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Noob Dark Angels and things


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Well after going back to the drawing board and sitting down and thinking, I've decided to actually go with the Dark Angels as I like their fluff! so I started painting the start collecting box and started with the tactical marines. Only done the legs and torso's so far but I've done more in two days since I got interested again in the hobby than Id done these last few months as I've just got a new desk to paint on. I was leaning down on a little drawer before and the angle my body was at was hurting my back and was very uncomfortable. Anyway here's some progress shots 



Started with a black matt primer and then 2 basecoats of Caliban Green






Then a wash of Nuln Oil all over which I've not taken pictures of!!


Then the chest plates on two were just drybrushed with Leadbelcher




while the others chestplates were basecoated with Zandri Dust then a shade of Seraphim Sepia followed by a layer of Ushabti Bone and then drybrushed with Screaming Skull






Also had a play about with some cork  for bases




I can now start getting into painting up my army/ies!!!


all c&c welcomed







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So these 5 helmets have taken me 2hrs to do!!! Hardest bit of painting I've ever done in my life. Those eyes are so small and I'm using a W&N Series 7 000. Very difficult.











Obviously got the arms and backpack to do and I'm gonna try and give them some edge highlights as well :wacko.:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've just about completed my first Dark Angel just got a few edge highlights to do and the base then I think he's done.




And also Primed my crashed lander from the Battle for Macragge box. One piece needs biostripping and isn't in the picture for that reason.






And also been tinkering with cork and bases and flock and came up with a couple of mossy bases



undercoated with Abaddon black




then drybrushed with dawnstone




then some sand was glued on




then I added a drab legion wash




and finally added citadel grass




Hopefully over the weekend I'll be able to get some Primaris marines done all depending on if I get time.

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Started on some Primaris Dark Angels and nearly finished my first one. I'll do the base tomorrow when I have more time. First time I've tried edge highlighting, hpefully with a bit more practice I'll get a lot better at it. Oh yeah gonna see if I can add a transfer to the shoulder pad then decide what company they will join.





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Right I think he's finished at last unless i should paint round the base? what say you?


So I followed the blood bowl basing tutorial for this. Starting with Citadel coarse sand I PVA glued the base then dipped the mini in the pot of sand.



Next after waiting for it to dry I painted it with a heavily watered down dteel legion drab



followed by a dry brush of tyrant skull and then PVA glued citadel grass by using the same technique as the sand.



Finally added some transfers using Microsol and Microset. I'd never done this before ever and had to watch atutorial on youtube but I really think it adds to the mini and will definitely be using these again. O and added a tuft of grass aw well.





And here is a comparison of my progress in 3 months.I've not really done much as I'm seriously SLOOOOW but I think I've improved and with more practice will keep improving.



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  • 2 weeks later...

SoI've been painting the Primaris ancient along with the standard and really not sure what colour to paint the Laurel on it?? I've done the skulls bone or they will be bone once I've finished it and also the parchment under the large skull is gonna be bone coloured too. so any suggestions for the Laurel?



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I'm not gonna win any Golden Demon awards any time soon but I'm happy with my Primaris Ancient and how the banner turned out.





Got to finish the base on this dude and his eyes, plus add a few transfers onto his right shouldr pad then he's done. And hopefully I'll start picking up the pace with regards to painting as these three marines have taken me over a month to paint. Not sure why I'm so slow.




A group shot



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Just about finished the Gravis Captain just got a transfer to apply. Taken me since yesterday to do this dude and was ajoy to paint although putting him together afterwards :censored: 








I'm getting there slowly.

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Nice work man! What colours did you use for the purple? It suits the colour scheme really well

I went with the magenta colour scheme on the citadel app mate. I thought everyone does bone coloured capes with DA but I really fancied going with a dark red or purplish colour.


Cheers by the way too.

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