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Small Tournaments 750-1000pts


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I won a local 750pts tournament last night. Restriction was Patrol Detachment only and no special chars.



I showed up with:


Iron Warriors


Demon Prince, Wings, pair of claws, slaanesh, IW Armour, Warptime, IW Warlord Trait giving fearless 6"


39 Cultists, Slaanesh


3 Obliberators, Slaanesh


9 Havocs, 4 Lascannons, Slaanesh



The demon prince stood in the middle of the Cultists providing fearless and pushed them forward with warptime. At the time they took too many losses I used the Tide of Traitors strategem.


To make it short- it was pretty devasting, tabled two enemies (Guard and Black Templar) and left a third with only a razorback.


Does anyone else have to share some experiences at these points levels and some other nice lists?

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Iron warrior DP + cultists can do work. I usually don't have wings on him because he just marches in the cultist donut formation (yum cultists, I say he eats the ones that fail moral). I am glad to hear the lascannon havocs performed well. Did they use the shoot twice stratagem?

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Cultist bomb at sub-1000 is incredible. It's good at higher levels, but the pure damage output is intense at lower level games, especially if you're not facing armoured lists. My optimised 1000pt list for a CSM patrol would be something like


Alpha Legion

Chaos Lord


2x40 Cultists, MoS

1-2 Dakkadreads

Khorne Berzerkers maybe?


I'd take two groups of Cultists purely because I can infiltrate and absolutely flood the table (and I don't like the CP-intensity of autopass morale and recycle). Good luck deep striking into a 4x4' table with 80+ models on one side.

Edited by ChazSexington
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God, those lists look vicious :biggrin.:
I was struggling with writing a 1k list for a small store tournament these last weeks.
I endeavor to play pure WE, so that is not the most optimal thing right off the bat :wink:
After some deliberation I finished in the middle after tabling opponent 2 (new 'Nid) and 3 (Be'lakor + Bloodletters + Crushers).

List was:
DP on foot w/ Talisman of Burning Blood
Dark Apostle

2x Berserkers, icon, chainaxe + chainsword, 1x power sword

2x Rhino

10 Cultists w/Pistol + CCW
Helbrute, fist + mutimelta
Predator w/AC and hvy bolters

First game I lost by points vs Orks: He Da Jump'd in my backfield with 30 Boyz and chewed up my DP in turn 1, netting him First Blood and Slay the Warlord. I killed his Nobs on foot, Banner bearer, the mob that killed my DP and 3 Killa Kans, staying out of the way of his remaining 30 Boyz with Warboss.

The idea behind my list was that a) I play WE, including holy numbers, with b ) a decent number of CP (bataillon, Zerks are troops already anyway) and c) that there is potential to delete blobs. The Predator also worked a charme, killing Tyranid Warriors and Bloodcrushers with his AC while providing heavy bolters for the smaller infantry, and the Zerks where fantastic in deleting Boyz and Genestealers. With +1 to wound they were even able to hurt Be'lakor after being decimated.

I felt like I lacked mobility, so since the next tournament was upped to 1250pts I'm gonna add 2x5 Raptors with 2x plasma gun and 2x plasma pistol each and 3 Bikes with 2x flamer and combiflamer, as well as switching the DP for an Exalted Champion w/ power sword (Murder Sword?) and Chaos Lord w/ jump pack, combiplas, claw.

I'm a little worried about multiple high T targets - I don't have much in the way of dealing with that, and last year some people showed up to the last rendition of the upcoming tournament with such things as a Knight or pure Dreadnoughts in 1000pts :biggrin.:


Edited by EL_duderino
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