powersword, 2 SB: Chainsword, Stormshield, SB (Sgt) Thunderhammer, Chainsword


Heavy Support:

- Land Raider Crusader



- 3x Razorback: Twin Heavy Bolter


Spearhead Detachment:


- Techmarine: Boltgun, Poweraxe, Servoarm


Heavy Support:

- Predator Annihilator: Lascannons

- Predator Destructor: Heavy Bolters

- Predator Destructor: Heavy Bolters


Should be 2000 on the point.

The Killshot stratagem is sooo good on HB/AC Predators, it justifies the investment imo. Also, there are not that many drops with all units mounted up. The greatest downside is few troops to contest those nasty objective huggers like nurglings, then again there is a good amount of firepower for hordes as well as anti tank. You might wanna swap one Razorback squad and some weapon options against a larger Crusader squad in a rhino for more dakka. The vanguard and Helbrecht should be a lethal cc component to run interference.

This is quite close to what i intend to build my crusade to, so bias there.

Also Razorbacks are overall more efficient than Preds i think, but the look on an enemy's face when you announce killshot with 2dmg heavy bolters is priceless :D

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I had a play with what I actually have modelled, (well, the second predator is on the sprue.)


I'd envisage the crusaders all transported up. (6+8 with the Champion and Castellan in the Crusader)

Drop in the Terminators for fun.


++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [84 PL, 1438pts] ++


**Chapter Selection**: Black Templars


+ HQ +


Captain on Bike [6 PL, 107pts]: Master-crafted boltgun, Power lance, The Crusader's Helm, Twin boltgun


The Emperor's Champion [4 PL, 75pts]


+ Troops +


Crusader Squad [9 PL, 101pts]

. 3x Initiate

. Initiate w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter

. Initiate w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun

. Sword Brother: Chainsword, Boltgun


Crusader Squad [9 PL, 120pts]

. 3x Initiate

. Initiate w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter

. Initiate w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun

. Sword Brother: Plasma pistol, Power fist


Crusader Squad [9 PL, 101pts]

. 3x Initiate

. Initiate w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter

. Initiate w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun

. Sword Brother: Chainsword, Boltgun


Crusader Squad [9 PL, 124pts]

. 6x Initiate w/Chainsword

. Initiate w/Heavy Weapon: Power axe

. Sword Brother: Combi-flamer, Power sword


+ Elites +


Terminator Assault Squad [12 PL, 217pts]

. Terminator Sergeant

. . Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield: Storm shield, Thunder hammer

. 2x Terminator w/THSS: 2x Storm shield, 2x Thunder hammer

. 2x Terminator w/x2LC: 2x Lightning Claw (Pair)


+ Heavy Support +


Land Raider Crusader [16 PL, 343pts]: Hunter-killer missile, 2x Hurricane bolter, Multi-melta, Storm bolter, Twin assault cannon


+ Dedicated Transport +


Razorback [5 PL, 122pts]: Hunter-killer missile, Storm bolter, Twin assault cannon


Razorback [5 PL, 128pts]: Hunter-killer missile, Storm bolter, Twin lascannon


++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [29 PL, 563pts] ++


**Chapter Selection**: Black Templars


+ HQ +


Lieutenants [4 PL, 88pts]

. Lieutenant: Plasma pistol, Thunder hammer


+ Heavy Support +


Predator [9 PL, 190pts]: Twin lascannon, Two Lascannons


Predator [9 PL, 158pts]: Hunter-killer missile, Predator autocannon, Storm bolter, Two Heavy Bolters


Vindicator [7 PL, 127pts]: Storm bolter


++ Total: [113 PL, 2001pts] ++

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In terms of armor, you sadly can't do much worse than Vindicators. I'd look elsewhere if you have alternative models available.


Would you consider Ravens within the category of an armored assault? A Raven and a Raider together can put out grotesque damage, though you eat up points quickly. Arm the Raven with hurricanes, HB and TLAC, and you have two horde shredding beasts. Throw in the 3 Predators for Killshot and you've got a solid shooting presence.


Though not quite what I would call part of an armored assault in terms of tanks, an armor heavy list suits Dreadnoughts well. They put in work, can be effective for a reasonable price, and further confuse target saturation.


Oh, and never forget Hunter Killers ;)

Edited by Firepower
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The Vindicator is a disappointment true, but that is almost all of my tanks. (I do have another Land Raider Godhammer, but in this list its heavy bolter turret is what makes the second Razorback)


I may be able to shave off some points elsewhere and replace the Vindicator with a dread. I have a relic Contemptor in the pipeline with twin autocannon, but it'll be far more expensive than the Vindicator.


I absolutely count flyers as potential candidates for the list, I just don't have any built. (I dislike the Storm Raven as it is. And it seems that ChapterHouse have properly copped it now, I won my PayPal dispute without a reply.) I have a plan for a Storm Talon as well. Unfortunately for all of these projects I'm holding them until their respective weeks in Blood and Zeal!

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I can't help but feel the Talon is overpriced, especially after the point hike on TLAC. Hopefully the next update adjusts the Talon and LRC costs, since the change was meant to target Razor spam :P


Anyway, I heartily recommend a Bike Marshal with the fancy hat for armored lists.

Edited by Firepower
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FancyHat Marshall in General amazing. I have been playing with him working with Warlord Traits awhile back makes him even better. Through mechanically speaking I prefer JumpMarshall so he leap buildings and ignore terrain during the charge. Also something something equal Neo/Init (or close too).


More seriously, I have been meaning to try the triple Raider-Crusader List. 3 Crusaders, 1 15 Man, 14 Man, 1 13 Man, in LRC. Be able 1500 Points before and 1750 with. Basically only leaving Points for 2 Devies or 2 Reivars. But damn if it wouldn’t be fun.

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That's why I built him! I'm tempted to build the remaining two jetbikes as 'counts as' attack bikes or Speeders, I like what Rogue has done to his jetbike and it would get me past my massive lack of fast attack options.

It's a shame the relic range doesn't apply to the warlord traits as well, that would be awesome.

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I've used a decidedly un-templar shooty Armored list a lot at local tournaments. It has done reasonably well. 3 Preds (2 Destructors 1 Annihilator), 3 Autocannon Dreadnoughts, 2 Stormtalons with Lascannons. Captain, lieutenant, tech marine. 3 5 man crusader squads with Lascannons, 2 Scout squads with heavy Bolters (deep strike denial / T1 Deny the Witch bubbles)


Everything but the scouts huddle up and shoot shoot shoot. The characters can jump into melee when things get close. Autocannons do a ton of work this edition, and the predators with killshot are amazing, especially with all those rerolls.


Against, very un-templar. But if I'm going to a tournament I need to use what's good. I've got plenty of other games to play fluffy lists.

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